Chapter 1 ~ Nightshade Academy

Chapter 1 ~ Nightshade Academy

            “My life is officially over,” I muttered as I stared out the car window through my aviator shades, watching the trees fly by in a blur of autumn oranges and reds.

            “You did this to yourself, Ashlyn,” my Dad growled from the driver’s seat. I rolled my eyes as I ground my teeth together in a successful attempt to bite back the snarky remark that simmered at the back of my throat.

            “It was Sarah’s fault. She shouldn’t have pissed me off,” I murmured instead, still glaring out the window instead of at my dad. I didn’t have to look to know that Dad’s jaw was clenched tightly in irritation.

            “You don’t seem to understand how badly you screwed up. Not only have you embarrassed yourself, but you’ve also embarrassed me,” he snapped angrily. “It doesn’t look good when the Beta has a daughter who can’t control her anger.”

            “Sarah freaking tripped me! I saw her stick that fat leg of hers out.” I felt my fists tighten as I remembered the end of last year’s affair. Sarah Courtland tripped me in the cafeteria at school and made me fall face first into my lunch. After years of her abuse, I couldn’t take it anymore and I lost control of my wolf when she forced herself through my skin. It wasn’t necessarily my fault that Sarah ended up in the emergency room.

            “That doesn’t matter, Ash!” Dad hissed, his knuckles turning white from gripping the steering wheel so tightly. “I had to make up lies to get you out of it. You’re just so effing lucky that not many people saw you shift or else the entire pack would be in jeopardy.”

            “I still don’t see why you’re sending me off to some stupid boarding school in the middle of nowhere,” I grunted.

            “Nightshade Academy happens to be the best place for teens who don’t know how to control themselves,” he scorned. “And if you lose it, which I won’t be surprised if you do; no humans will be around to call reporters.” He added with venom laced in his words. I growled at his hostility towards the situation. It wasn’t that big a deal.

            “Whatever,” I snarled; adjusting myself in my seat so that I comfortably faced the window while placing my back towards Dad.

            “Hope you’re not getting comfortable over there because we’re here,” he claimed and when I turned to howl a remark at him I took notice to the towering iron gates before us, sharp spikes standing guard and threatening any possible intruders. The car pushed through the rusted black gates and drove up a gravel driveway that wound even further into the thickening forest. As we rounded the corner, I watched with wide eyes as a large brick building slowly began appearing on the top of the hill. Large white columns supported the front of the structure, holding up the black shingled roof. The ebony trim gave the entire building a haunting look, crimson red curtains peering out from the slightly dusty windows.

Dad slowed to a stop in front of the stone stairs that led up to a pair of grand, black mahogany doors. “Nightshade Academy, Boarding School for Midnight’s Children,” Dad stated as he climbed out, leaving me alone in the car until I forced myself out, my eyes not leaving the intimidating structure.

            “You have got to be kidding me,” I grumbled, pushing my sunglasses up so that they rested on top of my head.

            “Nope, this is where you’ll be spending the next three years of high school,” Dad informed almost cheekily. When I processed what he said I spun on my heel to growl at him.

            “Next three years?” I asked, making sure I had heard him right. He nodded as he pulled my bags out of the trunk and dropped them by his feet.

            “Ah, Mr. Grey, let me give you hand with those,” a feminine voice offered from behind. I glanced back to see a woman no older than thirty standing at the top of the stairs, her black hair held back into a tight bun and her blue eyes drowning in authority. Two men appeared from behind her and went for my bags, lifting them up with ease and carrying them inside. I watched with careful eyes as the woman climbed down the steps towards us, a wide smile playing her dark scarlet lips.

            “Welcome Ashlyn to Nightshade Academy,” the woman announced. “My name is Hecate, Headmistress of Nightshade,” she greeted, holding out a milky white hand. I cautiously shook it, a pinprick of sheer ice stabbing my palm.

            “It’s just Ash,” I corrected, but she simply smiled at me before shifting her gaze up to my dad.

            “Don’t worry Mr. Grey; Ashlyn is quite safe in our hands.” Hecate assured warmly, ignoring my request completely.

            “It’s not her safety I’m worried about,” Dad chuckled, making me roll my eyes. He placed a hand on my shoulder, forcing me to look up at him. “You behave, love you,” he said, kissing my forehead before he retreated back to the car. He barely hesitated before he leisurely drove away, leaving me alone with the headmistress.

            “Well, Ashlyn, why don’t I escort you to your dorm? Classes start tomorrow so you best be well rested,” she said as she started towards the doors. Hesitating for a moment, I followed behind her into the darkness of the school.

            “So, what kinds of creatures of the night go here?” I asked lazily, staring at a few school pictures that exhibited all sorts of interesting looking people.

            “Well, we house just about all species. Some of which are werewolves, like yourself, witches and warlocks, Hell Hounds, shifters of all kinds, and vampires,” she listed casually as she continued to lead me through the great building.

            I flinched. “Vampires?” My canines elongated and I felt my wolf force her way through at just the mention of the feral enemy of my kind. Those bloodsucking demons didn’t have any right at all to be walking the same grounds as a werewolf.

            “Yes, Vampires, and I expect you to coexist peacefully while you are attending Nightshade,” Hecate warned, her red heels clicking against the black marble floor. I shoved my hands furiously into my pockets; no way was I going anywhere near one of those… animals.

            “What kinds of classes are offered?” I murmured in a nonchalant attempt at changing the subject.

            “Your father and I have already sorted that out. Everything you need is already in your dorm, including your uniform.”

            “I’m sorry,” I laughed amusingly while pausing in my tracks. “It sounded like you said uniform.”

            “I did and it is mandatory that you wear it every day,” the headmistress said as she glanced back at me. I cursed under my breath before continuing to trail behind Hecate. She led me through another pair of doors which met a stone walkway that was lined with dark, looming trees. “You’ll be staying in the Lupus House with the other werewolves,” Hecate told me as a black wooden building became visible through the trees. She continued to lead me up the two wooden steps and into an entry room, a midnight blue rug covering the oak floors. A grandfather clock ticked loudly in the corner between the wall and the stair case, the pendulum keeping a steady rhythmic sway. The walls were painted a misty grey, just like the moon on a clear night.

            “Ashlyn,” Hecate called down. I hadn’t even realized that she had continued up the stairs where she was waiting patiently for me to join her. I scurried up the stairs just as Hecate turned down a hallway that was lined with doors. A few people were hanging in the doorways of their dorms or leaning against the walls and talking with each other, but all talking ceased when I walked past them. “Miss Grey, you are dorm room 207,” Hecate informed me as she unlocked the last door on the right before handing me the key. I shoved it safely into my pocket before walking into the small dorm. It was nothing too special, but not bad compared to other ones I’ve seen.

            “A bed, bath, and kitchen are included in every dorm, along with a small walk-in closet and a lounging area.” I walked into the bedroom to find two twin beds pressed against one wall, a wooden side table and lamp sitting in-between and a doorway leading into the closet on the farthest side of the room. Across from the beds was another cracked door that led to the full bathroom completed with a sink, shower, toilet, mirror, and full body mirror. I retreated back into the first room, taking in the tiny but livable kitchen and living room that consisted of a cushioned chair, a matching loveseat, and a decent sized TV.

            “Well, Miss Grey, what do you think?” Hecate asked. I shrugged as I plopped down on the couch and looked up at the tall, pale woman.

            “Not bad,” I confessed, sprawling out on the loveseat. She half smiled as she joined her hands in front of her.

            “Good. Now classes start at eight-thirty tomorrow morning. You’re uniform is in the closet and I’m sure your luggage is too. Please make yourself at home and I encourage that you introduce yourself to your neighbors.” She went to leave, but before she could escape out the door I asked a final question.

            “Where’s my roommate?”

            “For the time being you don’t have one. But that can change any day, Miss Grey, so don’t get used to it,” she flashed a quick smiled before she slithered into the hall, closing the door tightly behind her. I grinned to myself in relief; no freaking roommate that has to come along and make everything worse! Nightshade Academy might not be the worst place ever.

I jumped when a fist pounded against my door. Silently groaning, I staggered to my feet and lazily opened the door to reveal a boy and a girl standing in the hallway in front of my door, the boy smiling warmly while a smirk was carved into the girl’s face.

            “What’s up, newbie?” the girl grinned, crossing her lace covered arms.

            “The name’s Ash,” I replied plainly, leaning against the doorframe.

            “I’m Wesley,” the boy introduced with a smiled. His chocolate hair hung messily in front of his blue eyes, his pink lips lined with dark stubble. “Saw you moving in, thought we’d introduce ourselves.”

            “Jade,” the girl claimed, her green eyes glinting mischievously. “Yeah, what he said.” She pointed up at Wesley with her thumb. “Anyway, what they got you in for?”

            “Attacked a girl in school,” I shrugged.

            “I like you already,” Jade said as she pushed past me and walked into my dorm, Wesley giving me a helpless look as he followed.

            “Was there something you needed?” I growled in irritation as Jade made herself comfortable on my couch. Wesley stood beside me with his face down and his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose.

            “Nope,” she replied, kicking her leather boots up onto the armrest and flashing me a smug smirk.

            “I apologize for her,” Wesley sighed, dragging his hand down his face before he leant down to whisper something in my ear. “She’s just testing you. Let her be for another five seconds and-,”

            “You pass,” Jade announced, jumping to her feet and clapping my shoulder. I looked at Wesley who gave me a “don’t ask” look. “Wesley and I are in the next room over if you need anything.”

            “Wait, you two share a room?” I furrowed my eyebrows at the two of them, curious why a male and a female were roommates.

            “Our old roommates were actually mates so Wesley gave them his room and he bunks with me now,” Jade grinned, a hand hitched on her hip.

            “Alright then…” I trailed, hoping for the two to leave so I could prepare myself for the most agonizing day of my life.

            “Hasta Mañana, chica,the black-haired beauty waved as she slid out of the room with Wesley rolling his eyes behind her and tossing me a slight wave on his way out. Well, was I about to get into the next three interesting years of my life.

