Book 1 Finale: Under the Captive of Golden Eyed Tyrant

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Human World

Tokyo, Japan

" I can't believe this... W-what happened here? " Quanxi asked, scared of what had happened to Y/n. The crystal was floating, and the wounds started to heal. As Power rushed towards the crystal, Mayhem stopped her and he asked,

" I want to tell you something, I can't let you suffer anymore longer with our lies. "

" Mayhem, we agreed to not tell anyone- "

" My decision, my rules! You don't want us to make this city a warzone don't you?! " Mayhem threatened Misfortune as it obliged and left, turning into a flock of crows as Power then mustered all her strength and punched Mayhem in the jaw. " Nice punch pal... Enough to knock my head off... Now, are you all willing to listen to what I am gonna say? By the way, don't tell this to anyone, as it could cause global panic or worse. " he said as he sat down looking at Kishibe as if to ask for a smoke.

" It won't fit your mouth. Find a dead body to possess. " Kishibe jested.

Temples of Chaos


" My, you've brought some friends. Not confident you can beat me? " Makima asked jokingly as she was then stabbed by multiple dolls as Darkness and Hakos pointed their fingers and suddenly, her body was blown to pieces. It then suddenly reformed as Makima then retaliated at Darkness who immediately bled and stooped over as she pointed at it.

Hakos then swooped in and took Makima's head, making hand movements as crystals then stabbed her body. They then tended to Darkness Devil's needs and fed it blood. Restoring to full health, Darkness then clasped its hands in praying position and twisted Makima's body in grotesque position. Observing, Hakos found out that it wasn't just mere regeneration.

" Damn it... Her body just keeps coming back. "

" She might be using some kind of contract to be kept alive. However, I think we might be able to override that. " Santa Claus said as more dolls then surrounded Makima who destroyed them in one hit. Going for Darkness Devil, Hakos went back to their human form and borrowed the Devil's blade and charged at Makima.

Slashing indiscriminately all over her body, they then stabbed her straight in the heart. A chiming bell could be heard as she then bled profusely and knelt down. Clapping their hands, Hakos then crushed Makima after summoning their crystalline beast arms.

Suddenly, Hakos coughed blood, their skin was flaking and bleeding as the Darkness Devil then shielded its master from Makima's attack. ' FUCK! I don't have enough time. Please, if there is anyone up above... Give me more time... ' they pleaded in their mind as they struggled to get up.

Human World

" I understand... So that's why Hakos was so intent on killing her. " Power said as Quanxi, Mayhem, and Power heard sounds from the crystal. " Y/n! " Power called out as she gently touched the crystal. Y/n woke up but was panicking as he was confined in a crystal. " It's okay, calm down, calm down. Power is here to help you... " she comforted as when he heard her voice, he then stared at her before crying.

' There may be a chance Makima might win... I don't know what she may do to you if she won. ' Mayhem's words echoed through Power's mind. Instantly after hearing that, Power stared at him intently as she said,

" I want to make a contract with you.



I will see you again, sooner or later. Ma chere. "

Temples of Chaos

Bated breaths could be heard as Hakos was getting weaker and weaker as hours passed. Santa was killed and Darkness was also tired and exhausted. All of that and Makima was still standing. " Why won't you die?! " Hakos shouted as Makima giggled. " I have a contract which passes all my lethal damage to every single Japanese citizen. " she said as Hakos then laughed hysterically as Darkness Devil was worried that Hakos has fallen to madness.

" All this time, you were nothing but a slave huh? I can't believe it, you're a slave to love and to your own duty at the same time. A corporate slave! The worst kind! " Hakos shouted as they knelt down.

" You are the most powerful devil of all time, barring us! Yet, you let yourself be controlled by the government! The government! "

" You are also a slave, to love. As your former master did. What makes you different from me? "

" We are slaves to love. You are a slave to someone lower to you. I would accept you if you were just a slave to love, but you are nothing but a slave to everything... If you really want me to accept you:

Absorb me, use my power to break your contract with the Prime Minister! " Hakos taunted as this prompted Makima to pierced Hakos' chest and grab their orb. " As you wish! " Makima shouted as she lost it. Hakos then grinned and wasn't fading away. " I am not dying until you do as I say. I will taunt you until you do as I say. " they said as they withered more.

" I command you then. Chaos Devil... Break my contract with the Prime Minister and in return, give me the power to protect Y/n. "

She commanded as Hakos closed their eyes, grinning for one last time as if they had won. The Darkness Devil then attempted to stab her with the blade.

' Get away... Please... Restore your strength... '

Hakos' voice echoed to Darkness Devil who then followed its master's last wishes.

" Now then, time to test it out. Who to test these newfound powers on? " Makima asked as she went out from hell. Leaving Hakos' body to turn into dust. Closing their eyes to accept their fate, they remembered something from their past and muttered:

" I am sorry that I failed old man. I wish I could hear that prayer again... "


Ruins of the Department Store

" You sure you aren't coming back home? " Quanxi asked as everyone had left except for the two. " Yeah, I am a devil now. Anyone would try to kill me if I ever leave the vicinity. " Power told her as Quanxi then turned to Power one last time.

" If you ever get back, ask Auron to help you. I'll ask him to make our status KIA so they won't detect us. If he could do it, he could find ways in helping you too. " Quanxi advised as she and her fiends left.

An hour had passed as Power guarded Y/n and was getting paranoid every minute as she could feel an imminent threat. Suddenly, the crystal then went crack and she turned around, seeing Makima touching the crystal and breaking it, catching the falling Y/n and gently placing him on the ground.

" Makima! What are you doing?! " Power said, shocked of Makima's actions. Makima then pointed her finger at Power's chest as she felt a sense of danger and blocked. " Taking the trash out. " Makima uttered out as an invisible force then destroyed two of Power's arms.

Growling, Power then clawed Makima's face, making her face bleed and disfigured. She knelt down and then pointed her finger again and tried to aim for Power's heart which she dodged. Makima then rose up as shadow essence regenerated her face and summoned a dark blade. Power then motioned her hand and created weapons and one of them hit Makima straight in the head but she kept charging forward, cutting down Power's legs which made her unable to move.

Desperate for blood, Power then crawled into a blood puddle and tried to lick the blood. ' Why? Why is this happening? ' she thought as Makima stomped Power's back. " Let's make this quick... Close your eyes, and think of Y/n as you die... " she said as Power was subconsciously doing as what she was told. It took her a while before she remembered everything and shouted,

" NO! You die here! Rot! "

As Makima swung her blade, blood weapons then impaled Makima and Power took this as the chance to drain Makima's blood and threw her off the debris. Unfortunately, the body then shattered to glass, realizing what Power had just drunk.A Chaos Devil shard.

Obsidian-glass like pieces then burst out of Power's body and finally, she appeared. Makima, holding Hakos' orb, then looked at Power as if to spite her for her appearance. " You don't deserve him. You're far too much of a lout for a fine wine like him. " Makima said as Power spat blood on her.

Retaliating, Makima then slowly crushed Power's head and then slowly went to Y/n.

" You are mine now... And from now on, I'll be taking care of you in the best way possible. "

1 Week Later...

Makima's Residence

" Sir, I cannot let you enter. Makima's orders. "

" Don't make me rev the chainsaw on you, dumbass! Now let me go! "

" Denji stop! "

Aki tried to stop Denji from attacking the bodyguard as someone had then opened the door, revealing Y/n who was still in his sleepwear. " Flame... What the fuck is going on? I couldn't get any sleep- " he was then cut off as Denji then placed his hands on Y/n's shoulder. " Are you okay?! Do you have any lasting injuries? I'll kill Hakos! " Denji said as Aki bonked him as Y/n looked at the two, as if confused of who they were?

" Who's...Hakos? Who are you people? " Y/n asked as Denji was then shocked as well as Aki with what had happened. Amnesia has struck their old friend.

" Y-you've got to be joking right? This is just a joke, right Y/n?! "
