Chapter 3: The Mind Of A Monster

A tall man paced back and forth in frustration as three others watched him cautiously "Nikki you need to chill out. It's not like he will recognize you or anything." The tallest and fairest male said rolling his eyes as he stared darkly at the pacing man semi annoyed by the other mans antics. He understood his distress because he knew all to well that Nikki and that young man Foxx were mates. It seemed though that Nikki was not yet aware of it seeing as he was having a mini heart attack. Maybe he did know though and just didn't want the others to know. " Well what if he does Chris?! Then what! What will we do with him? His best friend is Vin's mate and how the fuck will we tell him we are vampires! How will we get him to stay calm and not tell everyone what we are!!" He shrieked a little unsure and panicked his usual pale face turning a bright red in a distressed manner like it always did. Chris just shook his head and gently glanced over at Vinny who was sitting quietly in the corner deep in thought. Chris was worried about the youngest vampire because he knew how scared and clingy Vinny could get. He sighed and rubbed his temple thinking to much over this entire thing. "It's okay you know. If he finds out I mean. I've been with him for years. You guys know so there really isn't any reason to be worried. He is a great guy and he won't tell a secret to anyone. He is as harmless as a butterfly." a small highly feminine voice chimes in softly. All heads turn to the small red head who no one knew was there because he had a tendency to blend in with the lovely shadows. Vinny jumped and turned around looking terrified but relaxed when he saw it was just his mate. " Tell us a little about him then if you don''t mind." a short raccoon looking male said resting his chin in the palm of his hand trying to seem interested in the happenings around him. " Well for one he is a huge cuddly ball of fluff. He may not act like it all the time but he really is a great guy." the small petite male said crossing his arms softly. " Tricks come sit down." Vinny said to his mate and the best thing that had ever happened to him. Tricks came to Vinny quietly and sat down not next to him but on his lap and smiled brightly. " What is the it like to have people to love." a masculine voice says as the door to the bus closes and a tall man appears with long hair. " It is heaven Ryan. Once you find your mate, you will one day understand." Tricks said gently as he looked at the man who radiated hatred and darkness. Ryan got an enraged look on his face and stalked by everyone who was sitting in the lounge of the bus. A feminine looking man grabbed Ryan's arms and smiled " Ryan sit for a minute please." he said in a masculine voice. Nikki looked a bit frightened, Vinny and Tricks took in deep breathes and Chris got stiff as Ryan's whole demeanor changed. " If you say so Devin." Ryan said in a soft voice. It was obvious to everyone that Ryan had a crush on Devin. Devin was one of the most beautiful people that Ryan had ever seen and he had fallen for him immediatly but kept it to himself. Now everyone knew as he sat gently next to Devin nervously. "Guys can we get back to my predicament." Nikki asked getting a little antsy. All heads turned to the male who at this point was beat red and bouncing on the balls of his feet. Chris and the other guys nodded in agreement "So what are we going to do about it?" Ricky asked in a low tone looking around at everyone. " Alright so we act normal around him and Tricks you and Nikki just stay out of sight." Chris said covering his face as he laid back onto the lap of his mate Angelo who was falling asleep on the couch "Alright so do you think when he comes we should tell him immediately or wait." Nikki interrupted Chris biting his lip nervously. Chris shook his head and then looked at everyone. " We do what we do best, we wait until the time is right." Was all he said as he closed his eyes and everyone got the cue to and all went away to do whatever they did in their spare time.
