Chapter III: What The Hec(ate)

Nico trudged up to his room, full and exhausted from dealing with Ron and Harry. He opened his door, and almost fell back down the stairs when he came face-to-face with a woman. She had dark hair and eyes and...three heads. She also wore a long red dress and carried a torch but Nico was more focused on, well, the heads. "What."

"Hello demigod." The woman said. "I'm Hecate. Your father asked me if I'd be willing to... update your magical knowledge."

Nico blinked, then decided to bow because he figured he should show some respect. "Hello, Lady Hecate," he stood up straight. "Uh, if you don't mind me asking, my father knows I'm here?"

"He's been watching you." Hecate replied. "As you know, he does not take kindly to mortals trying to achieve immortality."

"Of course he's been watching me. Totally not creepy or invasive at all." Nico muttered. "I'm guessing he wants me to stay and keep an eye on things."

"Precisely." Hecate said. "And I agreed to help you." She gestured towards him with one hand and Nico stumbled backwards, abruptly hit with a wave of magic. Spells, names, dates, and recipes ran through his head faster than he could process at once and when it was over, he leaned against the wall, trying to regain focus. Hecate also dropped a large bag in front of him, which jingled as it hit the floor.

"You'll find some people who can help you on your quest when you get to school. Good luck, Nico di Angelo." Hecate said, vanishing in a tornado of darkness before Nico could reply.

"They always have to do the dramatic exit, don't they." Nico grumbled. "Thank you, Lady Hecate." He paused long enough to shove the bag Lady Hecate had given him into his suitcase, then stumbled over to the bed and fell asleep before he hit the pillow.


Nico woke the next morning feeling groggy and sore, and like he should probably brush his teeth. Ew. Resigning himself to the jet lag of being teleported halfway across the world, he got up, brushed his hair and his teeth, and changed his clothes. Then, walking downstairs, he was greeted with...quiet. For five blessed seconds.

"Good morning Nico!" Sirius poked his head out from the living room. "You've woken just before the chaos. Grab your suitcase and we'll head to Diagon Alley for your supplies, then King's Cross. We have to be quick if you want to make it to the train on time."

"If anything you'll be the one slowing us down, Sirius." Severus muttered, walking past him and into the kitchen.

Sirius looked offended. "Excuse me, Severus, I'll have you know that I'm a very punctual person."

Severus turned up his nose. "A very punchable person, yes. Punctual, no." He prodded Sirius with his wand, earning an indignant shout. "Are you trying to get caught?" He muttered a few words under his breath, then Sirius's face changed.

"What the heck." Nico walked around Sirius, who looked really weird and was now BLOND.

"It's a bit difficult to explain—it's sort of like the mist." Severus said, waving his wand lazily and making Sirius' hair bright green.

Nico grinned and turned to go back upstairs, ignoring the bickering behind him. After grabbing his suitcase and heading back into the kitchen, Severus tapped him on the shoulder. "We should probably apparate, it'll save some time." Sirius' hair was now blond again.

"Sure," Nico nodded. "Now that I actually know what that means."

Severus and Sirius each grabbed one of Nico's shoulders, Severus took out his wand, spun on his heel, and they vanished.

Nico almost tripped as they landed back on solid ground, looking around to take in his surroundings. "Woah."

He was in an alley lined with shops, with things flying past the windows, and animals screeching from somewhere nearby. People in robes were walking in and out of the shops, arms and carts piled with food and cauldrons, and occasionally an owl.

"Now," began Sirius. "First we'll have to stop by Gringotts to get you money."

"Already got it." Nico said, taking some coins out of his jacket pockets to show Sirius. He'd taken some out of his suitcase that morning and just kept them in his jacket. "Hecate visited me last night. Gave me magical knowledge and money."

"Well," Severus replied, raising an eyebrow. "That saves us a step I suppose. We'll buy your cauldron, books, quills, and parchment first, then get your robes and have them fitted, and get your wand last. You could also get a pet if you wanted one."

"I probably won't, but we'll see." Nico took another look around. "I have no idea where to start."

"Severus and I can get your books and cauldron and other things." Sirius offered. "Get your robes fitted and then we'll take you to Olivander's for your wand." He pointed to a shop labeled, Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions. "That's where you'll find the robes."

Nico nodded, and passed both Severus and Sirius some coins. "I'll  meet you two outside of that shop then."

They both nodded and went separate ways as Nico strode into Madam Malkin's, a bell chiming as he entered. He tried on a pair of robes and stood on a stool, holding his arms out and waiting patiently as Madam Malkin's walked around him, waving her wand and making alterations. Turning his head to look out the window, he saw a shop full of owls, cats, and toads. He was about to look away when he spotted a golden tabby kitten with large blue eyes looking at him. Tearing his eyes away when madam Malkin's announced he was finished, he purchased the robes,—deciding to keep them on to save himself the troubles of changin later—stuffed his other clothes into his suitcase, and walked out of the shop.

Striding into Eyelop's Owl Emporium/Magical Menagerie, Nico muttered to himself. "Are you really going to buy a cat because it reminds you of your boyfriend? Cats need to be fed and taken care of and you won't have time to—" he reached the kitten who mewled at him, rubbing it's cheek against his hand when he reached out. Nico sighed. "And it's cute." Scooping up the kitten, he headed to the front of the shop.

"Ah, so you're a cat person." The shop owner nodded with a smile. "She's a playful one."

"Sounds like someone else I know." Nico murmured. He paid the shop owner and, suitcase and kitten in hand, walked out of the shop. He was just in time to see Sirius and Severus walk up to Madam Malkin's, both of whom gaped at him when they saw what he was holding. "You bought a cat?" Sirius asked. "Why?"

"Reasons and a lack of impulse control." Nico replied, putting his suitcase on top of the cart they'd brought over. It was filled with his supplies. "Thanks for the help."

"No problem." Sirius waved a hand dismissively. Severus nodded. "Let's get your wand."

The three of them walked past shops until they reached a store marked Ollivander's. Nico heard a bell ring from somewhere in the shop as they walked in.

"Just a moment!" Cried a voice from among the shelves. A gangly man strode over, somehow finding his way through the shelves and piles of boxes scattered across the floor without tripping. He had shoulder-length white hair and peered at Nico curiously. "Hmmm, powerful, very powerful. You know, I felt this power once before, when a certain Tom Riddle walked into my shop. I wonder how you will use this power." He turned and walked deeper into the store, leaving Nico to stare after him in bewilderment.

"That was... interesting." Severus said, glancing around. "I wonder how many wands you'll have to try."

Nico blinked. "I can't just pick one?"

"Oh no, no, no." Ollivander returned, holding a long box. "The wand chooses the wizard." He opened the box and held it out. "Give it a wave."

Nico took the wand out of the box, flicking it experimentally. The chair Sirius was sitting on broke into a dozen pieces. "Nope, not this one." Ollivander grabbed it out of Nico's hands and ran back into the shelves. He came back a few moments later with a stack of boxes. "Try these."

A wave of the next wand caused the window to shatter and the kitten mewled from her place atop the cart. The one after that almost caused a bookshelf to fall on Ollivander's head and so it went until he was at the last wand and Severus had had to repair several pieces of broken furniture.

"Well, you certainly are a mysterious one," Ollivander said, seemingly unbothered by all the damage. "But I do like a challenge and I do believe...." he turned to one of the shelves and, murmuring a spell, removed the box on the top shelf and floated it towards himself. He pried open the lid and handed the wand to Nico. "Try this one."

Nico gripped the wand and waved it tentatively, holding it as far away from himself as possible. Immediately, the room began to glow and a phantom wind whirled through the shop, blowing Nico's hair out of his face and causing the bell to ring again. A warm feeling emanated from the wand.

"I do think that the wand has chosen you Mr..." Ollivander paused.

"Nico di Angelo." Nico finished.

"Yes, Mr. di Angelo. The wand that chose you is, like you, very powerful. Eleven and half inches, rowan wood, swishy, with a dragon heartstring core."

Nico nodded, pretending that he understood what that meant.

"That'll be seven galleons." Ollivander proclaimed holding out his hand.

"The gold ones." Severus muttered to Nico, who nodded and held out the coins.

Ollivander looked at Severus in surprise, as if just noticing his presence. "Ah, Professor Snape! A bit old to be getting his first wand, isn't he?"

"He... was preoccupied." Severus replied.

"I see. Well, off with you lot and have a nice day. You'd do well to hurry, the train should be leaving in..." Ollivander looked at an old cuckoo clock on the wall of his shop. "Ten minutes."

Nico's eyes widened. "What?!" He turned, practically dragging Sirius off of his chair. "We need to go!" He pushed the cart out of the shop, trying his best not to jostle his kitten.

"You do realize I work at Hogwarts, right?" Severus snarked, following his mad dash. "Do you even know where you're going?"

"You do realize, appearing at school with a teacher, especially you, based on what that red headed idiot has been saying, will only get me unnecessary attention?" Nico snapped back.

Severus sighed. "Fair enough. Well, you do realize we can apparate?"

Nico stopped. "Oh. Right."

"I want to do it this time!" Sirius cried, grabbing Severus' and Nico's shoulders. Nico suddenly found himself standing in front of a wall. Looking up, he saw the platform labels. Nine and ten. "Isn't our train at platform nine and three-quarters?"

"Yeah." Sirius nodded. "We have to run through the wall."

Nico looked at him. "Are. You. Kidding. Me."

Severus shook his head. "We're not running through the wall. Sirius and I will be heading back to the Burrow. I'll meet you at Hogwarts."

"So I have to run through a wall by myself?" Nico threw his hands in the air.

"Oh come on, it doesn't even make the top ten list of dangerous things you've done!" Sirius said, then hiding behind Severus when Nico shot him a glare.

Nico looked Sirius in the eye. "If this is a prank, Hecate help me, I will hex you into next week. I know how." He looked at the wall and took a deep breath, turning his cart to face the wall. "Hold on." He told the kitten. Then dashed at the wall. He closed his eyes, bracing himself for impact. But it never came and after a moment, he opened his eyes.

And almost ran into someone.

Jolting back, he stared, for a moment believing the person in front of him was Sirius. But Sirius was on the other side of the wall and this person's blond hair was slicked back. He was also shorter than Sirius. "Sorry I—Draco??"

His old friend turned, gaping at him as his eyes widened in recognition. "Nico? What in Hades are you doing here?"

"No using my dad's name as a curse word." Nico replied with an eye roll. "And I'm here because what's his name—dumb something—? came to Percy's house, where I was staying, kidnapped me, told me I'm a wizard and related to the 'Dark Lord', who they think is my uncle. Or my dad. Or something else stupid."

Draco just stared at him.

"Sooooooooooo." Nico said awkwardly, breaking the silence. "What are you doing here?"

"I go to Hogwarts." Draco replied. "I've told you this before."

"Well, forgive me for not immediately assuming that you meant you go to a posh magical school in Britain and are part wizard." Nico replied.

Draco shrugged. "Fair enough. Just come on, the train is about to leave." He turned to lead Nico to the train, then turned and did a double take. "Wait, when did you get a cat?"

"Like five minutes ago." Nico said, walking with him towards the train. "Still haven't decided a name for her yet though."



"Fine. I had to give it a shot though."

"You keep trying to name everything Potato. Why."

"Shush. Don't ruin my evil reputation."

"You're fourteen. What evil reputation."

They boarded the train just as the first whistle blew and found a compartment towards the middle, someone offering to take Nico's cart, which he passed over after grabbing his kitten. Taking a seat across from Draco, Nico took a moment to look him over. "Your hair looks so weird slicked back. Also makes you look kind of dumb."

Draco shrugged. "I use the tears of my enemies."

"No, you don't." Nico laughed.

"Okay, it's just hair gel." Draco grinned.

Nico reached over and ruffled his friend's hair. "Still soft."

"Hey!" Draco batted his hands away. "Do you know how long that took?"

Nico shrugged. "Like five minutes?"

"Yeah, like five minutes."

Nico grinned. "It looks better this way anyway."

Draco sighed. "Fine, whatever. But back to your kitten. What are you going to name her? Can I steal her? Mom's allergic to cats, so she won't let me get one."

"No. No stealing my kitten."

Draco pouted, then crouched so that he was eye-level with the cat. "Hellooooo." The kitten nudged his hand with her nose. "Awwwwwww!"

Nico smiled involuntarily, petting the kitten behind the ears. She blinked up at him with her large blue eyes.

Draco sat thoughtfully. "How about Dior? It means golden in French."

Nico shook his head. "It's also the name of a perfume brand so I'm not going with that." He continued to gaze at the kitten. "What do you think of Lemon?"

Draco raised his eyebrows. "You're really going to name your pet kitten after a fruit?"

"You would've named her Potato, shut up." Nico glanced out the window. "How long is this ride? I'm getting dizzy from looking outside."

Draco laughed. "It's been, what? Fifteen minutes? The whole ride is eight to nine hours."

"Eight to—" Nico stared at Draco. "EIGHT TO NINE HOURS?"

Draco nodded, smirking. "Get comfortable di Angelo. It gets pretty bor—"

"Ah ha!" A voice cried, yanking open the door to their compartment. Ron walked in, looking triumphant.

Nico sighed dramatically. "Death, take me now!"

"You're in cahoots with Slytherins!" Ron looked so proud of himself, it was almost sad.

Nico facepalmed. "I already knew Draco. We established this."

Draco had a mischievous look on his face, then began humming Kahoot music.

Harry appeared just behind Ron, looking confused. "Ron, why—" he looked past him, seeing Nico and Draco. Wrinkling his nose in clear distaste, he turned and walked away. "Ew, cooties."

"That' childish." Nico laughed. "Isn't he fourteen?" He poked Draco. "Stop humming the Kahoot music. Why did Annabeth introduce that to us?"

"Because she incorrectly assumed that we were mature and could avoid singing it at every opportunity." Draco responded.

Ron gasped. "Kahoot music? Is this a secret code?" He took down the halls after his friend. "Harryyyyyyyy!"

Nico and Draco burst into laughter. "Yes, a secret code, obviously." Nico wheezed, clutching his stomach and knocking Lemon to the floor.

"Aw, I'm sorry, Lemon." Nico picked up Lemon and patted the cat on the head. He yawned. It was so warm in the compartment, he was getting sleepy.

The door opened and Nico looked up, expecting for Ron or Harry to be back. Instead, there were two almost identical girls wearing black robes.

"Hi, could we sit here with you?" One of them said. "Everywhere else is either loud or next to somewhere loud."

Nico glanced at Draco, who shrugged. "Uh, sure." He gestured to the seats across from them.

"Thanks," The other said, walking in and sitting down. "I'm Selena, that's Serena. You're new, aren't you?"

Nico glanced down at himself, self-conscious that it was obvious. "Um, yeah. How'd you guess?"

"There's only, like, forty people in each year." Serena rolled her eyes. "Everyone knows everyone."

Draco nodded in agreement. "It's practically impossible to keep anything secret. For instance, these two are actually clones of each other, although no one knows which was the original."

"What?" Nico wasn't sure if he was joking or not, but anything was possible at this point.

"A clone is like a duplication of someone." Serena explained, pulling out a book.

"I know what a clone is—cloning is a thing here?" Things certainly had changed since before Nico had gotten frozen in time.

Draco laughed, "No, that was a joke." He waited until Nico wasn't watching, then scooped Lemon away.

"IT'S A CAT!" Selena gasped, poking her sister/clone? "Oh my gosh! Serena!"

"Aww!" Serena cooed. "What's its name?"

"Meow!" Selena stared intently at Nico's kitten, which was kinda awkward for him.

"Lemon," Draco said, proudly showing off the feline.

"She's so cute!" Selena whisper-shouted. "Petition for Professor Snape to get us a house pet?"

Draco looked at her sceptically. "He'll probably say no. Remember what happened to the house fish?"

"That was years ago!"

Nico was very confused. What happened to the house fish? Hecate had given him information on magic stuff, but it certainly hadn't prepared him for this.

"So what year are you in?" Serena ignored her sister and Draco's banter. "Selena and I are fourth years like Draco."

"Uh," Nico forgot how grades and years correlated momentarily. "Ninth—Wait, fourth."

"Cool," Serena smiled at Lemon. "How old is she?"

Nico glanced down. "I'm not sure. Three months, I think is what they said. I just got her today." He took off his jacket. It felt like he was in a furnace.

"Oh!" Serena discreetly nudged her sister.

"Hm?" Selena looked over. "Oh, right. That makes sense."

Nico didn't know what they were looking at, but he imagined it wasn't good.

"You got a tattoo?" Draco grabbed Nico's arm. "Woah!"

Nico realized he hadn't shown Draco his SPQR tattoo yet. "Yeah. It's, uh, complicated."

"Testing, testing. Respond if you understand me." Serena said randomly.

"You are a dolphin." Selena booped Serena on the nose.

"Why are you randomly saying that she's a dolphin?" Draco asked.

"Well, Serena said to respond if you understand her, so I assume it's in response to that." Nico said, puzzled as to why anyone wouldn't understand her. Unless... Nah.

"Ha!" Selena poked her sister. "Told you so!"

Serena sighed. "And here I thought we'd have a drama-less year."

"What are you talking about?"

"Nothing." They said together.

"Anyways, I'm going to read." Selena pulled out a book.

Draco and Nico made eye contact and stared at the book. "Wait." Nico gestured at the open pages. "That's... in Ancient Greek."

"Yeah." Serena nodded. "You two are both obviously demigods, so we figured there's no point hiding that we are as well. Dear old dad has told us," she gestured at Nico. "To help our little brother through the year."

Nico's eyebrows were trying to fly off his forehead. "You both are children of Hades? But how?"

Serena shrugged while Selena kept reading. "We're Hunters of Artemis."

Nico massaged his temple and Draco patted his back. "Don't worry about it." He laughed. "It's not that weird."

Nico nodded. Hecate had said that he would meet people who would help him through the year. He just wasn't expecting those people to be sisters he'd never met.

"What house do you think the hat will stick you in?" Draco asked, examining Nico's wand and clearly trying to change the subject.

Nico wasn't sure. "I don't know. Probably Slytherin or Hufflepuff. You? Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw?"

"No!" Draco exclaimed, mortified that it was being said in front of his classmates. "I'm a Slytherin. Obviously."

"Huh." Nico tilted his head, trying to see it. "But Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff make sense too."

"That's because you've known me for so long—being cunning around you doesn't work." Draco rolled his eyes. "Also, I'm super evil, so ha!"

"Wow, are you saying all Slytherins are evil?" Selena looked up from her book. "I am offended!"

"Don't you say you're evil, like, all the time?" Serena raised an eyebrow.

"Exactly!" Selena nodded emphatically, "To say that certain people in our house count as evil is a slight to the definition of evil!"

Draco seemed to agree. "I understand your point and retract my statement," he said dramatically. "We Slytherins have a penchant of pushing boundaries, which makes some of us seem evil. Better?"


Draco sniffed haughtily. "After all, when Potter breaks the rules, it's noble and oh so brave—but when I break the rules, it's 'Draco, stop setting people on fire.'"

"I know something more heinous." Serena interjected.

"She likes pineapple on pizza."

Draco gasped, moving his entire person as far away from Selena as possible. "No!"

"What? It makes it sweet!" Selena objected. "Also, I'm allergic to fruit, so I can literally only eat it when it's cooked. Give me a break."

"We agree to disagree," Draco said stiffly, not moving from his position away from his housemate.

Nico laughed at their antics and stifled another yawn. He didn't really understand what made pineapple on pizza such a big deal.

Laying his head against the window, he gazed outside, watching trees whiz by until his eyelids grew heavy and he drifted off...
