
Y/n  felt like the world had ended when her boyfriend Nico di Angelo came back from an attack hurt and almost fading but fortunately he survived and recovered perfectly, BUT there was a catch, Nico di Angelo had lost his vision, he was blind now

The 20 year old y/n felt very bad but not as bad as Nico (20)

'I-I can't see, everything looks black, It's like eternal darkness! What-what if I forget YOUR face?' he cried, Tears streaming down his face, tears were on y/n's face too, 

'Hey, it's all gonna be ok, you can still hear me right? So you can't forget my face' She said 

She helped Nico through everything after, guiding him during meals, feeding him, Helping him with literally everything, Nico couldn't even kiss her without y/n leading his hands to her lips so he could meet them. Nico felt terrible, y/n couldn't have a life of her own anymore, she always had to help Nico and he felt so terrible and ashamed for making her worry 24/7 and help him with EVERY SINGLE HE HAS TO DO IN LIFE. But y/n still loved Nico, Blind or not, she loved him and WANTED to help him.

*1 month later*

Nico and y/n were sitting at the beach, y/n wanted to bring him to cheer him up a bit. Nico looked the opposite of Cheerful, he seemed sad

'Y/n can I ask you a question?'

'Sure, ask away'

'Why are still with me?' Y/n eyes widened in shock as Nico continued

'I mean, you could leave me for someone so much better and just have a life of your own without having to worry about me all the time, I feel so bad, You could have a much better life Y/n L/n'  Y/n started feeling angry at him

'Listen up Nico di Angelo! I'm you girlfriend and your my boyfriend and I LOVE YOU blind or not ok? I could never leave you! I love you more than anyone else in this world ok? So you are NOT gonna talk like that again and the so much better person you talked about? YOU are the so much better person! I LOVE YOU NICO DI ANGELO!' She said seriously and yelled out the last part, for the first time in a month, Nico felt maybe everything could be fine, with y/n by his side

'Think about the future!' She continued 'I know exactly how it's gonna go' She said proudly

'Really? What happens Ms. Oracle?' He joked

'Well, I'm gonna get a job as a Virologist then I'm gonna marry you and we're gonna have kids and live an amazing life!' She said looking at the ocean, Nico's lip quavered at the word 'marry'

'You'd- you'd really marry me?' He asked stuttering

'Yeah, with my eyes closed' (no pun intended)

At that exact moment Aphrodite thought it was great to appear and surprise the couple

'Hello my lovelies!' She exclaimed but she didn't seem as carefree as she usually was, she seemed rather grim  today

'Who's that' Nico asked

'Lady Aphrodite' y/n bowed, Nico heard, he gritted his teeth

'What do you want Lady Aphrodite? We're perfectly fine thank you and DO NOT want to spice up our love life' Nico said angrily 

Y/n thought Aphrodite would Nico into a heart shaped cushion but she sighed. Nico on the other hand was finally starting to feel better and here Aphrodite was to ruin what they have 

'I'm here to help, Son of Hades, I have not seen such true love since Percy and Annabeth, even they may fall short to you' She said

'Wait what? What help?' Y/n asked

'Nico's vision, I can restore it' 

'What's the catch' of course, Nico's a very cautious guy

'no catch' 

'How do we know you're leading us astray?' Y/n asked

'I swear on the River Styx that I'm just here to help Nico's vision and I also swear on the Styx never to interfere in between you both unless to fix you both' She took an oath with her hand on her heart.  

'That's awfully polite of you, why are you even doing this? You NEVER help heroes unless you want something' Nico scowled

'Well, Not usually no, but true love is something I cannot ignore, I must meet the coupe and bestow flourishment on them, As the goddess of Love, It is my job so now Nico, Would you like your vision back' She smiled sweetly but there was nothing fake about it, She seemed genuine and y/n trusted her now but Nico was still not convinced 

'I took an oath on the Styx didn't I?' And thus Aphrodite concentrated and tendrils of pink energy flew from her hands into Nico's eyes After a few moments, Nico blinked a few times ad looked around, HE COULD SEE AGAIN! 

'Y-Y/n! I-I can see! The sun and the fields and the beach!' He exclaimed

'Thank you Lady Aphrodite!' Y/n  exclaimed and so did Nico

'I'll leave the lovebirds alone' She said winking at us. Nico started staring at me intently and caressing my cheek

'What' I said chuckling

'Your face, It's so beautiful, I'd almost forgotten the best part of you' He said dreamily, You laughed and put arms around his neck 

'I love you Nico di Angelo, And you're a  Part of ME! Forever and ever ok?'

'That reminds me' He said getting up, he gestured for you get up too and got on one knee

'Y/n L/n, We've been together for a while, You've become a part of me, One I love more than anything in the world so I think the practical idea now is, WILL YOU MARRY ME?' He said just then as if on cue, A jet few across the sky with a huge banner that said

'MARRY ME Y/N L/N?' You're eyes started tearing up 

'Of course! Is that even a question?' You said then hugged he hugged back

Hey guys, This is all I have for now, I WILL BE UPDATING LATER 
