
*same day as last chapter just back in her hotel room on facetime with Areum*

"So I told them about Helen"

"Really how did they take it?"

"I think well they all immediately hugged me and told me they would always be there for me"

"That's good Mini. Now tell me what else they said."

"Well I mentioned how it had always been my dream to become an idol and they said that if I wanted to pursue a career I should maybe join a group and that they had a group in mind that I could join if I wanted too."

"Wow Mini. Wow. I mean you've always wanted to become an idol so maybe this is your chance, but then again I know how much hairstyling has become for you. Plus there is always the threat of Helen but if you were in a group she would most likely fail in everything she did."

"I think I might want to try out a group but I think I am going to stay as their stylist for a little bit longer so I can enjoy the time with them while it lasts because the second I join a group it's gonna be 24/7 training."

"That's smart Mini. Just remember you are smarter than Helen and that no matter what she is powerless now that she doesn't know where you are I mean if she searches Jess or Jessica Kim nobody shows up and she is lost."

"Thanks Ar for the help. It's getting late so I'm going to go take a shower and go to bed."

"Night Mini. Love you."

"Love you too." I hang up on Areum and grab my towel.

A nice long bath is very much needed right now. I didn't tell the boys or Areum that Helen is so desperate that if she even sees a sliver of my face on those interviews for earlier she will find me. None of them know how serious it would be if Helen did find me. The whole reason that I moved here was so that she couldn't try and kill me again. Areum only knows I got in a car accident but she thinks it was a drunk driver.


"Mom, can we maybe stop at the store before we get home? I want to buy some more throat lozenges."

"Sure just text your dad and tell him that we will be a couple minutes late. Some would say buying this many lozenges is a waste of money but singing is something you love and if you want to be successful you have to pay for some stuff to raise yourself."

"Momma I love you I swear. Also can I just borrow five bucks when I run into the store I left my wallet at home and I will pay you back when we get home." She nods and grabs her purse when the light turns green. As she looks up to go at the light a very familiar gray car slams into my side of the car and my mom throws herself across me to protect me from the hit.

"MOM!!" I look down at my mom and all I see is blood.

"Remember baby, chase your dreams. No matter what you think you try your hardest and you can achieve whatever you want."

"Momma I love you, and Im so sorry." I start sobbing and look at the car that hit us. I see Helen in the driver seat and slowly she smirks at me. She gets out of the car and walks towards me.

"Just remember Jessica that no matter what I will be better than you and I will do whatever it takes to make the rest of your life miserable." She walks back to her car and slowly drives away. How her car got such little damage I do not know.

*Flashback End*

After the accident my family moved to Seoul where my aunt's and uncle's live and we have been here ever since. The moment I told my dad what Helen had told me he immediately started to relocate us and ever since then Helen has not contacted me. Now that my job is more out in the public I am scared that she will find me and finish her task of killing me.

It has been 6 years since I have seen her, maybe she has moved on? No there is no way I mean she carried this hatred with her for 11 years she is not going to drop it that fast. My mom used to tell me it takes people double the time they hated something to get over the hatred and I don't want to risk it.

I turn on the water of the bathtub and throw in a bath bomb. After my very stressful day it is much needed.

After my bath I do my skincare routine and get ready for bed. I put on my RJ pajamas and climb into bed.

The boys can never know I own a set of pajamas for every single one of the BT21 characters.

Right as I am about to sleep I hear my phone go off

It can wait till the morning sleep cannot.

*Next Morning*

Waking up to pounding on your door is not the best thing to wake up. See most of the Bighit employees get to sleep on their own floor of the hotel and enjoy peace and quiet but that just isn't how it works for me. The boys have grown so attached to me that they force me to stay on the same floor as them and decide that whenever they get a free morning they will wake me up at the crack of dawn and force me to play video games with them. I don't mind playing the games with them, it's just the fact that I have to wake up so early to get to spend time with them. Anyways back to the story.

"Kim Min Jee if you do not answer the door for me in the next 10 seconds I will wake Manager Sejin up and get the spare key to your room," Yoongi yells. See most expect Yoongi to be quiet and I did too but when he wants to play games he makes all of us play and if I don't join soon I will be receiving the silent treatment for about a week.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." I rush over to the door and fling it open. In my sleepy state I forget what pajamas I was wearing and saw Yoongi trying not to laugh.

"Mention this and you die," I tell him with a straight face. He nods and I invite him into my room. He flops on my bed as I grab a comfortable set of clothes.

For a few hours of gaming no way am I going to get red carpet ready. These boys don't deserve red carpet ready.

I giggle and notice Yoongi looking at me and my pile of clothes strangely.


"Nothing. You sure you are gonna wear that?" I nod and take my pile of clothes into the bathroom. I realize that I grabbed a crop top and am not about to admit defeat so I just put it on. I pull my jacket tighter around me and walk out of the bathroom.

"Why are you hugging yourself like that? You hiding something"

Yes tattoos that I always cover with clothes or makeup, a large scar, and flabs.

"Do not ask questions, you are the one who woke me up early. Now let's go while we still have at least 2 hours to play." As we are walking back to what I am assuming Yoongi's room I can feel him side-eyeing me.

"You can just ask me if you have a question you know."

"I'm just trying to figure out why you are hugging yourself like that. Like what are you hiding? Abs? Tattoos? Scars? Or nothing at all I can't tell."

ALL OF THE ABOVE! Well not really abs more like gentle flabs.

"Ha ha. Do you want to play games or not otherwise I will go back to my room." He raises his hands in defense and we walk into his room. 

There's that I know its been a bit but I have a few more chapters prewritten so we good!
