Chapter 7 - Who???

Hey! Imma Back :3 So.... this part of the story is gonna be all about Anna's P.O.V.




     "Anna, can we talk for a while? In Private?" Elsa asked. I bit my lip and nodded. We stood up and headed to the hallway. I was starting to regret talking to my own sister. "What happened a while ago?" She asked. "Well... uhm, I really couldn't really choose between them. Uh, and I don't want Kristoff to feel bad. I was supposed to choose Hans, but... Kristoff might." I look at Elsa worriedly. "I know, I understand. Both have been courting you but why do you seem to like Hans more?" She asked.

     "Well, Kristoff is fine. The thought of him cheating on me always comes into my mind. You know, since he's famous and he could get any girl to swoon over him. Hans is the other way around. I'm not saying that he doesn't look good it's just that I feel more happy with him." I explained and Elsa nodded.

     "What about the running away thing? what did Kristoff tell you?" Elsa questioned raising an eyebrow. "Uhm..."


     "Anna! Wait!" I heard Kristoff call out. Oh no! I began walking faster thinking that Kristoff wouldn't be able to catch up with me. Right?

     "Anna? W-what happened?" Someone said behind me.


     "Hans, this isn't the right ti-" I was cut off. "Anna! Wha- Hans." "Kristoff clenched his fist and gritted his teeth. "Stay away from her!" "Kristoff yelled.

     "No! Kristo-" I said as a fist landed on Hans' face. I gathered all my strength to pull Kristoff away from Hans. But to no avail. By the time I gave up, Hans' face was already disfigured and with cuts and bruises. Everyone in the hall started to gather around us.

     I looked around and forced myself to glare at them. "Dont you have other things to do in your lives?". I hissed angrily at them and they fled away. I looked back at the brawl and Kristoff was winning. "Kristoff!!!" I yelled. "Stop!!! It!!! Now!!!" I screamed, pulling him off of Hans. This time he let go.

      "What has gone into you?!" I hissed at Kristoff. "He is gonna hurt you! What do you even expect him to do?! Comfort you? Really? Anna? Don't you come to me when he hurts you!" He hissed back at me, as he started walking away.

     I ran to Hans lying down on the floor. He had a lot of bruises and cuts on his face. I cried harder and he shushed me. "Anna. I-it's o-okay. Y-you trust m-me don't y-you?" He asked. I just nodded and I helped him to his feet. I helped him get to the clinic. I asked for a nurse and Nurse Nikki came.

     "Oh! Hi Ann- Oh my! Hans! Lets get you on the bed. Quickly!" Nurse Nikki helped me carry Hans to the bed. "U-uhm. Hans, I-I need to go." I said as I headed towards the door. "T-thank you." Hans said. I turned around and smiled at Hans.

     I was walking to the cafeteria doors when I saw Kristoff leaning on the door frame. I glared at him and grabbed for the handle on the door.

     "How will you deal with this now! Huh? I thought you were good, friendly and, and Ugh! I obviously thought wrong of you. Now your gonna get suspended! You nearly killed him Kristoff! You understand? He nearly died!" I yelled and he just looked down. 

     I enetered and immediately changed my mood so Elsa won't notice. Although I couldn't smile so I held my head down.


    "There." I said. "Oh. okay." Elsa said rather worried. "Let's go back. Hiccup and Mer probabaly have returned already." I tried smiling but it ended up as a frown. "O-okay" Elsa said and we headed back to the cafeteria.

     "Where's Els-" Mer was about to ask. Elsa cut her off. "Were here!" Elsa said interrupting Mer and she smiled. "Burgers for everyone!" Hiccup cheered and all of us chuckled. He and Mer gave our burgers and we started munching our food.

     "What happened a while ago." I heard Elsa say. I shot my head up and everyone was looking at...


     Phew. "Uhm, yeah about the douche bag. Yup. He's been my nemesis for many years. Infact I recall him dying my hair pink when we were in a sleepover at Rap's. And you guys even dared to laugh." She said looking at Hiccup, Rap, Jack, Kristoff and Eugene. Elsa was trying to stiffle a laugh but ended up snorting.

     Everyone started laughing out loud and Elsa flushed in embarrassment. It actually made me laugh as well. We stopped and then laughed some more. Now Elsa was laughing with us.

     The bell rang and we headed out to our next classes. We were all together in Home Eco. so we headed there together. I wasn't that happy about it.

     Ms. Angel came and we sat down. I sat in between Elsa and Mer. Rapunzel sat beside Elsa. Kristoff sat behind me, Hiccup behind Mer, Jack behind Elsa and Eugene behind Rap. This was always our position during Home Eco. Sometimes we would change places.

     Ms. Angel started discussing and after about five minutes a crumpled piece of paper landed on my desk. I looked around and found Hans. Right, he was also here. Sigh. Does it get any worse?

     I opened it up and it read:

     Anna, thank you so much for helping me earlier. Meet me at the football field after school.

                                        I Love You <3

     I started blushing madly and looked at Hans. He was looking at me. I smiled at him and he winked. Oh my gosh! What will he tell me later? What are we gonna do? Will he ask me to be his girlfrie- No! Stop this Anna! Aaaaaaah! Can't. Stop. Fangulring! My dreams are coming true.

     I sighed a dreamy sigh and played attention to Ms. Angel. I hadn't notice The girls, Elsa, Rap, and Mer, were staring at me. "What?" I whispered at them. "Your blushing!" Rap whisper-squealed. "N-no I'm not!" I said and I felt myself blushing again. They rolled their eyes and continued listening.

     Classes ended and we walked to our lockers. "Hey Anna! Let's go to our hideout." Mer said. "U-uh. I'm supposed to be meeting Ha- Someone!" I said trembling over my words. "Uh O-oh okay." She said slowly.

     Once they were out of my sight I started running towards the field. I was happy to see Hans under a tree. "Hey there beautiful." He greeted and I blushed. "H-hey." I stammered. Hans has been courting me. And he is very sweet. He always finds time for me. Unlike Kristoff, when I ask him to do a favor he says he's busy. And I don't like that.

     I caught him staring at me. "U-uhm, what are we gonna talk about?" I asked him, breaking the awkwardness. "U-oh right. Uhm, well, how do I put this out?" He muttered. I giggled and and he continued.

     "Well," He said holding his composure. "I have been courting you for the past few days, and uhm, I figured out that I want to take another step. So, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

      He asked meh! Ermegerd! Fanguuuurling. But of course I kept that all in. Nah! I started squealing and jumping around. Hans chuckled and I stopped. I blushed and said "Yes!"

     I kissed his cheek and when I finished he started leaning in. "U-uh, Hans, my sister would probably kill me if we kissed. You know, in the lips. Cheeks first okay?" I said and he frowned and quickly kissed me on the cheek.

     "Yeah. Well I better be going. My sister is probably worrying about me by now. I said and he nodded. "Kay, see ya tommorow babe." Omigosh! Did he just say babe? I waved goodbye and walked away to our hideout.

     "Hey! Anna!" "Kristoff said drunk? "W-what happened to you?" I asked and they began laughing. "What?" I asked. "Dare" Eugene said laughing. "Oh okay." I said. "May I join?" I asked and they nodded.

     "Kristoff, continue." Hiccup said. "Eugene! My man!" He said. I was still quite mad at him. "Truth." He said. I looked at Rap and she frowned. Maybe she was hoping for another hug. I shrugged and smiled. "Do you really love MacKenzie?" "Kristoff asked. "Oooooooohhhhh!"  Everyone cheered and Eugene's face scrunched up. "W-what kind of question is that? Of course I l-love her. She's my girlfriend." He said quickly. "Dude, you barely see each other anymore." Jack said. "S-so?" He said. "Okay. Whatever you say." Mer sang. "Mer" Eugene said and looked at Hiccup. Hiccup smirked at Eugene. "Dare!" Mer yelled. "Play seven minutes in heaven with Jack!" Everyone gasped and Eugene started laughing. "Nah! Jack would end up dead. If not Hiccup will be pleased to do so. Ok. Get in the closet with Hiccup." Everyone looked at him raising an eyebrow. "Where do you suppose we find a closet? Out here at the back of the school?" Rap said. "No. In the library. Oh and Ms. Belle ain't there right? Why don't we move there?" Eugene suggested. "Let's go!" Hiccup said pulling Mer up with him. "Desperate much?" I said and both of them blushed. "Yes, yes I am." Hiccup said bravely. "Well, let's go. It's hot here!" Elsa complained and we headed to the library.

     "Here we are." Hiccup said opening the library with his key. "Told you being a student librarian has its perks." He said eyeing Mer. Mer rolled her eyes and we entered. "In the closet you go!" Jack said pushing them in. He closed the door and we headed to the corner of the room. "Let's listen!" Rap whispered. Only the girls did. "Isnt it small in there?" Elsa asked. "Nope, its like a whole room." Rap shrugged. We pressed our ears against the door and heard... moaning?!

     Oh my gosh! "Are they doing it?" I asked quite loudly and we heard laughing. "Great, Anna really?" Rap said. "Sorry" I said and smiled awkwardly. "Uhm it's not yet seven minutes. We still have to stay here a little longer." Mer said through the door. "And don't worry Anna. We won't do it." Hiccup said. I face palmed myself. "We'll be continuing whatever we were doing a while ago." Hiccup said and the three of us blushed. We returned to our place. "What happened? Did they do something inappropriate?" "Kristoff said sounding like a father. "No. Anna is what happened." Elsa rolled her eyes. "Ehehehe... I didn't mean to break their moment." I said. "Anna was all like '*gasp* Did they do it?!'" Rap demonstrated. They laughed. Seven minutes passed and they came out catching their breath. "Hard Core Makeout! Woohoo!" Jack cheered       high-fiving Hiccup. "Wohoo! Go gurl!" Rap yelled. They sat down together and Mer called out... me?

     "Truth." I said, they might dare me to do something to Kristoff. Or so I thought. "Who were you supposed meet and what did you talk about. No backing out. Or you could always do a very hard dare." Mer shrugged. "Hans. He asked me to be his and I said YES!!!" I said, kinda glad. I looked at Kristoff and he glared at me, I smirked rolling my eyes. "Oh. My. Gosh! Yay! Congratulations!" Elsa and Rap squealed. Mer just smiled. "Thank you." I said glaring at Kristoff. "Anyways, Jack." I said looking at Jack. "Dare!" He said. "Have a REAL date with my sister." I smirked. "Yaaassss!!! Thank you Anna! Thank You!!!" He said squeezing me. "Your Welcome. Uh Jack? Please.. get off of me.. Can't.... Breath." He finally let go. "Okay Elsa." He said. "Truth." She said. "Will you go on a date with me?" Jack asked. "No." She said as she stuck her tounge out at Jack. "Aww man! Come on!" Jack complained. "I'm just kidding! Of course I will." Elsa said giggling. "I know." Jack said. "Guys. Its already 5:30. Let's go home." Hiccup said. "Oh alright." Eugene said. We grabbed our bags and headed to the boys' cars. I was still mad at Kristoff so I rode with Jack.

     "Anna," Jack sighed. "You better be careful with Hans. He used to be a player. I'm just warning you okay? Come to us when he hurts you."

     "I'm sure he won't do that to me and if he does I will come to you guys." I smiled at him. I was starting to get worried and I bit my lip. We arrived at our house and we thanked Jack for the ride.

     "Hey girls!" Olaf greeted us. "Hey Olaf! Hey Marshmallow!" Me and Elsa greeted. Elsa and I went to our room and changed. I changed into a white tank top and pink shorts. Elsa changed into a blue shirt and white shorts. I grabbed my phone and we headed down stairs.

     I sat beside Elsa on the sofa. Marshmallow jumped on me and I gave her to Elsa. "Sorry baby. But I'm going to do something." I said scratching the neck of Marshmallow. I unlocked my phone and went on FB. I haven't checked it since the first day of school. Um surprised that so many people sent me a friend request. I found Rap, Mer, Eugene, Jack, Hic and Kristoff. I frowned once I saw his name and I declined it. I scrolled down and smiled when I saw Hans' name. I accepted all the other requests and I was about to log out when someone messaged me.

     'Hey Anna :)' It was sent by Hans.

     'Hi :*' I typed back.

     'Would you mind to go on a date with me? Tomorow at 6:00? I'll pick you up after school. :)'

     'Oh my gosh! Yes! Of course!'

     'Okay. I have to go now. We're about to eat dinner. Love you! Bye!'

     'Bye' I sent the message but he already logged out. I frowned and Olaf called us to eat.

     We finished and me and Elsa went to our bedroom. She sighed loudly and I raised an eyebrow. "Anna. I think Jack has a point. You should be careful with Hans. He might cheat on you and... and I don't want my little sister to be hurt." She said, hugging me. "Yes, I will." I smiled and we went to sleep.


     "Yes. I know. Mhmm. Yeah. Okay. No! Of course not! Yeah. I love you too. Bye!" I was talking to MacKenzie. Yes, she's my girlfriend. If your questioning about her and Eugene, yeah, uhm, that's fake. She just hang onto him for popularity. Yes, she is popular with the Marvelous 4 thing but she wanted more.

    Same with me and Anna. I just want popularity! I don't love her. Why did I choose her between Rap, Elsa, and Mer you ask? Easy. She's gullible. She wants love more than anything. How do I know? I've been observing her whenever I court her. And plus, she's an easy target.

     Rap won't give up on Eugene. Mer is, well Mer. And she's already with Hiccup. Besides, she'll kill me when I flirt with her. Elsa. She's fine but Jack will kill me. Which leaves me with Anna. "Kristoff can't do anything about it cuz she doesn't like him back.

     Sigh. Anna, Anna, Anna. Y U So Gullible. Your making my job much easier. I set down my phone and put myself to sleep.


Halo-Halo! Yes, I want halo-halo. Halo to the Filipinos out there! Sorry for telling that this chapter is supposed to be only Anna but I decided to add Hans. There you go.

Mean and gullible Anna is on.

Y Anna! Y U SO GULLIBLE! Hans break ur heart! Y!!!

Okay, I'm done wailing. How'd I do? Comment :-)

Vote, comment, follow and Read away! Also. Please message me for my other book Ask and Dare THE BIG FOUR
BOYS And THE BIG FOUR GIRLS. Please? I really want to update that but no one's messaging me.

That's all! Bye mah peepz!

-Jelsa and Mericup's biggest fans! (~⊙<⊙)~ (Birdie!)





