Chapter 8 - Because of you? me?

 (Jaeha's POV)

 "Im sick of you two seeing fight..." she said as she wiped her tears, "can you be honest with me Jeno? You and Mark.... its impossible to fight without a reason? Do you know each other ever since?"  I asked because i've been wondering ever since the day me and Jeno entered the school Jeno is acting weird when Mark is around, the day they first fight, it seems like its not their first encounter.

"Jeno.."I said.

Jeno just bowed his head, i feel like he's not ready to share anything, instead of forcing him, i will do the right thing. that's why i held both his shoulders and pat it gently.

"Jeno-yah, Its ok if you're not ready to tell me, but please remember im here, you can tell me everything if you have any problem..." i said giving him an smile to let him feel comfort.

(Third Person's POV)

Jeno raised his head and looked at the girl infront of him giving him an angelic smile that can gives comfort, he then felt doing something he really wanted to do.

He pulled Jaeha to him and gave her a big hug.


"You don't need to remind me Jaeha. Ever since we've met, i've always know that you're always there for me... im not assuming things but i can feel it... And im happy about it..."Jeno said while still hugging Jaeha tightly.

"J-jeno..." Instead of being a typical scolding machine Jaeha, she patted Jeno's back.

"You're really are assuming... But if you say so.." Jaeha joked to lighten up the mood.

"Yahh, im feeling this moment! Hahaha" Jeno said with his eye smile.

"Well lets cut it." Jaeha said then broke free in Jeno's arms.

But jeno pulled her to hug her tightly again, "Shireo... On this day im gonna start hugging you." Jeno said with a tone that can give chills.

"Yah what's wrong with you? are you drunk?! O.M.G! you're still in 1st year but you starting to drink!" Jaeha act as she joke at Jeno's behavior.

"Im serious Jaeha, im just to shy to confess, but starting now im gonna give you obvious hints..." Jeno thought to himself while hugging Jaeha.

"Im just hugging you whats wrong with it?" Jeno said and like asking Jaeha.

"People might get it wrong, duh STUPID." Jaeh said like a typical Jaeha would answer.

"Let them be wrong them." Jeno hug her even tightly teasing Jaeha.

"YAH! BABO-ya?"Jaeha yelled

Jeno just laughed at her cuteness. 

(Mark's POV)

Now i looked like a fool. Damn that guy he will have his time.

"Mark oppa..." I looked at this annoying girl that escorted me out of that room.

"Yah don't call me oppa we're not close. And why the f*** are you still doing here?" i said shooing her out of here.

"Oppa.. I mean Mark, im always her for you, you can talk to me... or you can share-" i cutted her sentence.

"CAN YOU GO!? YOU"RE SO NOISY!" i calmed my self cause i remembered she's a girl. "Please go, before i forget that you're a freaking girl." i said calmly not looking at her.

I heard her crying she is sobbing hard.

"Mark... Even if this happened my view of you is still the same, i know you'll need someone to listen to you, and im waiting that im that person you will be needing. i know you might see me as a freaking obsess girl but no... my eyes will be always be for you.." what the actual heck is this girl saying.

"Go.." I said.

i felt her presence is gone..

"Insect." i said then kicked the nearest thing around me.

(Rigin's POV)

Im so doomed, how will i be near to Mark now if he knows i like him so much, he will avoid me for sure, DUH!? who will not avoid someone who has a deep crush on you that you dont even know them or notice them once.

Im such a loser, im such a...

"Rigin-ssi." Someone called me so i turned around and saw Jaeha with Jeno, they looked like they're having fun after that confrontation. 

I went to her and smiled but deep inside i wanna slap her face.

She looked at Jeno first then asked "Is Mark ok now?"

I smirked, "You have the guts to ask if Mark is ok?" i laughed a little "You wanna know Jaeha?"

Jeno suddenly stopped me. 

"Hey, Rigin-ssi, Jaeha was asking nicely, how come you reply that way." He defended her obviously crush.

i just looked at him then just smirked at him. "He's not ok, and that because of your existence." i point at her face. "Let me clear what i said. Because of your existence Mark never noticed me." i said.

"WTF? i just realized, why would i blame someone if Mark really doesn't like me. Im not even sure if Mark will notice me even if Jaeha is not here. GOSH im shameless.. but im not gonna take back my words."

"Mark is lonely because of you! why do you even exist!" I yelled then walked away as i bumped her purposely.

(Third Person's POV)

Jaeha was speechless, she was there standing still and comprehending what Rigin said to her..

"Wh-why do i even exsist?" i asked myself.

Jeno noticed Jaeha being sad about what the girl said.

"Jaeha thats not true, its not because of you what Mark or that girl is facing right now. you're not doing anything so dont think like you're really are the one making them sad or something." Jeno said to Jaeha.

Jeno is comforting Jaeha, Jaeha just nodded and smiled a little.

"Hey Jaeha.." Jaehyun suddenly appeared, and he noticed the gloominess of Jaeha "Hey whats wrong? did something happened?" Jaehyun ask off guard.

"Ah.. Jaehyun oppa annyeong.. uhmm Aniya.. im ok, how about you? its been awhile since we talked." Jaeha said.

Jeno looked at them both and coughed.

Jaehyun looked at him and just gave him a smile.

"I've been busy from my research paper, you know im in my last year in high school so im trying hard haha.."

"Ahhh Jaeha lets go i thought you have a ballet class today.." Jeno said in front of them.

Jaehyun just laughed at Jeno's action.

Jaeha looked at her watch and realized Jeno is right its time for her Ballet class.

"Oppa mian lets talk again next time, i have a ballet class today, see you." She said.

"Oh ok." Jaehyun said as he  patted Jaeha's head.

"Lets go Jaeha you'll be late hehe" Jeno pulled Jaeha as they walked away.

"What wrong with you Jeno."Jaeha asked.

"Im just uhmm,.... TIME IS GOLD. yeah time is GOLD JAEHA!" Jeno said as they walked fast.

Jaeha just laughed at Jeno's RANDOMNESS.


Another update i'm back as writer QuimXiunny! I hope you guys support and love my stories! 


