1 - His New Start

Shortly after Dream arrived in his room, he fell asleep on his bed without much effort, and woke up the next morning after an unexpectedly peaceful night of sleep. He soon freshened up and began to do his daily chores.

When he finished, Dream decided to stay in his room to think. He had already informed Ink and Blue that he was going to stay inside most of the day due to needing rest, and they said it was fine, thankfully.

With that, he sat on his bed and got to thinking. His main concern currently was the balance, specifically the balance between positivity and negativity. It was always there, and he knew that and had tried to keep his side in check in the past, but it was hard since people had always asked him to give them more positivity.

After checking, he figured out that Nightmare could not feel his extreme mental change through their small bond, which was good. Their bond wasn't exactly ideal for Dream, but it helped seeing as it only transmitted if the other was alive, not the other's feelings. Even better, was that his change didn't affect the balance. It was normal for him to be able to maintain it even if he wasn't in the best state, but yesterday had been his lowest moment, so he had to be sure.

In the end, he decided that letting the balance work itself is his best option. The positivity & negativity balance was almost self-managing as long as enough of both feelings was released into the multiverse as a whole. So, he would only need to spread and absorb positivity when the balance was extremely close to tipping, which rarely happens.

Next is, Ink and the council. The council isn't that difficult handle, but Ink is another story. If Ink, or someone who supports Ink, gets suspicious of his odd behavior and tries to investigate, then things will end badly very quick. They would eventually figure out that Dream is neutral, and no one on the council would stop Ink from hunting him down, like the Bad Sanses. The best option would be to slowly show his change and get at least a few AU's to accept the idea of neutrality.

There were many, many different AU's in the multiverse. It was hard to keep track of it all, especially when Ink creates more left and right. The council doesn't even have a system to help organize who has to go, and Ink usually forces most sanses to come to these meetings anyways. Dream can tell some don't want to be involved, some don't like the violence talked about in meetings, and some don't even like Ink. So getting some AU's on his side should be manageable.

Maybe after pushing enough people into voicing their opinions, he can limit what Ink can do on the council. At least if Ink still wants to have the support of the council. They might even try to replace Ink with another leader. It's a win-win either way for him.

Of course, there's also Blue and the Bad sanses. Now he will probably still act the same around Blue. The only thing Dream will do differently is make it seem more like he's an accepting friend than a loyal ally. The Bad sanses, though, will still act the same near Dream no matter how he acts towards them. They don't know him well enough to notice a difference. Though, he will defend himself, but he won't attack them.

Dream's last and only goal is something he's been wanting to do for a while. You see Dream was always sad when he visited or watched AU's with terrible or cruel stories, like HorrorTale or FlowerFell. Helping them in some way had always been on his mind, especially since he understood.

Nightmare became who is now because of the people around him, the villagers. And he became what he is now because of the environment he was in, alone as a statue.

Though Dream knows he can't do too much because he would alter the AU for interfering too much with the plot, which would make Ink mad. But even if he could only offer his support from the outside, then he would. Then even if the plot of that AU would change because of this, Ink can't do anything about it.

And in addition to acting normally in public, he noticed that his eyelights changed. They weren't the bright yellow stars they used to be, and he noticed that they could only become bright stars when he was truly happy.

'It suits me', he had thought. The pastel shade made him seem more mature and serious. That would help him in the long run, but he knows he has to hide it. A secret of sorts, the type that even if people found out about it, it would only bring more to his side in the end.

It is a secret nonetheless, so Dream still has to make an effort to hide it. He checked the time to see that it was already noon. It surprised him at first seeing that he spent so much time thinking, but he just shook it off and continued to spend his time thinking of different failsafes that might help him in the future. Due to this, he had not eaten anything at all by the days end.

It was around midnight, when he finally decided to stop for the day and rest. After realizing that he hadn't eaten, he just brushed it off already being used to not eating much due to all the work he did for others in the past. He retreats for the night in his bed, silently preparing himself for what was to come.

* • * • * • *

The following day had made Dream excited, but at the same time nervous. Like a kid on their first day of school. Today was the start to his new goals, and he was mainly worried that he would mess up because he wasn't too careful. He knows not many would follow Ink blindly, but there are always exceptions.

Dream quickly shook his head and exited his room. 'I won't accomplish anything if I just stand here worrying' he thought to himself. He then gathered up his courage and made his way to the lobby.

Ink separated the DoodleSphere into two parts. One being the private area that is off limits unless specifically told otherwise. It was mainly the home section of the base, where Dream, Ink and even sometimes Blue stayed. The other part is the public area, otherwise known as the lobby, where people from different universes can come, converse and have meetings. It was easily accessible for the AU's, but not enough for Nightmare's gang to enter.

And even though some people didn't like Ink, they still used the lobby to stay in touch with other AU's or just to be away from their AU for a bit. The empty meeting rooms provided privacy for many others, so all and all the lobby was a well-liked place for all.

For Dream, it gave him the perfect opportunity talk to others more, maybe even learn some important information for the future. Sure, he would sometimes be put into awkward situations due to not many people liking him, but in the end it would help him.

Not realizing that he was thinking to himself, Dream had bumped right into another person causing him to stumble a bit as the other fell. He just stared for a bit before widening his eyes as he realized what happened.

Without second thought, he quickly offered the person a hand, "Oh my God. I am so sorry I bumped into you. I didn't mean to I was just lost in thought." After a bit of hesitation from the other, they grabbed his hand and got up. Dream was then easily able to tell who it was he bumped in to.

Beats from UnderBeats. To be honest, Dream had never seen much of Beats in and out of meetings. He was always interested in how he can sense people's souls, but every time he tried to talk to him, he would never find him.

Beats, on the other hand, was extremely nervous when he bumped into Dream. He had been looking around frantically for Kin as he arrived at the lobby earlier than normal, so bumping into another person had scared him slightly. He had never had the chance to talk to Dream at all because he and Kin liked hanging out in secluded places.

Though Beats had heard that he was an oblivious follower of Ink which didn't sit well with Kin. Kin greatly disliked the creator for involving him and Beats in this "pointless fight" so, they both expected Dream to be just as bad. Though he was surprised when he was offered a hand and apologized to with so much emotion.

Undeniably, he was reluctant at first, but he calmed himself and accepted the hand. And when Dream looked at him with a reassuring and slightly guilty smile, he could only think of how wrong those rumors were. Though, he quickly became embarrassed as he realized he was staring at Dream. Even more so, when the other looked at him slightly confused, and Beats quickly tried to respond back.

Dream was indeed confused if not a little nervous. Beats is very obviously timid, so he thought he had done something that made Beats uncomfortable. This was more enforced when he saw the other become flustered and start to fumble over his words. He had never been able to hear what he wanted to say because another skeleton moved themselves in between them.

Dream had subconsciously taken a step back as he looked at the skeleton that was slightly glaring at him. It was the skeleton by the name of Kin from NewTale. Now he will admit he sweatdropped slightly at his presence, but not because he was afraid. He wasn't really afraid of death let alone someone else.

No, he was trying to figure out what he had done to make Kin so mad at him. Dream knew that he disliked Ink greatly, but he didn't think that included himself as well. It would make sense if he was being honest. Dream already understands he won't get his happy ending, let alone everyone's acceptance, but he still has to act like he still cares about what others think of him for his secret.

"What are you doin'?" Kin said, after Dream stepped back. Snapping back into reality, Dream stole a quick glance at Beats' worried stare before looking back at the person in front of him. "We bumped into each other. I was just trying to-," Dream started only to be cut off.

"To what? Help? Well I'm here now, so he doesn't need your help," Kin said, taking a step forward to prove his point. 'I won't complain much as it was my fault that Beats fell, so I'll just leave', Dream thought

"Oh, right...", I say, turning away slightly as I back away from the pair slightly. "Well it was nice meeting you; I hope you have a nice day." He gives them one small smile before turning around and walking away. 'Well that was a great start,' Dream thought, almost sulking slightly as he walked away from the pair.

Meanwhile, Kin stands there slightly surprised as he watches Dream walk away. He expected Dream to act arrogant or narcissistic, yet he was reserved and apologetic. He follows Ink with blind loyalty for crying out loud. Yet, he smiled at them before he left, like Kin hadn't been aggressive to him throughout their entire conversation. 'Something isn't right,' Kin thought.

Beats was, also, very worried when watching their interaction together, but glad that it didn't escalate any more than that. Otherwise, he would not be able to interact with Dream again, and he didn't want that. Beats moves closer to Kin, only to see him turn his head away from the direction Dream went in. Unknown to him, Kin also wants to talk to Dream again, not understanding one thing about the yellow skeleton. 'Why does he side with Ink, but act like a small, fragile puppy that doesn't know what their fighting for,' Kin thinks, his eyes narrowing slightly, before ignoring it in favor of hanging out with Beats.

Dream watches them leave out of the corner of his eye as he continues to sulk from what happened. Now that doesn't mean that he expected the first interaction to be great, but he thinks that he made Kin hate him more. He could practically feel the hate that Kin had towards him without even trying to feel his emotions. Though Dream could feel the slight worry Beats had for him, too. 'So maybe it wasn't a total failure,' he thought as he continued to walk through the lobby.

Looking around slightly, he didn't know where to go or who he should try and talk to. He only talked with Beats because they were forced to due to bumping into each other. With quick haste, Dream quickly shook his head to put a stop to the slightly negative thoughts that were swirling around in his head and pushed on continuing his search for monster interaction.

 After looking for almost an hour, Dream was ready to give up, when he caught a sight of someone that made his sad mood brighten up instantly. It was Outer from OuterTale. It was the perfect opportunity. Not only did Dream want to thank him for inviting him to go to OuterTale, he also liked talking to Outer. 

Outer had come to him a few times in the past for help and every time he did, he would try and compensate Dream for his time. In Dream's mind, Outer is one of the very few people who treated him as more than just a helper in the past. And because of that he values Outer immensely and wishes to become friends with him, which is why Dream is currently walking towards him.

As Dream gets closer to where Outer is standing, he sees the star-themed skeleton glance at him and smiles slightly. Outer's eyelights widen a bit as he continues to look at him, but soon calms himself and looks at Dream with a calm smile.

Dream soon reaches his destination, and takes the initiative to start the conversation. He smiles even brighter at Outer, "Hello, Outer. How are you?" Outer looks at Dream slightly confused, but shakes it off. "Heya, Dream. I'm doing alright. I will admit it is a little early for my taste, but I like to space things up every once in a while," Outer says, smirking slightly at his pun.

Dream chuckles softly at the pun, making Outer's eyes widen before he smiles lazily, feeling vaguely proud of himself. "I can see that," Dream says when he stops laughing. Outer soon lifts his bone brow in question. "Now, whacha need from little ol' me?", curious of what skeleton in front of him needs from him.

Dream's calm expression changes quickly as he lifts his hand to the back of his neck, seemingly becoming embarrassed as he speaks. "Well, I came over to tell you thank you." Outer shows a surprised, but confused face, not really knowing why Dream is thanking him. He slowly responds, "Thank me? What for?"

The positive skeleton freezes for a moment, before becoming even more embarrassed and answering the other's question in a flustered manner. "R-Right. Sorry, um. You recommended that I visit your AU, last time we spoke. I had some free time yesterday, and decided to there. I really enjoyed my time in OuterTale, s-so I wanted to thank you because if you didn't tell me, I probably wouldn't have ever gone."

Outer freezes slightly as the unexpected answer, before searching Dream's face for any indication of a lie. Finding none, he tries to think of how he should respond. After debating a little, he chuckles. "It’s no problem, Dream. Feel free to come by any time to say hello," Outer says, with a genuine smile. Dream smiles back happily at the words. Feeling giddy inside because Outer is giving him a chance.

Dream and Outer continue to talk for a few hours, both enjoying the others company. As the sun starts to set, they both say their goodbyes and go their separate ways. Hoping to see the each other again soon.

As he was walking away to make a portal home to see his brother, Outer began thinking about everything that happened. He was just standing there thinking of what to do, since Comet forced him out of the house early saying that he needed to socialize more. He never in a million years would have thought that he would experience Dream coming to him and talking to him.

Outer knew of Dream and how he was treated by others and because of that, he always tried to never ask for his help for anything. Eventually, he had to ask Dream for help on some things, but always made sure that the other would get something in return. Though, most attempts failed because he didn't know what to give Dream.

Then the last time Dream helped him, he told Dream that he should visit his AU. It was one of his last attempts to compensate Dream, since he knows most people like his AU. Outer really hoped that Dream would visit his AU, even if it was for a little bit. It was as if his prayers were answered, when he saw Dream walking towards him talking about how he really enjoyed going to his AU.

Not only that, but Dream seemed happier and more content with himself as he talked with him. It made Outer proud knowing that his AU helped Dream, and it certainly did help Dream much more than he will ever know. He subconsciously smiled as he entered the portal to his home, thinking of Dream one day befriending his brother, also.

Meanwhile, Dream felt as if he was walking on clouds. He was extremely happy with how his interaction with Outer went, and can't wait to meet with him again. Dream expected Outer to be a little hesitant to talk with him, but was overjoyed when that wasn't the case.

He was still excited even, when he reached his room. Like a teenager who got to meet their idol. 'I can't believe it. I made my first new friend today!', Dream cheers internally. He is soon, knocked out of his thoughts as he hears a ringing noise.

Dream looks over at the ringing phone on his nightstand and picks it up, feeling very curious about who is calling him. He sees the name on the screen and smiles a faint smile.


Dream isn't surprised much by Blue calling him. Blue is the one who scheduled most of their meet-ups afterall. Though, he didn't feel as excited to talk to Blue as he thought he would be. Dare he say it, he actually felt a little nervous. Dream didn't want to be pushed away again, but he felt that he still would be.

This had brought up the age old question. What if he was too late? He hoped that he wasn't because if he was, then Dream could never recover their friendship. Which was something he didn't want. No matter what, in Dream's eyelights Blue was his ever first friend and the first person that he considered to be his best friend.

And he wasn't willing to loose that. Dream soon said something that he will hold on to for the rest of time. "Don't worry Blue, I will fix this. I promise." With that vow, he accepted the call and lifted the phone up to his skull, determined to make Blue happy.
