Chapter 12 - The End

Back on Berk...

Stoick was angrily walking around the village in order to find the teens. They all disappeared after trying to find those mysterious dragons. "Where could thy go?" Stoick was then shoved but some of the villagers. They were all running in the same direction. To the docks. But why? He then decided to follow behind and he couldn't believe his eyes after what he saw.

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"You sure that you're ok?" Hiccup was nervous that they'll fall.

"I'm ok. I've dealt worse." Spyro assured Hiccup.

Hiccup then turned his head to the mysterious rider who was behind him. "So can you please tell me who you are." He desperately wanted answers. "How do you know me?"

"I don't expect you to know who I am but... a mother never forgets."

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Drago was celebrating in victory while destroying Berk. Since he was busy celebrating, he failed to notice a massive boulder flying towards him. It smashed hard into the back of his Bewilderbeast which caused it to lose focus onto Toothless who knocked Drago off him.

"Who dares challenge Drago Bludvist." He looked in front of him and saw the boulder disappear which revealed a purple dragon. "What!? I thought I controlled all the dragons!?" He started charging towards Spyro who managed to dodge all of his blows. "What?! What type of Loki's trickery is this?!"

"It is no trickery. It is called intellegence." Drago was both mad and shocked. "Oh. You might be wondering how I was never controlled. Or should I say we?" Cynder came flying down and used her tail blade to hit Drago hard in the back. "Now Cyn!" Both Spyro and Cynder released a purple beam which went through Drago and it hit the Bewilderbeast who was fighting back. Luckily, Toothless shot a plasma breath towards the Bewilderbeast.

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Since this chapter is short, I might as well finish it off

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Everyone congratulated Spyro and Cynder. Even the dragons. Toothless bowed in front of them. They were now the alphas since Drago's Bewilderbeast is now gone. Spyro and Cynder were accepting them bowing at them but the main problem was that they had to return back home.

Spyro pulled Hiccup closer to him. "Hiccup, I...I can't lead them. I have my own home as well as Cynder. So I am going to let you know that I am going to pass the leader role to Toothless." Hiccup happily accepts the role and went off to tell Toothless.

"Hey Spyro, do you mind if you, Cynder and Sparx stay around for dinner. We would love to have you there."

Spyro looked over at Cynder then towards Sparx before making a decision. "We accept."

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At the Meade hall. Everyone was partying. Hiccup, Astrid and Fishlegs sat on the opposite side of a table to Spyro, Cynder and Sparx. The six of them were sharing stories around about each other.

All of a sudden, the door bursts open revealing a light blue dragon with an ocean blue underbelly, a yellow dragon with a purple underbelly and a forest green dragon with a brown underbelly. Everyone was confused Except for three.

"Cyril! Volteer! Terrador!" Spyro went running straight into them. Cynder and Sparx were behind

"Congratulations Spyro, you and Cynder have defeated the dark master." Terrador congratulated them. Hiccup, Astrid and Fishlegs came walking behind. "Well hello there you three. Ignitus told us that you and Spyro were going to get along well." Spyro's heart skipped a beat.

"Master Ignitus is alive?!" Spyro looked like he was going to explode.

"Yes he is. That is how we came here. He found a portal and brought us here." Volteer said.

"Ok. That's exciting but can we stay here and leave tomorrow morning?" Cynder was somewhat enjoying herself on Berk.

"Sure" Cyril said.

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Stoick found his son with the dragons so he decided to grab and have a word with him. "Son. We need to have a word." Hiccup groaned silently.

"If you mind, he's coming with me." The dragon rider grabbed Hiccup's arm and pulled him away but Stoick noticed something.

"Valka?" The whole entire hall went silent after saying her name.

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"You ready young dragons?" Cyril questioned Spyro and Cynder just as Hiccup and Toothless came flying towards them. He was amazed to see a portal.

After staring at the portal, he spoke. "Oh sorry. I've never seen a portal. Well, Bye Spyro. Bye Cynder and bye Sparx." Toothless grunted afterwards.

"I hope we could meet soon." Both Hiccup, and Cynder said in unison.

The dragons then walked through the portal before it closed.

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I am planning to make a sequel but I won't just start yet. I feel like planning before starting.

So if yo enjoyed, plz comment ur opinion.
