6: Flying

"Is there a place where the Lost Boys can't track us?" Your no-nonsense tone makes the boy think. "The echo caves. Let's go." You then follow Henry, who rushes after the boy. All three of you sprinting out of your hiding spot and into the jungle.

After running for awhile an arrow shoots across your path. "Quick this way!" Henry takes off down another path and you have no choice but to follow. Eventually you reach a cliff.

"They are sure to catch us now! Because if Pan wants you- he will get you." You frown at the pessimistic boy. "Yeah ok- how did you cross Big bad Peter Pan?" Henry frowns at your bluntness. "This." They boy uncovers a vial of dull pixi dust. "But there's no way it can work." You all freeze as the calls of the Lost Boys get closer.

Screw this. Tugging the vial off the boy you throw it to Henry and it lights up in the air before he catches it. "We have to jump!" You nod at him and walk back from the edge- pulling the boy with you. "Let's get a running start then!" As you run off the cliff Henry empties the glowing dust over of all three of you, lifting you into the night sky.

You can't help but grin as the cool wind whistles past you, Henry and the boy each yell out a cheer from either side of you. Looking down you watch as the dense jungle flies past underneath you it is kind of beautiful.

Suddenly the ex Lost Boy tugs on your hand, pointing to an upcoming clearing. You look to Henry to make sure he sees where you are to land. Swooping to the ground you let go each others hands, dropping and rolling to the floor. You roll up and stand- watching as the two boys tumble along the ground before coming to a stop.

Now that you have some space to breath you feel your instincts telling you to get ready for a fight, so you pull out your knife again, subtlety sliding it up the arm of your jacket. "See if you believe, anything is possible!" Henry's cheery voice grates against your ears.

"Henry- get over here, he's not who he seems." Your cool voice makes Henry turn and puzzle at you. "Actually you couldn't be more right y/n." You double take. "I never told you my name!" The boy chuckles, circling you. "Let's make this a game shall we? For instance. You are y/n 'Mills' 17 years old. And Henry, 10 years old." Henry quickly gets to your side, glancing apologetically at you.

"You are a Lost Boy! You work for Pan!" You snort at Henry's realisation. "Called it!" The boy stops pacing and walks closer to you. "Not exactly. I am Peter Pan." You internally start freaking out but just smirk on the outside. "Well- Peter Pan. Time to get your ass kicked."

Lunging forward you punch him right in the jaw. He takes a few steps back, eyes alight with surpise and curiosity. "You've got fire. I like fire." You just growl and follow him. "Y/n! Stop!" you turn at Henry's voice. You cringe when you see that the other Lost Boys have appeared, caging him in. "Damn it Henry!" The hooded boy from before stalks over to Pan. "What shall we do with the girl?" You feel yourself getting angrier by the second. "Cage her for now." Pan then blows some pink dust in your face, making you feel sleepy. Trying to fight it, you fall to the forest floor.

