Hello! I believe I had promised @TheQueen309 that I would have this next chapter posted by Sunday... sorry it's a little late! hope this is okay!

But here it is! Hope you all enjoy!

"Who wants to start?" Jin asked once everyone had taken a seat. His little family of Gay assholes was a mess at the moment and were in desperate need of a therapy session.

What better therapists than Kim Fucking Seokjin?

When no one spoke up, he turned to the closest one, Hoseok.

"While you were out, we talked a bit about this Park Jimin... it's a pretty sensitive topic at the moment but that's why we're here. I'm sure you have something to say about him?" Jin asked gently, ignoring the slight flinches and movements of the other three teenagers.

"Ah, about that... I went back to his place after the dance meet. He was in the bathroom at the time and I-" the orange haired boy turned a dark red, making him look like a weird sunset (Hobis the one sun that will never set, even in his lowest moments ARMY will still see him as one of the most beautiful stars in the galaxy. Love y'all) as he remembered what happened and decided he wouldn't share that bit.

"What about Jimin in the bathroom?" Taehyung piped up, still angsty af but interested.

"ANYWAY." Hoseok coughed awkwardly. He touched his small bruise on his face and sobered up slightly. "He told me he was done dealing with us, and that he's moving back to Busan..."

The room became silent for a minute, everyone just letting that information sink in... so he left?

"On another, completely different note," Hoseok spoke up again, shit eating grin on his face. "I found out who Chim is!"

"Jesus Christ you were still figuring it out? We all know it's fucking Jimin Hobi." Yoongi groaned in annoyance. They all really were fucked. Park Jimin being the main cause of it all.ย 

"Wait... you knew? And you didn't think to, I don't know, tell me?" He looked at his friend, shock and rage filled his system. (Top ten anime betrayals) "I honestly don't know how you haven't found out till now... he has the same fucking smile, asshat." The other scoffed. "Well it's not like I've ever seen him smile before!"

It got awkward again, no one speaking. Jungkook, Who was yet to say anything, had mostly blocked them out. Still stuck in deep thought. (He a thot) (jk)

"So... I guess we're all whipped for Park Jimin." Taehyung sighed, placing his hand on his cheek. This caused the others to look at him and then to each other (minus NamJin as they sip their tea and watch the drama unfold).

"Hey! Back the fuck off, Jiminie's my boyfriend!" Jungkook snarled, finally out of his angsty memory lane trance. "Was. Was your boyfriend. You fucked that one up real good bitch boy." Yoongi added, helpfully. (Not.)

"So I'd have a chance?" Hobi asked, hope (IM YOUR HOPE) in his eyes. "I don't know, that bruise is looking pretty bad, mind telling us how you got it? Or what you did to get it?" Taehyung asked sarcastically, glaring at him.

"It's not like he'd go for you, Tae. All you do is stalk him through the Piano door." Suga pointed out. "Yeah? And you stalk him on the roof so where do you think you're getting anywhere with that?" Tae flashes back.

"At least I don't fucking Instagram stalk him like SOMEONE." He hissed, Hobi stood up at that, Tae and Yoongi following. Jungkook was still a mess so he barely noticed the others moving.

"Now now, lets all take a deep breath? Right? JOON?" Jin said, using his hands to gesture a slow down motion.

"Uh- Yeah, guys sit down." Namjoon told them, honestly he was ready to see someone throw hands. Popcorn was right in the pantry. "Kim Namjoon I'm gonna slap you. I know exactly what you're thinking. We need to help them, not let them tear each other apart." Jin scolded his lover. Honestly why did he have to be the only mature one here?

"I see that you all have... feelings for Jimin. And that you all did some pretty bad things to him in the past. If you want some advice from Hyung, have any of you started with apologizing?" He asked once everyone was seated again. Their silence was his answer.

"It would be a good start. When you apologize, you have to make sure he forgives you. Only then can you start baby steps to win his feelings." Jin continued. Everyone nodded at this, even Jungkook, who came back from LaLa land.

"Especially you, Kook. What you did can really break a person, from the sound of it he must have been really traumatized by it. I'm surprised he didn't press charges." Namjoon finally spoke up, Jin sharing the brain cell of the two. (Bout time)

"He covered up for him at the nurses office." Hobi said offhandedly, Jungkook looking at him. A new sort of regret washed over him, he hurts Jimin that badly and then he just leaves without an explanation... god he's the worst... Jimin shouldn't even forgive him... no matter how much he wants him to.

"When is... when is he coming back?" Taehyung asked suddenly. "I-I don't think he is? He just said he was moving back to Busan?"

That's when Jungkook realized, this is about the time of year when Jimin left, or well- his parents dying. But was he really not going to come back?

Jimin sighed, giving Mr. Wang, a man he sees as family, a dismissing smile. The older man bowed before taking his leave, leaving Jimin in front of the large bamboo door.

Giving a knock, he waited.

But it turned out he only had to wait half a second before the door was thrown open and a tall handsome figure with a light stubble came out.

"JIMIN!" He boomed, taking his nephew in for a hug. "Ah you've grown since I last saw you! But what are you wearing? You leave in an Armani suit and come back in this?" His uncle asked, skeptical of Jimin's choice in fashion.

What was wrong with his clothes? The brunette looked down. He had on his old wrinkled white shirt and black sweatpants. He touched his thick rimmed back up glasses unsuredly. He didn't see anything wrong at the moment... they were comfortable. (Insert Jimin pouty face)

"They're comfortable..." he muttered, causing the older man to laugh. "Come in come in, it's been too long since I last saw you."

The two sat in his office, across from each other on the longe chairs. "Really Jiminie, it feels like ages since I've spoke to you like this. I'm not so sure I can let you go back to the capital." He chuckled, brushing a hand through his jet black hair, a few grays showing his true age.

"You're being dramatic, Uncle." Jimin sighed. But he was happy, it has been forever since he's seen his blood relative face to face like this. It was nice.

"About mom and dad..." the smaller began. "Ah yes, the group has already set up the schedule. Tomorrow will be just for us. While we stay at the columbarium, I'll have Chanhee watch over. I trust her." Jimin smiled at his uncle. Chanhee has stuck with him nearly his whole life, her family devoting their loyalty early on.

"I literally don't know why you hesitate to marry her. You both obviously like each other." Jimin sighed, laughing when his uncle became a light red.

The two continued to talk for hours. About how business has been in Busan, Jimin's high school like, and how he's been living alone for the first time. It was relaxing, Jimin molding back into his cool attitude he had before he needed to constantly look over his shoulder for a punch or milkshake being thrown at him. He really did lead a different life before going back to Seoul...

"It's nearly time for the party... you should go get ready." Uncle said, checking his Vacheron constatin watch. "You're wardrobe has been updated over the years, you can thank BamBam."

Jimin rolled his eyes, of course BamBam touched his clothes. He's way more of a fashionista than him. With a bow, Jimin left his uncle.

Walking down random hallways, something that would seem like a labyrinth to others, Jimin felt even more at home. He knew these walls like he knew himself. He knew Busan like he knew himself.

He walked by dozens of people, some he recognized and others who were new, all of them bowed deeply and respectively to him as they passed. It only made him walk straighter, boosting his confidence. (Even though he looks like a hermit strutting down the elegant hallways)

By the time he made it to his room, two foreign body guards stood there. They must be new because Jimin didn't recognize nor remember their names, but they looked to be maybe German? He didn't know a lot of German... (lmao I know in real life it would be actually kind of hard to tell what nationality they are unless they start speaking their language or tell you, but let's pretend for now)

The two acknowledged him with hands outstretched. They must be new to the country itself... Jimin took it nonetheless, shaking their hand with a firm grip in his soft hands. He offered a smile, and spoke in his very very broken German that he did know.

"Du bist hรผbsch... Geh und mach dich bereit. Er, Essen und trinken spรคter. Um, Haus." (You look cute. Go and get ready. Eat and drink later. House.) God was that even right? From the looks on their faces he knew it was wrong. He wanted to tell them they were fine and could be dismissed to get prepared for the party tonight. Maybe he should take up German...

Thankfully, the two seemed to at least assume what Jimin was trying to say, and left with another handshake to him.

Without the guards there, Jimin walked in.

He hasn't been in his room since junior high, thankfully his uncle changing his bed to fit him more appropriately for his new size. Except for that, and his new clothes, everything else was left the same. It was refreshing.

He ended up picking out a black dress shirt with slight ruffles at the top near the collar. Over that was a silky black and silver dress jacket that had all sorts of patterns on it. Tossing his nerdy glasses aside, he pulled out a pair of contacts. He couldn't help but curse whenever it would fall or stab his eye. Finally, he got them both in, correctly, by the seventh try. This is why he mostly wears his glasses.

When he was styling his dark hair, and pondering wether it was time to change the color again, the doors to his room burst open.

"Park. Motherfucking. Jimin."

The smaller whirled around, an ear splitting grin on his face.

"Kim. Motherfucking. Yugyeom."

"Hyung! I missed you so mucccch!" Yugyeom screeched, Jimin just screeched right back.

"I missed you guys too! Who else is here?"

"Just BamBam! We heard you were here so we ran but I beat him!"

"You guys sound like parrots!" Speak of the devil and he will appear. BamBam stood by the door, clutching the frame as if he was out of breath. The two just laughed, Jimin going in to hug them both. God he really did miss this.

"How's the UK?" Yugyeom asked suddenly. Of course Jackson tried to convince them that Jimin really was in the Britain. "Who said I was in the UK?"

"Seriously? But-"

"But Jackson doesn't know shit. Y'all been tricked." The smaller laughed, sticking his tongue out at the two. The other gasped in mock offense. "So where were you really?"

"That's for you to wonder I guess."


"That's bitch Hyung to you."

The three continued to catch up, BamBam approving Jimin's outfit for the night. The two younger men had suits for themselves prepared for Jimin's welcome home party.

"Ah, we should go now. It's going to start." BamBam said, checking his Rolex. (Everyone gets expensive watches in this joint.)

They made their way down the the hundreds of hallways (lmao like five in reality, they just really long and really big) till they came upon giant doors held open and guarded by police officer, who bowed upon seeing them. The three bowed back respectfully, Jimin thanking them for their protection.

As the trio walked in, rows and rows of people who sat at large round tables off to the side, stood and bowed. It was like dominos, each person bowing as they walked by. Jimin fixed his jacket as he walked slightly ahead of the other two, but not by a lot. He walked in the middle, BamBam and Yugyeom acting as escorts. (Not THAT type of escort. You dirty minded children.)

They finally made it all the way down the large ball room, where a long rectangular table was facing longways to the door. Jimin's uncle was already there, standing proudly as he watched the boy he took in as his own son, walk with confidence past his hundreds of people, his family. Right next to him was Joo Chanhee, smiling and giving a little wink and wave to Jimin. Honestly she would be such a great aunt. Too bad his uncle's a wimp in the romance life.

Yugyeom and BamBam's parents were there as well, sitting to the left of Jimin's uncle. Five other couples sat there as well, including Mr. Wang.

Jimin took a seat to his uncle's right, his friends doing so as well. Five chairs were left vacant respectfully. As soon as they took their places, Uncle raised his glass. Everyone in the room followed suite.

"Tonight is a wonderful night. Tonight we celebrate my nephew, Jimin. Although we grieve tomorrow, tonight, we shall smile." He began. "So to the people here, my family," there was an uproar of applause and whoops in the the crowd, toward the right. "The Haku family." More applause, like the last, echoed throughout the room. "The Lules." A repeat of what happened the last two times. The applause kept repeating itself as Jimin's uncle named the guests.

"The Yongs!"

"The Bihaeng!"

"The Haji!"

A sudden silence fell upon the room. BamBam stifled a laugh.

"Ah, I guess they couldn't make it."

Laughter erupted throughout the room, Jimin's uncle laughing heartily and waiting for the noise to die down.

"I've gathered you all here tonight, so I want you to dance, have fun. Drink my wine and eat my food! But do it in honor of my nephew, my sister, and my brother." The room applauded once again, but this time everyone at once.

Jimin smiled, his glass of cider still raised.

Maybe it was time for a formal introduction.

He closed his eyes as he knocked back the entire sugary substance into his mouth. He looked over at his uncle, wearing his luxury clothes and holding himself with a sense of power and importance. He looked to his right to see two of his best friends and personal body guards since they were kids.

And finally, he looked at the audience in front of him, majority of them clad in beautiful gowns and expensive suits, all of them likely having a concealed weapon on them.

Men and police alike stood outside and inside, all over the place, holding guns and keeping out for the slightest of trouble.

He lost his parents when he was still in primary school.

Since then he moved in with his uncle and has been in his care.

His uncle of course being Park Woosung, one of the most powerful gang bosses in the mafia. Making Jimin his sole blood relative and future heir to everything his uncle owned.

In Seoul, he's the kid who doesn't have an ounce of confidence and can only be happy when he dances.

In Busan, he's kind of a big deal if you haven't noticed yet.

He's motherfucking Park Jimin.

Ah yes, happy confident Jimin!

I feel like I emphasized on the "family but not family" thing, oops ๐Ÿ˜‚

Also just thought I'd give a few visuals for you guys:

Kim Yugyeom in his fine ass suit:

BamBam looking like he gonna steal your Sugar baby (or steal you):

And last but not least, Motha freaking, Park Jimin:

Wait his is smaller than the others... I swear it's the shorty curse (jkjk he's literally six inches taller than me) and don't mind the wild Hobi in the background... wait that's Hobi right?

None of these pictures are mine, I literally searched them up on the web. So props to their stylists, them, and the photographers cause these be a blessin
