Chapter 14.

Vincent p.o.v

I followed Amethyst's scent back to a motel, why was she staying here? Surely she could afford to stay someplace nicer. I was about to go up to her door when two men beat me there.

"We are here to bring you to Alpha James." They said authoritatively.

I didn't hear what she said, but they went in and then emerged maybe ten minutes later, with her. She had a bag and nothing else. I watched while they escorted her into a large black SUV; then drove off. I got back into my car and followed them. Where were they taking her?

They stopped a couple times, and then got gas. I got gas to, as I was running low. Maybe the Alpha lived in a different part of the state. But then again, why did they not just talk to her? Why take her with them? It made no sense. Unless, Damien was the Alpha here, but then why had he been in the Yukon range?

I followed them some more, until I couldn't make the terrain. So I stopped and found a place to shift, following the SUV that way. Which led to a large house? This must be the pack house. I found my way back to my car and found an inn to stay at. I grabbed a shower before going to sleep.


I woke up to a phone call. I groaned and answered it. "Hello?"

My sister sighed. "Still not a morning person Vincent?"

I groaned. "What do you want Lizzy? It's like three in the morning!"

She chuckled. "Well, I wanted to check in with since I haven't heard from you in almost three weeks! You may be my Alpha, but you're also my little brother! And I would like you to check in with me! I can't lose you bro. Not after mom and dad."

I sighed. Oh yeah. "I am so sorry Lizzy. I really am. It's just I've seem to lost track of time. I'm close to finding her Lizzy, so close!"

She groaned. "Are you sure she even wants you? Have you even spoken to her since you left?"

I looked out the window. "Of course, but the last time I spoke to her, she threatened to reject me!"

Lizzy growled. "That bitch, if she hurts you!"

I growled at her. "Don't talk about my mate that way! You don't know! I hurt her Lizzy. Long ago and quit recently! I hurt my own fucking mate!"

She sighed. "You need to hurry brother. There was another reason I called, other than to check up on you."

I groaned. I didn't want to deal with anything, other than my mate. I had to get her to forgive me, somehow. "What's happening?"

She growled again. "Rosalie, she is still trying to pass herself off as your true mate, and causing unrest on the pack. She is trying to take control from me! I can't hold her off for long. You need to come home to deal with this. Then go back for her. Even kidnap her if need be."

I laughed. Oh my sister was a straight forward. "I'll take a flight back today, and deal with everything. I'll see you soon sister."

She sighed. "Alright, bye brother."

We hung up and I got back into bed. I think I'll sleep for another hour or two, and then call the airport. Just as I was about to doze off, Vane came to the front.

He growled. Talk to her! Please we need to hear her voice!

I groaned. She said to leave her alone; I don't want her to reject us!

He growled at me. If you do not contact her, I will. I will take over, I am also Alpha here!

I snarled at him. Fine, I hope you are satisfied with the outcome.

I let my mind wander to our mate. Mate? Tatum are you there?

She snapped at me, snow snapped at me also. I told you never to talk to me again! I do not want you! I have never wanted you! Please just stay away from me!

I groaned in frustration. I Love you Tatum, and I will not stop loving you. But I have to go home. Our pack is in trouble. I wish that you would come with me, and give me a chance.

She laughed. I could hear Snow through her. We are not going anywhere. We do not have a pack together, we are nothing. I should have done this sooner!

I cut the link off. I knew she was about to reject me, and I did not want to hear her say it. I had too many things to deal with. I growled and got out of bed; quickly taking a shower and packing my things. I called the airport as I left the Inn.

I caught a plane within the hour and waited for it to arrive home.



I woke up to a dark room. It must have been early. Hoping we hadn't gone too far into the Alaskan wilderness, I would need to be able to get to the new house soon. I groaned. I got out of the bed and made my way to the door. I stopped short when I noticed the time. It's three in the morning! It had taken too close to eight hours to get here. Where had they brought me? And how long had I slept?

Maybe I should call Damien. He would comfort me. But besides that, what can he do? I lay back on the bed, I suppose I should just go back to bed, and wait for the Alpha to summon me. I shrieked as the door was thrown open, and before me stood Alex. "Oh god, you scared me half to death Alex!" I climbed out of bed.

He chuckled. "I didn't mean to. The Alpha wanted to see if you were awake yet."

I sighed after smacking him across the shoulder. "There is no rest for the wicked eh?"

He nodded and I followed him into what appeared to be an office. "Wait here for the Alpha please."

I sighed again and sat in front of the huge desk. Why couldn't this wait until morning? I really want to get back to bed! I lead back in the chair. What could the Alpha possibly want that couldn't wait till a regular time in the day?

The door opened and I was suddenly nervous. I was more nervous than I had ever been in my entire life. But I got up and greeted him. "Hello, I'm Tatum." I held my hand out, careful not to look in his eyes. It is considered highly disrespectful.

He chuckled. "Come now Tates. I'm Alpha James. But you don't need to be so formal with me, love."

My eyes shot up, and before me was Damien. My eyes narrowed suspiciously. "You are Alpha James?"

He nodded and sat opposite me, behind the big desk. I was about to say something when Vincent decided to talk to me. I growled at him and let Snow handle it. I really need to focus on how I was going to make Damien pay.

"How could you do this to me?" I yelled at him.

He looked at me calmly. "Tatum. It's not like you asked my last name. And you assumed that my territory was the Yukon, you didn't even ask. So technically I haven't done anything to you, or lied to you."

I huffed. He had me there. He didn't lie to me and I had assumed that his territory was the Yukon range. But that didn't give him the right to just hide it from me! I went a week without seeing him! I love him!

I growled at him. "You let me leave! You didn't even try and stop me! I thought you loved me Damien. I trusted you."

He sighed. "I couldn't tell you Tatum, without talking it over with the Pack, I'm Alpha, and they rely on me to keep them safe from outsiders. I was going to tell you when you had gotten settled, but then my brothers were anxious to meet you, so they decided to go and get you."

I gasped. That's why they were familiar. They were related to Damien. How had I not seen it? How? I had told them the most intimate secret I have. Did they tell him? I would kill them if they told anyone. If anyone found out, I would be ruined. All the things I'd done in the past would mean nothing. I would be ruined.

I turned to him. "Do you know?"

He sighed. "Do I know what?" Trying to play dumb, but i could see through it.

I glared. "So, what do you think of me now Alpha?!" I had to force out a laugh.

He groaned and got up. He slowly made his way towards me. "Tatum, listen, I know. I made Alex and Brent keep the mind link open. They were only obeying orders Tates, don't get mad at them. And as for what I think of you. I don't think any less of you. I actually think more of you."

I scoffed. What lies! Of course he thought less of me! "Right, so it was curiosity that got the wolf this time. I will never trust anyone  again. I told you, that I did not want you to know my story, until I was ready to tell you. You don't listen! Your just like every other male that i have ever come across." I screamed.

He shook his head. "I want to know everything about you Tate. I love you, even though I know your history." He took my hand. "You are like a tiger, who has earned her strips. But in our case, a wolf."

I looked away from him, snatching my hand back. How long before he betrayed me? Would there be no one in the world that I could trust. "You are just like every other male I have come across. You are not so different from the Alpha's I have run across. You all do whatever it takes to get what you want! And I will not be a part of this game."

He growled. "Tatum, will you listen to me! I love you! I didn't do it to hurt you. I want to know you, so that I can make you happy. I want to be your mate. How could I hurt you, when all I've been thinking about is you! You've slipped into my every thought."

He loves me! But he hurt me. I shook my head. "You hurt my trust." I whispered.

He hugged me close and kissed the top of my head. "I'm so sorry Tates. I didn't mean to hurt you. I swear. Please don't hate me,"

I sighed and gave into him. "I just want someone I can trust."

He chuckled. "You can trust me Tates."

I giggled. And then a wave of tiredness washed over me and I fell against Damien. I yawned and let go of him. "If there is nothing else, I'd rather be back in bed." I made my way to the door, when Darius's arms snaked around me.

He kissed my head. "I've been a week without you Tatum, come to bed with me. It'll be much warmer and you'll be safe. My pack knows your here, and I don't want you to be spooked. That is if you want to join me."

I couldn't help the smile that formed on my lips, followed by another yawn. "I just want to sleep." I hugged him.

I couldn't help the gasp that escaped my lips as he swept me into his arms and made his way back to the room I had been in earlier. They had put me in his room? Oh lord. Those boys were in trouble. Later though, when I've slept some more.

I was asleep when my head hit the pillow. My wolf and I happy to be with Damien, even though we'd be having a serious talk later. 
