
5 years later~


it's been freaking five years since I've had a crush no no no it's not even a normal crush anymore I fucking love my best friend Jaebum. In those years I've been with him I had told myself that I can move on but it just hurts too much cause I can't do that, I literally can't love anybody else in the way I love Jaebum. Now we are in college together and live in the same apartment but I want us to be more than my best friends.

These days I've been struggling more than usual, I don't think I can be around him any more my heart just hurts too much cause I feel like I can't have him and I'm just hurting myself more by staying with him. I don't know what to do.

"Hey, Jinyooooung where is your mind at, you look like your thinking about something really important," I heard Jaebum say, sitting next to me on the couch in the leaving room.

"Oh, it's nothing," I said and laughed it off, cause he can't know that I love him. I can't tell him not because he doesn't like boys cause he does. I just can't tell him that I love him cause what if he hates me, I can live with anything except Jaebum hating me.

"You know that I know when you're lying right,?" He said while looking at me, I couldn't even make eye contact with him that's how bad it has gotten.

"Jaebum, just let it go, it's nothing," I said nervously as I turned my head away from him and towards the TV which had some boring TV show on.

"You know what Jinyoung you have been acting like this for far too long now, I wanna be there for you so please Jinyoung just tell me what's wrong?" He said while still looking at me. I couldn't take it anymore I could feel my eyes tearing up and tears coming down my cheeks.

Author pov

Jaebum pulled Jinyoung closer to himself and hugged him, his heart broke hearing Jinyoung cry in his chest. He wants to take care of Jinyoung but Jinyoung won't tell him and won't open up to him.

"Jinyoung please tell me whatever it is we can get through it but please just let me help you," Jaebum said worriedly. Jaebum could see how broken Jinyoung was. He just wanted to make Jinyoung happy, he would always be by his side no matter what.

"I-if I tell y-you than promise me you won't h-hate me Jaebum," Jinyoung said still crying a little. Jinyoung just couldn't take it anymore keeping this from him for five years has been a living hell, he just couldn't do it anymore.

"Jinyoung I couldn't hate you even if I tried so please tell me," Jaebum said rubbing his back and whipping away his tears.

"I'm in love with you Jaebum"



Hope u enjoyed
I have an exam on Monday but I still decided to write this 😂 lmao...but no worries I'm passing all my classes well except math😑
Editing:well shit...
