I've Been so Blind

Almost forgot. . .

Disclaimer: If I owned Naruto many, and I mean Many characters would of died gruesome deaths. >:)

This is on the same day Hinata heard of Hanabi's secret disliking of her.

Neji Hyuga was practically perfect.

With 359 degrees of vision, a blind spot that was practically invisible, and perfect mastery of jyuuken, he was considered a prodigy.

He created amazing battle tactics, performed amazingly well for written courses, and could read into even the most stoic of faces, so he was proclaimed as a genius as well.

He was a silent young man with a stoic personality. He was a stunning young man with his silky chocolate brown hair, nearly snow white skin, and pearly pale eyes. He was practically cold everyone in the village, but that didn't stop the rabid fangirls from coming.


Somehow he was blind to one fact that just about everyone knew for years.

Hinata had been protecting him.


Neji had been walking down the main hall of the compound when he heard something that made his stomach churn.


"Yes, what do you need Akiyo?"

"Come you have not had Neji killed yet?"

Neji's stomach dropped.

"I would of had him killed a long time ago if. . . "


"If my pathetic excuse of a daughter had not interfered with the plans of his death."

Neji was confused, what did he mean?

Neji wasn't the only Hyuga thinking this.

"Hiashi-sama what do you mean?"

"It started when I realized Neji was a genius. . .

Flashback within a Flashback

Hiashi was walking to the elders part of the compound. He knew that his young nephew was on the breech of overpowering him and he had to issue a death sentence immediately.

While on his way walking he noticed that Hinata had been following him and stopped.

"Hinata. . .why do you follow me?" Hey spoke with unhidden(word?) disgust.

"Tou-sama . . I-i-i k-know t-t-that
y-you. . .p-p-plan t-to h-h-have N-n-neji-nii k-killed p-p-please don't,
n-not t-til' I am d-d-dead," Hinata stuttered.

For a second Hiashi's eyes held a glimpse of surprise, but it quickly disappeared when he remembered he could kill his daughter with a flick of his pinky.

"Hn. Very well,"he said, but Hinata could understand the unfinished part of his sentence.

It's not like you'll live long anyway

Flashback within a Flashback Ends

Neji couldn't breath all this time he had thought Hinata was the antagonist of his story.

Flashback Ends

She never was the bad guy, said the voice in his head.

Y-yes she was!


N-no, is! IS?!

You don't sound so certain.

I am!

No, you are not.

Hinata was a filthy whore who was lucky enough to be born into the main family!

Are you sure?

Y-yes, I'm sure! She's been the antagonist all my life and that won't change!

Neji, you are incorrect. The real antagonist of your life so far has been you.

Neji was walking around the courtyard when, after two hours, the voice in his head returned.

Remember this place?

No, not really, why?

This was the place where Hinata held your 5th birthday party. Even though no one else, but your parents remembered, she did and she threw you the just about best part a five-year old could wish for.

Yes, yes she did.

Flashbacks of the party plagued Neji as he walked through the courtyard.
(I'm way too lazy to make another flashback °~°)

When she let you cut the cake when only the main house is supposed to do that (I know that's not real, but bare with me ).

The amazing set of kunai knives she got you.

I still have those. . .

I know.

Remember how she lead the Conga line the branch members started.

Yeah. . . I do. . .

Neji. . . you're crying.

And sure enough when Neji snapped back into reality he could feel warm trails of tears on his face.

'Hinata-sama, forgive me' he thought.

Don't tell me the apology, find her and tell her.

I-I. . . I will.

Good Neji, but know what you're apologizing for.

Her forgiveness?

No, think deeper Neji.

And that's when the epiphany struck him.

'I know what to do.' he thought.

I know you do, now go Neji.

With those final parting words Neji activated his Byakugan and set off to find Hinata.

'Hinata. . .I'm sorry. '

Done! *stretches* This chapter was going just about nowhere, but then the ideas just started flowing through my head during English.
I call it 'Random Inspiration from Nowhere', RIN for short.
Ja ne!

That's a wrap!
