Chapter 6

Doyoung didn't know what to do. But, then the voices disappeared. He slowly opened the closet and saw that the people went to check the downstair rooms which were all guest rooms. Taking the opportunity, Doyoung ran as fast as he could to the headquarters which were obviously locked but, he had the key. He opened it and ran as fast as he could to hit the red button in the middle of the wall. he hit it which made an alarm ring and it could be heard from all across the dorm, and all members woke u hearing it. Doyoung takes the mic out and says: "WE ARE UNDER ATTACK! I REPEAT WE ARE UNDER ATTACK!". Everyone got out of their beds and took out emergency guns before running out with them. 

Taeyong knew it was doyoung's voice so, he immediately knew that doyoung was safe. Another announcement comes off and it can be heard by the alarm "THIS IS KIM DOYOUNG SPEAKING, I WILL DIRECT EVERYONE TO WHERE THEY ARE! HEADQUARTERS ARE LOCKED SO YOU CAN'T ENTER HERE! ALL DOORS AND EXITS ARE ON LOCKDOWN! THE INTRUDERS ARE CURRENTLY IN THE DOWNSTAIRS GUEST ROOM NO.1!" Everyone rushes out to downstairs and goes to the guest room. Taeyong was the first one there and hit everyone who tried escaping. Everyone fought and none of the NCT members got injured. Doyoung sees the intrudersdead so, he opens the headquarter doors. The NCT members rush to the headquarters and sees doyoung waiting. Taeyong hugs the younger tightly. Haechan tells the guards to go and clean everything up to which they obey.

The members applaud Doyoung and go back to their respective rooms to sleep. 

Taeyong and Doyoung enter their room. "One min honey, I need to use the toilet!" says Taeyong. As soon as Taeyong goes to the toilet, Doyoung runs to their walk-in closet and takes a box. He opens the box and smiles seeing what's inside it. Doyoung puts the box on the bed and puts his phone on record on the table. Taeyong comes out from the toilet and sees the box. "What's this bunny?" asks Taeyong. "Just a gift..." says Doyoung fidgeting. 

Taeyong hugs and kisses Doyoung before sitting on the bed and taking the box onto his lap. 

Taeyong opens the box and as soon as he opens it, he became shocked and started crying. He put the box down and hugged doyoung pulling him on his lap. "Really?" Taeyong asks while crying. Doyoung also starts crying and nods repeatedly. Taeyong hugs doyoung tightly before pulling him onto a deep kiss. In case you still didn't get what's inside the box, it's this:

yes, y'all doyoung's pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!

Taeyong breaks the kiss and looks at Doyoung's tummy before kissing it. "Hey baby, this is daddy! How are you in there love?" and with that Taeyong breaks into tears again. Doyoung makes him lay down on the bed and cuddles with him as the two talk about the baby and fall asleep. 

NEXT DAY MORNING: {time: 08:15}

All NCT members were present at the headquarters since Yuta and Ten called them. Taeyong and Doyoung were the last ones to enter but, everyone was surprised when they saw huge bags with TAEDO/DOTAE. "Dude- what is this?" asks Mark and Johnny. Everyone starts questioning them while the elder two just chuckle. Just then, Kun asks "Did you tell him!" and Doyoung nods as a reply as Kun smiles.

"Ok, Ok! Everyone listen, you all will get a box and will open it at the same time ok! Now this is about Doyoung and me!" says Taeyong. The others nod while the dreamies get excited hearing about gifts. 

The members open the box and takes the dress out at the same time. Everyone gasps and smiles. They all ask: "WAIT- HYUNG! REALLY?!" to which both doyoung and taeyong nod.

Everyone hugs and congratulates Doyoung and Taeyong who just laugh. A few minutes later, Yuta steps up with Ten and starts a presentation. "So, Last night... Me and Ten tracked the location and information of the intruders and we got to know that they are TXT and Enhypen. We also came to know that BTS will attend the cafe' meeting tonight, which means that this is the perfect opportunity to kill them!" Says Ten.

And just like that, they started planning.
