He's Alive

"Hey. Hey, wake up." I hear someone say along with a weight on the bed.

I let out an irritated sleepy groan as I slowly open my eyes to see a pair of bright blue eyes staring at me. A shriek escapes my throat as I sit up, throwing the person off my bed with my powers. 

"Ow." The person lets out on the floor at the foot of the bed. 

"Who are you?" 

"You have telekinesis? Awesome!" The person says, standing up.

"Tara?" I squint my eyes at her, "what are you doing in my room and how did you get in?" 

"..........Jarvis let me in." 

"Jarvis." I grit my teeth.

"Sorry Miss Romanov, she said it was an emergency." Jarvis replies back.

"Next time Jarvis, please let me know who it is before letting them in." 

"Of course Miss." 

"So," I turn to Tara, "what's the emergency?"

"We're having a meet and greet." She sits on the edge of the bed.

"A meet and greet?" I scrunch up my nose.

"Well it's more of a quick briefing. Plus, Fury needs you." 

"Fine, just give me a moment." 

"Sure thing." Tara nods her her head at me before walking towards the door, "By the way, wear your uniform, it's more professional." 

"Sure." I mumble before getting up out of bed and opening up my suitcase, taking out my dress white navy uniform.

This needs ironing. 


I look at the mirror and straighten my uniform, perfecting every detail. I grab my cover off the counter and hold it beside.

Here goes nothing. 

I walk out the bedroom assigned to me, closing the door behind me. 

I head towards the room where the meeting is, a bit of nervousness in me as the S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel stare at my uniform and my astronaut wings.

I look towards the window and stop in my tracks as I notice clouds. 

What the? We're in the air?

"You're early." Fury tells me, his hands folded behind his back.

"Well I don't like being late" I reply before sitting down at the large desk next to Tara

"Well don't you look like a million bucks." I tell Tara, admiring her attire.

"Why thank you." Tara smiles at me.

"You showed up." Natasha smiles at me from beside Tara.

"Well I kinda have to." 

"I'm not late am I?" I hear Bruce ask as he shows up, sitting across from us. 

"No." Nat answers him. 

I fold my hands on the table, observing the scars on my hands as I wait for the others to show up. All that's left is Tony and some soldier whom they forgot to tell me the name of. 

"Sir." I hear someone address Fury in greeting, "Ma'am."

It must be the soldier. He sounds like one.

"Soldier." I address him back, still staring at my hands as I nod at him. 

Wait a minute. 

I look up at the soldier and gasp, my eyes widening as my heart skips a beat. 

Jesus Christ.

"Steve?" I breathe out, trying my best to hold back tears.

I watch with wide eyes as Steve stands there paralyzed in shock.

He's alive? I thought he died.

"You look like you've just seen a ghost." Tony comments to Steve, making me snap my head to him.

"Jesus." he rolls his eyes at Steve, "Sit down." 

I glare at Tony as he makes his way to me, sitting down next to me. 

"Anya." He smirks at me.

"Stark." I grit my teeth in anger. 

"No need to be angry." 

"You haven't seen anything yet." I growl.

"Um, am I missing something?" Banner interrupts the awkward silence that followed. 

"No." I clear my throat, "let's get moving on shall we?" 

"So," Fury starts off as he still stands, "as you all know. Loki has stolen the tesseract. For what? We don't know. A weapon maybe? That's why we need Miss Romanov at this moment." 

"Uh, which one?" Tony asks with a pointed finger as everyone turns their eyes to Natasha and I. 

"Anastasia Romanov." Fury answers. 

Everyone's eyes now turn to me, making me a bit uneasy. 

"So what exactly do you need my help for?" I ask Fury. 

"Currently, we don't have any coordinates on Loki. The plan is that you locate him using your telepathic abilities. And while you're at it, I need you to go inside that head of his and find out what he's planning. You think you can do that?" 

"Of course sir." I reply.

God damn. I've done this before with Charles but nearly passed out. For some reason I can't strain myself too much.

"I'm sorry I'm late." I hear a girl say. 

I look towards the door along with everyone else and see a new girl I haven't seen before. She had pale skin and long, dark raven hair. She must be rich by the look of her clothes. She also has this mysterious aura hung about her that makes me furrow my brows in curiosity. 

"Everyone, this is our newest addition to our team, Seraph Natchios." Fury in

Greek I think. 

"Hi." She smiles at us before taking the open seat, a chair away from Steve. 

Steve. Holy shit. Steve. Is he really alive? I feel like I might throw up 

I shrink into my chair as I watch him share a smile with the new girl before turning back to Fury.

"Anything else sir?" Steve asks him.

"Yes." He looks at all of us, "you all have to work together in stopping Loki. Understood?" 

"Yes sir." We all reply before being dismissed by Fury. 

Holy crap holy crap holy crap. I need air. 

I clutch my cover tightly from shock as I rush out to one of the balconies. 

The wind blows feircly around me, making me clutch the rail to steady myself. 

He's alive. Steve's been alive this whole time.
