
My mother beckoning me over to the small stage, I fiddled with the end of my shirt, nervous sweats dripping down my pale skin. My freckled face was still pale, not knowing what to do anymore. Do I simply flip a coin? Or maybe I should be a girl, my mom wants me to be a girl after all. 

But dresses are so much of a hassle, heels and skirts included. But jewelry was fun to wear, was that technically feminine? In our world, it is.

I didn't realize dozens of eyes were upon me until I blinked back into reality, everything was quiet. My throat felt like it was closing as my chest felt so heavy. I felt almost dizzy, maybe homesickness was finally taking over- or would that be roomsickness? Bedroomsickness?

    "Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to announce that our little Riley is turning seventeen today!" My mother spoke into the microphone proudly, the small crowd giving applause and cheers. This only made me feel worse.

    "Today is their special day as you all know, the one day that allows you to continue on your path of fate." The woman with honey-brown hair smiled, she looked so proud of me, and yet here I am wallowing in my own self pity.

    "And so it is time for them to decide. Riley Grace Sherman, what do you choose, honey?" Mother asked, now handing me the microphone.

My voice was clogged, fingers trembling as they grasp around the metal object. Abrupt, negative thoughts began to swarm inside my head, I didn't want to be here. I don't want to choose, this isn't me. Don't be selfish.


Just go along with it, you'll get over this whole phase soon.


Boy or girl, boy or girl... Just pick one, it doesn't matter anymore.

   "... I choose-" 

My voice came to a halt, seeing a person from before. Handsome, long black hair and bright green eyes, their tan skin reflected the sun beams, giving them almost a glow. My lip quivered slightly, my eyes only directed towards them as I see their lips move. "Be you."

... I know who I am.

     "... I choose neither."
