CHAPTER ONE - Into the Woods

 Packing was a busying thing, but could be done fairly fast. However, the unpacking is what I was really fearing. It would take months to get my little home organized. However, that shouldn't have been what I was worried with at that moment. I should have been worried about the way this guy was driving down a one lane pass. Of course nobody else was on it, but that didn't make it any less frightening being that close to the edge of the road.

"Do you really have to drive this fast?" my voice quaked a little when he hit a bump that jostled the jeep.

"I have driven down this pass at least 100 times. There is no need to worry. Soon enough you'll have to take a trip down this road every two months," he shrugged nonchalantly. Oh, god, how in the world would I survive with no contact for two months at a time. No it's not no contact... just finely tuned contact.

"Oh that makes this, so much better," I sigh and grab the of sh!t handle. He was the one in charge of delivering the new caretakers to the cabin. Apparently the previous caretakers couldn't handle the job and left after the first term of their contract. One year. They all left in a year, but it couldn't be that hard right? I'm only taking care of the house and it's interesting "animals".

"Well sweety, if you don't think you have it in you just don't do your job and the company will null and void it before you can say CM382," the man spoke with a giggle.

Turning to look out the window I am able to see the vast mountain ranges that will be my view for the next year. It would be a new start after all. I wouldn't have to deal with student debt crawling on my shoulders anymore, and I could put the whole catastrophe behind me. I may not have the job of my dreams, but d@mn does this caretaker job pay well.

Turning back to face the road while the guy started to talk about the spring season ending and the summer heat rolling in. It was a fact I wasn't happy with. I didn't like the heat. I thrived better in cool environments.

As we roll past another bend the Cabin starts to roll into view. It was joynormous, yet elegant. It was a two story mansion cabin. I could see why people would quit after one term. It was huge. So much to clean, and that's not including the animal crap I'd have to put up with.

Pulling into the circle drive the guy speaks while getting out,"Well it is pretty far out but that's nothing much with this telly that I'll give you."

Making an amused face I counter,"Well it is 4045 you'd think you'd stop calling F.O.C. telly's."

Smirking he gives me the keys and helps me put my boxes in the lobby, which was large with a beamed ceiling. They were thicker than average beams. Big enough for a person to lay comfortable. Must be for structural support. I look out the door as the guy starts to pull away and he calls out to me,"Have fun exploring! There is a garage with a four wheeler!"

"Alone at last..."I dryly laugh with a small smile upon my lips. This was gonna be hard to keep up with. The place already had dust settling.

Walking around the bend I find the kitchen and on the counter is a map of the building along with the weekly schedule. Today I am supposed to feed the animals on the back porch with the food set out in the garage food storage. Walking around and trying to follow the map to the garage.

After following a couple instructions I find myself in the garage, which as stated, had a four wheeler inside along with a storage locker. Upon opening the door to the storage container I see tons of bags separated and stacked upon each other. They were big bags of what looked like dried out meat. Upon reading one of the bags. I realize that it is one day of feeding. "Holy mother of cows."

After struggling to get the bag to the back porch i open it and set it where the animals will be able to eat. Not that I see any. Well they will come eventually. Heading back inside i start to move my boxes into one of the guess which looks like a master room, but from looking at the master...this is a guest room. It had a King sized bed with a furnished headboard of a deep oak wood and a fireplace made out of stone. Not that the fire was real but just a picture. The wall in front of the bed was made up of long windows that reached from floor to ceiling. They were separated by a beam that held glass door to a balcony. The closet was a walk in that held many hangers and shoe cases.

"Well I definitely can start unpacking," I murmured as I grabbed my shoe box and pulled out my combat boots.

A/N: I know it's not a long chapter but this is really like my intro to the book.
