A Night to Remember

                              We sat together on the highest branch of the tree. He would do magic tricks and I would try to figure them out to no avail. “You know why they call me Running Shadow?” he asked me. I shook my head. “Because I’m as fast as a shadow.” he stated. “Cool. What would my name be?” I asked him. He was silent for a while. “Rising Sun. For your endless beauty.” I blushed and leaned my head on his sturdy shoulder. He smiled and pointed down at the ground below us. A herd of elk had moved in and was bedding below us.

                                “I think it’s time I took you home.” he said sadly. I looked at him quickly. “How late is it?” he wouldn’t say. Instead, he jumped from the tree house and held his arms to me motioning for me to jump. I was cautious but finally jumped into his arms. He put me down and guided me back home.

                              He helped me climb through the window and I thanked him. “I guess I’ll see you in the morning, Katie. Good night.” he said. As he stated to leave, I pulled his arm. He turned around and I pulled him closer to the window. As he tried to regain his balance, I kissed him. He smiled and kissed my cheek in return before leaving. "You know, you should never kiss on the first date. Especially on the lips. You never know what dangers could be lurking there." I blushed and he left.
