chapter 2

It has been a few months since Naruto and Izumi became big brothers. Little Sasuke has already been born and Mito is about to be born,
Naruto is really happy about that.

Naruto and Izumi have reached the age of five and will be enrolling in the academy in a while. 
(I don't want to be wrong but Itachi in the original story was already 5 years old when the Kyubi attacked).

Let's move on to the day of Mito's birth.

We find ourselves in the house of the Uchiha clan leader, the house is very big and spacious.
We find 2 children playing with a small Sasuke,the names of these children are Naruto Namikaze and Izumi Uchiha.

Naruto: Do you feel that feeling in the air? Something bad is about to happen.

Izumi: did you feel it too? I'm scared Naruto-kun ( I may have already told you this but just in case I'll repeat it.
Naruto and Izumi have 2 similar cold and distant behaviours since childhood but when they are together, they won't use that distant face and words). Back to the chapter.

Naruto: Don't worry Izumi-chan I will protect you forever.

After he says these words both children blush and look away quickly,while Sasuke laughs.
Until they hear Sasuke cry and they both comfort him until they hear an explosion in the village. The Kyubi has appeared.

Naruto: Why did the Kyubi appear? Something must have happened to Kaa-san. Izumi let's go.

So both children rush to the shelters until they meet Izumi Uchiha's father, Fugaku Uchiha.
(I'm not writing when they rescued the original Izumi. I'm thinking of changing Itachi fem's name so I don't get confused. Should I leave Izumi or change it to Izumi?).

Fugaku as soon as he sees his daughter and the person he treats as his grandson appear rushes over.

Fugaku: are you two okay?

Naruto and Izumi: we're fine, Tou-san/Oji-san. (He didn't ask about Sasuke, because first he's a few months old and then he knew they would protect him even at the cost of their lives).

Naruto: Fugaku -Oji, why did the Kyubi appear in the village? Something must have happened to Kaa-san.

Fugaku: Naruto -kun and Izumi-chan go to the civilian shelters.

Naruto: I can't leave Kaa-san and Tou-san alone.

Fugaku: Naruto-kun this is an order I'm not asking you, he said it in a very serious voice (Fugaku despite being a very serious person, as seen in the original, here he used that tone, because he didn't want Naruto to get hurt. That's why he used that tone).

Naruto and Izumi: Alright we'll go to the Tou-san/Oji-san to the shelter .

This led Fugaku to grin and then order the Uchiha clan to protect the civilians.

(Ignore how they started talking in the middle of the Kyubi destruction,I skipped some dialogue because I thought it was unnecessary and some scenes because it's like the original).

Naruto, Izumi and Itami (Itachi fem I have decided to change her name, because if not, I'll get confused.)
They are in the shelter as ordered and are with other civilians.

The older ones are distracting the children so they don't think about what's happening. Until Naruto feels a very bad feeling and decides to leave the shelter.

Izumi: Naruto-kun where are you going? You should stay here.

Naruto: I feel a very bad feeling, Itami-chan. So Naruto decides to leave the shelter and run. Until he feels the chakra of his mum and dad and rushes to the place.

Naruto: Kaa-san and Tou-san are you all right?

Kushina: Naruto -chan what are you doing here? You should be with the civilians in the shelter.

Naruto: I heard you weren't well and rushed over.

"Kushina and Minato: he was able to sense how we were from very far away (if you're wondering why Naruto is such a strong sensor despite being that age, it's because both Minato and Kushina are very powerful sensors and then because he's been trained).

Minato: Let's raise the silence barrier, Kushina. Naruto stay away. So Minato raises the barrier and Naruto moves a bit.

Basically as in the original Minato summons the Shinigami and becomes a jinchūriki of Kurama's Yin side.

Until they see that the Kyubi wants to attack Naruto and Mito and they rush in.
  Naruto falls to the ground and closes his eyes because he was thinking of dying (basically who wouldn't be afraid of such a long claw.
Basically what happened happened in both perspectives Naruto sees death in his face because of the Kyubi and Mito and Kushina rush to the scene to protect their children). 

Naruto until he opens his eyes again and sees a scene that will always be etched in his mind. His parents are pierced by the Kyubi and some of Minato and Kushina's blood goes into Naruto and Mito's faces.

Kaa-san Tou-san. Naruto cries out with tears in his eyes.

Minato and Kushina smile with blood running down their mouths. (Basically they didn't say anything, because they would have done it a million times without too much trouble).

I must finish the seal, Kushina. Say the last words to our children. Minato says with tears in his eyes.

Kushina basically does the speech for Mito as in the original Naruto.

Kushina: You will become a very good shinobi and a very strong one at that.  We both know you like Itami-chan is a very strong woman and I know you will both become parents. My only regret is that I won't get to see my grandchildren grow up Dattebane.

When he says this Naruto roasts and Minato looks at this with a drop of sweat at what his wife said about his future grandchildren.

Minato: I confirm what Kushina said, apart from the grandchildren stuff. I know I would make a very good shinobi Naruto. 

Minato and Kushina: protect your sister Mito no matter what happens. We trust you Naruto. Whatever choice you make we will love you forever.

Naruto: I will always protect my sister, even if it means going against the entire world.  This statement brings a smile to both parents.

Minato: Fugaku will try to adopt you Naruto and also your sister Mito.
After all, I appointed him as my heir should anything happen to me and Fugaku agreed without hesitation.
Remember one thing Naruto and you too Mito we will love you forever.
After saying this both parents fall to the ground and die with a smile on their faces.

Naruto immediately runs to Mito and picks her up (Mito had fallen asleep) in the meantime cradling her Naruto cries and says he will protect Mito forever
The barrier raised by Minato disappears and Hiruzen appears there together with other shinobi. He looks at baby Naruto calming Mito while he is crying.

Meanwhile Hiruzen appears next to Naruto,without even looking he immediately recognises who it is.

Hokage -sama Naruto says in a cold and emotionless voice.

The voice Naruto used on Hiruzen sent shivers down their spines.

Naruto looks up tearfully and stares at Hiruzen with his beautiful dull black eyes. Hiruzen looks at his dull eyes and is paralysed at how a child barely five years old has those eyes. Meanwhile he lowers his gaze, notices the seal on his belly and immediately realises who it is. He looks for Naruto's gaze and confirms.

Naruto: my sister has become a jinchūriki,as he has already guessed,Hokage-sama.

Hiruzen: "...Damn you, Minato. I would have easily sacrificed myself for the village. I will always protect you Naruto-kun and Mito-kun"...

A few days pass and the whole village learns how Naruto and his sister Mito have become orphans, despite their young age.


Hiruzen is with Mito in his arms (there is no Naruto, because it will be explained later where he is).
And he's in front of the shinobi council and the civilian council. Until they notice that their hokage -sama is holding a baby with blue eyes and blond hats and 3 moustaches on both cheeks.

Who is that child? asks Shikaku curiously

Hiruzen: You already know who it is. This child's name is Mito Uzumaki -Namikaze and she is the jinchūriki of the Kyubi.

And the hall mainly descends into shouts, but not at the little girl but mainly the fact that despite being only a few hours old she has become jinchūriki.

Hiruzen thought the civilians were calling for her death, but instead inside he smiled because Minato's request that his daughter become a hero was carried out.
All this hubbub brought the little girl to tears because of the noise and the shinobi and civilian council were silent as they disturbed the little girl who was sleeping peacefully.

Hiashi worriedly asks where Naruto-san was (not -sama because Naruto has known him since childhood and Naruto said that -sama doesn't like him as a child. That it makes him feel like an old man).

And so the shinobi and civil council fell into turmoil because they thought their Hokage-sama's son had died and left his sister alone.

Hiruzen said little Naruto is at the hospital for check-ups.

When they hear this their eyes go wide and they have a sad look to think that a child of barely 5 years old has become an orphan with his sister of barely a few hours.

Tsume quickly asks what they should do with the puppies with some concern with much of the council in her favour.

Hiruzen replies that his sister will be called Uzumaki and Naruto to also leave aside the namikaze surname so as not to attract Minato's former enemies.

And he explains how Mito and Naruto as soon as they become Chunin will regain the Namikaze surname.

They liked this idea of their Hokage-sama and accepted it without any problems. Because they like the idea and at least for a while the children of the 4 hokage can rest easy.

And then Hokage-sama quickly asks who will take care of it?

Fugaku raises his hand and quickly replies me and my family will take care of Naruto-kun and Mito-kun.

This statement sends the shinobi council into an uproar, especially Danzo because he doesn't trust the Uchiha and especially because of what happened in the attack of the nine tails.

Hiruzen quickly replies that he accepts that Naruto-kun and Mito-kun will live with the Uchiha clan.

This chapter ended like this. I skipped about how they do accounts of deaths and then they mainly talked about Naruto and Mito which was the most important topic.

I had said that the civil council should be dissolved but then I changed my mind. Here the civilians took it well , because they trust the 4 and then because he is Naruto-kun's brother so they accepted him quickly.

It won't be like the original that Naruto was despised for having the kyubi,but he will be treated lovingly.

If I made any grammatical errors or didn't explain myself well.
Please point them out to me so I can correct them.

See you in the next chapter
