chapter 10. inpatient sakura (this will soon be reupgraded)

(she's got inpatient and also found out that naruto and the others were going camping)


naruto's POV

me lizzy, michelle and kate are going camping also lizzy wanted to learn how to do ninjutsu so i came here to train her i think she's old enough to use this now and this was the purr-fect place to train her (kitty chan: yes i added a pun deal with it cx) also she always wanted to go camping and she loves the out doors so i desided to take her.(kitty chan: sorry for the short pov of naruto)

sakura's POV

this will be the perfect place to kill lizzy and the others (kitty chan: she's not the brightest lightbulb in the box but i get where she's comin from with this) i can kill them while naruto goes out to get wood, and beacuse i used a spell powder on them none of them will be able to use there powers to attack or save poor little lizzy from her fate (she used the spell on them over night) i'll take all the dead bodies and bury them! and if naruto askes why im here i'll say i was just taking a stroll in the forest mission complete! (kitty chan: thats one dim lightbulb...) (sakura: HEY I CAN HEAR YOU!!!) (kitty chan: uh oh gotta go see ya peeps! *runs*) (sakura: *chases after her*) (me: ok lets get back to the story)

lizzy's POV

naruto was going to get some wood beacuse it was getting cold, but straight when he left sakura popped in out of nowhere and im just like what the heck! (kitty chan: me too lizzy... me too.) it suprized the others a little bit as well cuz they didn't think sakura would be here. but from the angle im at i can see she has a gun behind her back i told michelle about this and she got her gun ready just in case and out of nowhere sakura started shooting michelle and kate got there wepons ready and started shooting at sakura and while kate was attacking michelle was hiding me to safety. she and kate tried to use there magic but beacuse sakura use the spell on them so they can't. kate was still fighting so michelle called naruto and explained everything that happend she also said that kitty chan was coming to pick him up and then went to help fight sakura with kate i decided to help them but she shot me in the arm and almost at my head i was scared a then kitty chan came in with naruto (yes i put myself in the story how else was naruto gonna get there in time) 

Kitty Chan's POV

  (i teleported naruto there straight after the call michelle gave him) naruto finally realized that he couldn't use his powers and i couldn't use mine eather straight when i got there (probably beacuse i called her stupid) but i had wepons so we were prepared and then started attacking sakura then sakura had pulled up these two HUGE axes and started swinging them everywhere it almost hid lizzy but i saved her just in time i sneaked behind sakura and took the spell powder from her and tried to turned it into a reverse spell so we could get our powers back but by the time i was half way done michelle grabes my hand cuz sakura was about to attack me and i spilled the powder. and as we were fighting sakura michelle was trying to call the cops but there was no signal so we were stuck here, with a CAB (crazy ass bitch) trying to kill us cuz she's in love with naruto lord. why

lizzy's POV 

why is sakura out to kill me i did nothing to her and she's trying to kill my sisters too (kate is not related to her but she still claims her as a sister) im not gonna just sit there and watch them fight this whole time i can use the healing powers that naruto teached me how to use. i got some kind of sharp rock or something and threw it at sakura's arm (despite that i ment for it to hit her head) but it cut her really badly so that works too i supose

naruto's POV 

sakura's gone insane why is she doing this. and if theres one thing im not gonna let her kill lizzy. even if i have to risk my own life for her i take the wepon 
