I: Naruto Banished and Went Rogue

It was nearly two years since Sasuke Uchiha left the Hidden Leaf Village, Naruto decided to leave the village. Although it was his two days after his return to the Hidden Leaf Village although Danzo took over the Council and already ordered to banished Naruto from the Leaf. Naruto wasn't happy about the decision even Tsunade would not be able to reverse the decision. Later, Naruto already gone away from the Hidden Leaf Village already abandoned his Hidden Leaf Headbands.

Naruto Uzumaki: "Granny Tsunade couldn't do everything to stopped them but it would be better if I will go far away from the Hidden Leaf."

Later, at the old abandoned house, he met some four unexpected new allies.

Naruto Uzumaki: "I was hoping that I could meet you here immediately."

Hizami Uchiha: "You said we're gonna formed the S-Ranked secret agent ninja organization."

Naruto Uzumaki: "It would be fine wine once I finally formed my own organization. We can be the most respected agents of shinobi world."

Yumika Uchiha: "What will be the organization you called?"

Naruto Uzumaki: "White Lighting?"

Hizami Uchiha: "White Lightning? That would be a great name. I do believe that you could be the leader of this organization."

Kidoshi Uchiha: "That Danzo is a spineless bastard for using Itachi to slaughtered his entire clan."

Naruto Uzumaki: "Of course it was Danzo, the only one who really hates all the Uchiha. But that Danzo will be in his downfall sooner once our organization is formed."

Kazumi Uchiha: "That pathetic Danzo is optimistic for using Uchiha Clan's forbidden jutsu."

Hizami Uchiha: "The Izanagi. That's one thing we really didn't like about the village. What should we do first?"

Naruto Uzumaki: "We will take over the Hidden Sound Village and we're gonna make sure that we will turned the Sound Village into a powerful nation."

Later, Kabuto showed up.

Kabuto Yakashi: "Don't worry Naruto. Everything is under contol. Orochimaru is killed by Sasuke Uchiha as part of my plan. I can hired you to be the leader of the Hidden Sound Village."

Naruto Uzumaki: "You did received my letter and you already know that I got banished from the Leaf."

Kabuto Yakashi: "The Leaf Council is in verge of corruption in which Tsunade knows what dangers brought by corruption."

Naruto Uzumaki: "So what will be the choices?"

Kabuto Yakashi: "Assassinating Danzo of the Leaf. But first we need to built the Hidden Sound's ANBU Black Ops and hope the other hidden villages will not interfered our village's affairs."

Naruto Uzumaki: "We need to rescheduled our attack on the Leaf but our only targeting is the headquarters of ROOT also known as The Foundation."

Hizami Uchiha: "Make me your second-in-command."

Naruto Uzumaki: "Are you four Uchiha girls are Genins?"

Hizami Uchiha: "Former Leaf Genins who managed to survived the Uchiha Clan Massacre."

Naruto Uzumaki: "Well then, I'll formed an organization known as the White Lightning and I will chose myself to be the new leader of the Hidden Sound Village. I doubt Sasuke will joined our village."

Hizami Uchiha: "On it. Yumika, Kidoshi, Kazumi. Are you agreed as well?"

Kidoshi Uchiha: "I accepted."

Yumika Uchiha: "I have to agree."

Kazumi Uchiha: "Count me in."

Now Naruto and the others are already agreed and they formed the White Lightning Organization.
