6: Comfort In Chaos

Roaming around the familiar place brings you a lot of memories that you never thought you could forget, you buried those long time ago as you try to live on with your life.

It's your first day after leaving the province, finally, after so many years. The first thing you did is to visit Musashi Shrine, to stay there for awhile and to reminisce lots of memories of how Toman was made.

How you usually hang out with its other founding members, how Toman became stronger here and how Toman ends also in this place.

It brings you in lots of emotions but weirdly your tears never dared to flow. You're for surely gonna miss this place. If you have a chance to reunite with your friends again here, it would be awesome and just... happy.

As upon leaving, you turned again to look at the shrine again, a bitter smile plastered on your face.

You could only wish that someone will hear you, that you're sorry for what happened, you're sorry for letting such friendship ruined.

That you're sorry for letting Mikey turn into something unimaginable and having to live so fucking long, just returning to this place because you respected Draken and Mitsuya's wishes. You're incredibly sorry for everything.

Even if you didn't have to

Day two is to just eat the foods that you liked, Takoyaki and Pork Cutlet. You love those so much, it's a much needed since you'll be leaving this world soon. Your motto now is to enjoy everything while it lasts.

So you savor the taste, appreciating every bites like it's your first time tasting such. Your heart is filled with happiness as if just earlier, while waiting for your order, you were sad and scared that you will actually gonna die soon.

Day three, is to visit your friend's grave, you didn't have a hard time since you catch up with Smiley, Nahoya Kawata and Angry, Souya Kawata. They tell you to be careful, they even cried and even scold you for being here.

You just laughed it off, starting to hug them, to catch up with them, to know how they're doinv and tell them how you were doing. It's nice, seeing them doing fine is nice. Eventhough every now and then they will literally slap the back of your head for returning, worried, so worried for your state. Knowing the situation between you and Mikey.

You got a free ramen tho, so its all worth it.

As you're finally at the grave, you can feel your knees weaken, so you sat on the grass and touch the tombstones that engraves their names.

"Sorry, i'm late"




All you did was to apologize to them, all you did is to say sorry to them. You know your situation is pathetic and unfair, it's unfair how their lives been taken away yet here you are living yours because of them informing you that Mikey's gonna kill you too.

It was so so unfair

You desperately wish that all of this is a nightmare, a wish that's nine years late. Everything slowly sinks in, yet you didn't shed a tear, you're desperate to shed atleast a single tear but you're numb, completely numb. As if your tears flowing out one week straight upon seeing the news 9 years ago is all there to it.

As you weakly stand up, face is pale, looking so lifeless

You could ever wonder

Will you able to meet your friends after death?

Because that would for surely be comforting atleast
