Chapter 5: Boy Problems

Cindy, Sandy, Sam and Tootie walked out of the portal from Jimmy's lab, and entered into the Bikini Bottom, as Cindy was able to send the four near the treedome. While Sandy still had her diving suit on, the other three were currently chewing on Jimmy's air gum that Cindy had luckily been able to find before they left. While Cindy and Sam were somewhat interested an underwater society, Tootie was absolutely amazed. "Wow! We're actually underwater!" She said while she kept chewing her gum.

"So that's how Spongebob's pals were breathin' underwater." Sandy noted. "It was just one of that Neutron feller's inventions!"

"Yep. Also, remind me to kill him when this is all over!" Cindy remembered back to not even a couple minutes ago, to where she was searching for the gum. She found it inside Jimmy's drawers, which also had a handful of pictures of Jimmy's old crush, Betty Quinlan. "I thought I told Nerdtron to throw those out ages ago!"

"Your friend is obsessed with some pretty girl at school too, huh?" Sam asked.

"Let me guess: they're rich and snobby and yet our future husbands are oblivious to them?" Tootie added, also looking annoyed.

"Yes-WHOA! Future husband is a huge stretch!" Sam responded, though she was blushing at the thought of it.

Cindy raised an eyebrow. "Wait, I thought you said Chloe liked Timmy."

"Not her! The other boy stealer! That yucky, ooey Trixie Tang!" Tootie spat.

Cindy rolled her eyes. "Timmy too? Ugh, what is it with them being so blind?"

There was a short pause before Tootie glared at Cindy. "So you do know Timmy!"

Cindy's eyes widened. " I don't. Jimmy just told me about him!"

"Um, girls, now's not the time to be discussing your boy problems." Sandy said.

"You're right. We've got bigger problems." Cindy agreed.

"Dang straight! I need to find my friend, Karen. She got infected with some brainwashing virus and went out to get me like a prairie dog chasing a fox!"

Cindy gave her a weirded out look. "Virus? Is your friend a computer or something? Ok, what is it with geniuses always being friends with computers?"

"You haven't met my friend Tucker. With him, friend is an understatement." Sam snarked.

"Come on y'all let's go to my dome!" Sandy said, as she ran down the canyon with the four following her. She led the four to her dome, as Sandy tossed her helmet to the side. She then led the four to her treehouse, as she opened a door revealing a bunker.

Sam followed her down a staircase, though both Tootie and Cindy tried going down at the same time. Cindy pushed in front of her. "Ugh, move it. Seriously, do you know anything about personal space?" Tootie responded by growling at Cindy before shoving her down the staircase, causing her to crash into Sam.


The entire bunker was pitch black, as Cindy and Sam were lying in a heap on the floor, groaning in pain. Sandy then found a light switch, and flipped it on. "Now, it's gotta be around here somewhere." Sandy said, as she started sniffing around the bunker.

"Okay, was that really necessary?!" Sam complained as the two got up.

"Sorry, Sam..and you too, Cindy." Tootie apologised as she got to the bottom of the staircase, though she gave an annoyed glare at Cindy.

"You did that on purpose did you?!" Cindy snapped.

"No, I didn't. I mean, it's not like I did it because I think you know Timmy or anything." Tootie responded, her eye twitching as if she was trying to hold something back.

"Oh, so this is what it's about! You think I tried to steal Timmy from you." Cindy said. "Look, I only went on two dates with the buck toothed loser, and..."

"AHA! So you admit it!" Tootie snapped, as both of their fighting got Sandy's attention.

"Alright fine! I liked Timmy. I only didn't want to tell you because Timmy told me how you're such a total creep over him!"

Tootie glared at her, gripping her fists in anger. "Oh, like you're Ms. Personality! You know, I have a Cream Puff badge in Ninjutsu!" She then tried to attack Cindy, only for her to get kicked against a table by Cindy.

"And I'm a black belt! Gah!" Cindy boasted.

Sandy then picked up Cindy by her ponytail, and then Sandy grabbed Tootie by one of her pigtails. "What is the matter with ya'll?! Ya'll acting crazier than a barrel of chimpanzees!"

"Well, don't yell at me! Blame four eyes here for attacking me for no good reason!" Cindy argued.

"I don't care who started it! Ya'll better drop this now!" Sandy shouted, as she dropped the two.

Sam approached Tootie, somewhat apprehensively. "This may be none of my business and all, but you ever thought maybe Timmy just...isn't in love with you, and you should maybe just let him go?"

Tootie gave Sam an offended look. "Nuh uh, not happening, because he WILL be my future husband!"

"And how do you know that? Are you some kind of psychic?!" Cindy shouted.

"Oh, like you with that Jimmy?"

"What? I do not have some creepy obsession with Neutron, unlike you with Timmy!" Cindy snapped in response.

"What part of drop it does ya'll girls not understand?" Sandy shouted. "This really ain't the time to be squabbling with one another."

Tootie pouted. "I'm sorry. It's just just...don't you know what it's like to have someone you love disappear Sandy?"

Sandy shrugged. "Eh, ain't like I got feelings for the yellow dude! We are perfectly fine as friends!"

"Oh really?" Tootie said, smirking.

"Yes really!" Sandy responded. "I mean come on! Me and Spongebob? I mean, don't get me wrong, he's a sweet guy an' all but..." She drifted off a bit as she noticed Tootie still smirking while Cindy and Sam both had raises eyebrows. She shook her head. "Just forget all this, I got what I came here for!" Sandy then rushed up the bunker's staircase and left the treedome. "Now come on, let's go find...Karen." Sandy stopped, as she saw Karen, still in her robot body, who was already in front of the treedome. The virus had changed her appearance, giving her a mechanical body with arms and legs. The other three then caught up with her.

"That's your friend?!" Cindy cried.

"Yes, but I swear, she never looks like that!" Sandy argued. "Well, at least when her husband isn't driving her insane!"

Karen then tried zapping the dome with a laser. However, the laser deflected away from the dome. Sandy laughed. "Ha! You can't break my dome! It's made from 100% indestructible glass! Ain't no way you can come in!" Karen then formed a drill from her hand, and dug through the ground she was on like a mole. Sandy's eyes widened. "Except that! Everyone, into the treehouse!"

The drill then burst through the ground, as Karen appeared, along with a geyser of water. "SQUIRREL TARGET, LOCKED." At that moment, all of the water poured down on Karen, completely stunning her and knocking her out.

As the girls circled the body, Sandy plugged the hole from the ground with a giant cork.

"Wait, how can water hurt her when she already was underwater?" Tootie asked. Suddenly, Tootie was grabbed by her neck by a tentacle that had just emerged from Karen's body. Karen then grabbed the other three girls with three more tentacles, and pinned them against the glass of the treedome.

"TARGET UPDATED. SQUIRREL, AND THREE HUMAN GIRLS. TARGET LOCKED." Karen said monotonously, as four laser guns came out from the back of her.

"I..HAVE AN IDEA." Tootie choked out, slowly suffocating from Karen's claw grabbing her.

"What are you gonna do?!" Cindy shouted. "More of that so called ninjutsu of yours?! HURK!" She was then tightened by Karen's metal arm.

Tootie then tried to move her arms, as she struggled to take off her glasses. She then opened her mouth, pointing her braces at the sky.

"What the heck are you doing?!" Cindy shouted. At that moment, a sun beam came down, as it struck Tootie's braces. As it hit the braces, the sunlight bounced off of the braces, and struck the glasses, giving a powerful beam of light towards Karen's screen.

"TARGETS UNDETECTED. ILLUMINATION LEVELS, TOO HIGH. VISABILITY UNDETECTED. SYSTEM SHUT DOWN, ACTIVATED." Karen completely shut off, as the tentacles holding the four retracted back to her body, and the computer fell to the ground. Nobody knew how to react to what just happened as Sam and Sandy stared in confusion while Cindy's jaw had dropped.

"You're welcome." Tootie happily said as she gave smile showing off her braces.

"Soooo that happened." Sam said.

"Well dang. That was some nice thinking there. I think it's fair Tootie gets to restore Karen." Sandy said, handing Tootie the flash drive.

"Oh come on! She was just lucky that time!" Cindy bemoaned.

"Sounds like somebody's upset for not thinking it up first!" Tootie taunted. Though Sandy did give an annoyed glare at her. "I mean, YAY!" She walked towards Karen, who was facing her back, and inserted the drive into a slot on her head.

Karen then rose up from the ground, as her screen started up again. All of her new body began to disappear, as she was now reduced to her original skinny metal pole body. "SYSTEM RESTORED." Her voice said, as afterwards, Karen's screen returned to a green line. The first sound out of her was the sound of a groan. "Why does it feel like I've come down with a bad virus?" Karen asked, rubbing her head.

"Karen, you're back to normal!" Sandy happily cheered.

"Sandy? What happened and why are we at your treedome?" Karen asked.

"We were going to investigate why all the male fish disappeared, but then something infected your hard drive, and it drove you crazy!" Sandy explained. "I think whoever did that to you is the varmint responsible for all the guys disappearing."

"Thankfully, I can trace back to whoever infected me." On Karen's screen then appeared the words "Searching Memory", as a magnifying glass was over the words. "Found who it is. What infected me was traced from an alias known as: The Fixer."

"Can you trace whoever's under the alias?" Cindy asked.

"Sadly, the real identity of the culprit is unknown, though the culprit's gender is female." Karen said.

"Well clearly, a guy couldn't have done this!" Sam responded.

"Also, the location of this Fixer appears to be in another dimension, in a town called, Dimmsdale."

"Dimmsdale? She's in Dimmsdale?" Tootie asked.

"Well, we ain't got no time to waste!" Sandy said, as she pulled out a device from her diving suit. It was a controller to take the gang back to Jimmy's lab, and handed it to Cindy. "Cindy, do the honors!"

"With pleasure!" Cindy said, as she opened up a portal back to the lab.

"You comin', Karen?" Sandy asked.

"Nah, I think I'm gonna shut down for the day." Karen said. "Also, I may have caused some destruction looking for you." Karen pointed to outside the treedome, where the city was on fire, and Officer Nancy was tapping on the glass with her baton. "See you later, Sandy." Karen waved, as she exited out of the two tree dome doors.

As soon as she was in front of Officer Nancy, Karen revved up her wheels and sped as fast as she can away from the officers, leaving behind a trail of flames. "We got a runner on wheels, send back-up immediately!" Nancy said into her talkie, as she stepped into her police boat and chased after Karen.

"You know, I take back what I said. She actually seemed pretty cool." Cindy said, and the four went into the portal.
