Phase 23: Doubt


Sera's POV

It has been days since we stayed in here. Ashgar payed for our needs and stuff that we need. Well at first Ashgar thought we were already dead since the car sank and he went yeah.
Right now, we are going to the council in order to file a leave paper so that we can go back. As soon as we stepped inside the big gate, we were quickly teleported to a dark place.

"Where is this exactly?" I asked as I looked around, trying to identify my surroundings.

"Don't ask me. I don't know either." Dreyar replied.

A blue circle suddenly appeared in midair that caught my attention. A shadow emerged above the circle that made me curious. Minutes later, more circles appeared forming a big circle out of circles. Get it?

"Ah, is this the new students you brought Ashgar?" I heard a woman's voice talk making the room echo.

"Yes, number 1." Ashgar replied.

Number 1? What a weird name.

A sky blue ring covered with gears drifted towards us. The gears beside it spinned and a figure walked out of it.

"Welcome, dearies~"

A woman holding a staff made out of rusty iron walked towards us. She had a blue dyed hair up to her shoulders, she was wearing a violet jacket with tiny gear designs on the sides. I looked at her staff and she twitched.

"Oh my dearie~ this staff was found three thousand years ago." She chuckled.

"Three thousand years?!" Cindy and Dreyar said in unison.

The woman lifted up her staff a bit and then stomped it on the ground. The rusty iron bar turned into a gold one. The gears on the staff on on her jacket suddenly turned on. Her left eye was replaced with a brown gear that spinned slowly.

"My what a rude attitude you have there Mizune." A violet circle descended above us and a shadow floated. It expanded and turned into a man. He had a green dyed hair and a blue cape. As I looked below, I saw his feet was only a swirling shadow that was stuck on the circle .

"What's wrong with showing our powers number 3?" The lady said.

"Uhm, excuse me." A voice said. I looked to the side and saw a small child holding a tiny doll.

"Yes number 2?" Ashgar said, appearing out of nowhere.

"Who are these people?" The girl said.

"Oh they are the new students at the our school." Ashgar replied.

"Wait, new students? I thought we were gonna go back home?" Mel stepped forward.

"Well dearies, your master told us that we should enroll you in Solstice academy to enchance your skills for the upcoming event. The event is in wher---" Mizune or number 1 was cut by Vin.

"I thought we were going to leave here imme---" Vin was cut by Mizune.

"Well dearies, your master told us to do this." Mizune said.

"Can we visit our home for a while?" I asked.

"No. That place is already infested with dirty monsters! Ugh, disgraceful!" The child talked while floating in midair.

"Oh, Sal. Please explain to the dear children why this child acts like an adult!" Mizune said.

Well, I don't need an explanation though. I came up with a conclusion.

They are weird idiots. :D

"Well she is a 7000 year old spirit trapped in a body of a young girl. And about your conclusion about us, Ms. Sera." Sal looked at me wickedly.

I gulp as I look at him. I feel like his eyes are gonna gouge out on it's own if he keeps on staring.

"Don't scare the child Sal. Come on dearies, stand in this circle!" Mizune tapped her staff on the floor and a sky blue circle appeared. We stepped inside the circle and when we were complete, a transparent wall covered us.

"You're planning to send them home for a while even though I said that place is disgusting hm?" The child said.

"Well, you were joking and I can't let them miss this chance so, I'm doing this dearie~" The gear in her eyes turned faster and after a blink, we were already in the living room. Vin and Eulisis went together while we went straight for our rooms. I went inside my room and saw my melted scythe on a bag.

"I don't think you might be of any use but, I think I should bring you." I placed it on my backpack and went out. I walked back to the living room and then sat on a chair. Raine sat beside me causing me to strike up a conversation.

"Why would they enroll us to a school without us knowing?" I said.

"There must be a reason behind this." She replied.

"What reason?"

"I don't know. How about if we try asking that Mizune girl where your headmaster is?" She said.

" 'Your'? It's 'our'. You're already a part of our team. So is Eulisis." I corrected her. She smiled and nodded.

Minutes later, everyone went inside the circle that we used earlier and was teleported into a place where it was black and our surroundings were filled with shooting stars.

"Dearies, let's go!" Mizune said. Ashgar appeared out of nowhere making me wonder.

"Where is this place?" I asked.

"This? Oh. This is the council's transportation center called the Starry Gateway." Ashgar explained.

"Oh. Okay. Where is our headmaster?" I said.

"Uhm...He went to a journey with the other members." Ashgar replied.

"You sure about that?" Mizune said. Ashgar glared at Mizune evily.

"What?" Mizune wondered.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Oh nothing dearie. I was just making fun of number 4~" she said happily. Her right eye turned into a clock. The hands of the clock spinned violently.

"Jump out dearies~" Mizune jumped out of the circle and when she was completely out, a portal sucked her in.

Ashgar jumped out too, leaving us standing.

"Should we go?" I asked.

"But if we go, there is no going back." Eulisis said shyly.

"You have a point." Vin said.

We looked at the both of them with our curious faces.

"My, you two do get along." Cindy laughed like a rich woman.

"You both have thee powweerr.." Dreyar joked.

"You two are like cousins or lovers." Gemi said while sticking his tongue out.

"Yeah." Rei agreed.

"Let's just...go."Vin said, looking down to hide his flustered face.

"Ladies first."Mel said.

Cindy jumped first, Eulisis was the next, then Raine, then Me. I closed my eyes as I felt the warm grass meeting my face. I stood up, seeing trees everywhere.

"Where are they?" I asked them.

"Don't tell me they left us here?" Raine said while examining the environment.

"Those two..." I heard Vin mumbled.

"We won't get any information if we just stand here and say our deductions. Let's get moving." Rei said seriously, taking the lead.

"He's so bossy." Dreyar whispered.

"Yeah, I know right?!" Cindy whispered back.

"I can hear you two." Rei said loudly without looking back. I looked at them and mouthed 'his ability.' And they mouthed 'oh yeah'.

Okay then.

"My goodness those cute dearies, where are they?" Mizune said 6 meters away from us.

"Guys. I hear them." I said.

"Let's go." Rei said, walking towards the two briskly.

Suddenly, Rei launched towards Mizune, holding his axes but then, Ashgar blocked him with a...ruler wall?

"What's wrong with you Rei?!" Mel shouted, trying to pull Rei back with his stones and holographic ropes but, Rei was persistent.

"Move Ashgar." I heard Mizune said seriously. Ashgar stepped aside causing the ruler shield...or wall to disappear. Rei teleported behind Mizune getting ready to slice her back. Mizune, on the other hand, raised her staff causing gears to appear and hit Rei. He was able to sustain the damage and rushed towards her again. A light under Mizune formed into a clock that spinned fastly. Seconds later, without me noticing it, Rei was already on the ground. We ran to him to help him but to my surprise, he didn't have any wounds whatsoever.

"Thank you for sparing him." Mel thanked Mizune.

"Oh dearie~ it's fine. I don't know what made him attack me but follow me. This is the way to the school." Mizune said, walking away slowly.

Mel used his ability to carry Rei in midair. We followed Mizune in a dark forest, not far from our current place earlier. While walking, I looked at Rei floating in midair. There was a tiny scratch on his cheek that was too small for Eulisis to see. To my surprise, Eulisis walked near his face and placed her hand gently, emitting a green aura.

"How did you---"

"I saw your eyes changed color, and your pupil turned small for a second." She explained. A few seconds later, she lifted her hand out of his face and then the small wound disappeared.

"Dearies~ We're almost there~" Mizune gently spoke. After a few small steps, a door was blocking our way.

"Stand back." Ashgar silently whispered.

Mizune raised her staff and tapped the door. The tip touching the wooden structure made a small circle with ancient letters. A small cobweb like light spread across the door, causing it to open gently.

"Oh okay. So why should we---" A strong wind was about to push Dreyar away when he stood infront but I blocked it with a defensive shield, taught by Mel.

"Stand back?" Dreyar finished. Cindy sticked her tongue out before walking inside the door. I walked in and I saw a....

Big school.

There were flying items and students, and the school was on a floating cloud. There were many birds that was made of clouds and ice. When I looked down, a large mass of bluish clouds covered the area. We were floating ontop of a transparent circle that was written with weird lines and letters. The circle started to move towards the school. A big gate appeared infront of a gigantic wall.

Ashgar placed his palm on the gate and a small ripple spread towards the flat plane. He pushed it lightly causing the gate to open. The circle under us moved inside a small hallway. Torches on the wall lit one by one as we pass through them. The circle stopped and Mizune knocked on a black door.

"Come in." A voice said.

The door opened and we stepped inside gently. The door behind us closed on it's own causing us to flinch. A chandelier lit up above us and a white surrounding was visible. The walls were colored with a white paint. Blue sofas and a table in the middle was infront of us. A man looking outside the window was playing something in his hand. He crushed it and faced us. He was about 30 to 40 years old.

"Oh. There are rare energies I sense here." He looked at us one by one with his brown eyes that changed into a green one.

"Are this the new students you spoke of?" He asked, staring at our eyes. Ashgar nodded slowly.

"I'm Mark. Nice meeting all of you. Well. Before they are officially a student in this academy, we should test their abilities." He said. Ashgar looked at him and reasoned out.

"But sir!The council already marked their enrollment!" This is why I hate schools. I've been in one before, the one for hunters.

"Still. They will be useless if they're weak." He went his workdesk and tapped something on the surface.

"Calling out Difrt to make a schedule for an urgent entrance exam." He looked at us for a moment and then looked back to where he was looking before. "Since they're from the Ryu Team or family, make it extra harder." I mentally shouted when I heard the word 'extra harder'

I can't remember how I even passed the test before.

"Please proceed here." The wall on the side made an opening that seems to be a pathway. Mark nodded and we entered the pathway one by one. Ashgar stood outside and when I looked back, the door closed. Rei woke up and slowly landed on the floor.

"Where are we?" He asked, covering his left eye with his left hand.

"Going to take an entrance exam. More importanly, why did you attack Mizune?!" Mel asked strictly.

Rei removed his hand from his face and sighed.

"I felt like it. Let's keep moving." Rei moved and then, the surroundings change into a galaxy type environment.

'He felt like it?' I said.

'I know. Something must be wrong.' Vin said.

"Welcome to the Planetarium." A voice said. We looked above us and saw a lady floating. Her hand had scales of a dragon, the side of her face had blue scales and she has a long, white tail.

"I am Difrt. I will be your enemy." She said.

"Enemy?" Cindy exclaimed.

"Yes. This is your entrance exam. Now. Fight me!" Difrt launched towards us. We jumped in the air causing her to crash on the ground. We landed on the ground and saw Difrt unharmed. She summoned spears behind her and launched it towards us. Vin protected Eulisis while we try to deflect the spears. My hand was bleeding and everyone was wounded except Eulisis.

"It's over." Difrt said summoning a giant spear. "Not yet." Eulisis said and stood up. Green auras emitted from out bodies and we regained our energies. I teleported behind her and kicked her back. She groaned and moved a little bit. She turned around and tried to punch me. I stopped her and suddenly, arrows hit her left arm. I teleported away from her and the arrows exploded causing her to flinch. Mel trapped her in a stone chamber and she tried breaking it. Vin and Rei sliced the stone around her and with every slice, she would flinch. Raine flew above her and burned her. Difrt broke the chamber and kicked Vin and Rei. They flew to the other side of the room.

"Good. You people has reached the amount of damage you need to exceed. You pass!" Difrt said cheerfully. Eulisis and Mel ran towards Rei and Vin while we went near her.

"Uhm, how much exactly is the damage we caused?" Raine asked.

"Well, I think 7890345?" Difrt said.

WHAT?! I didn't expect that! (⊙o⊙)

"Now move along now." Difrt said cheerfully. I smiled and saw a part of the ground opened, releasing a beam of light.

We walked infront of the hole and looked at each other.

"Should we go?" I asked. "We've come so far, why stop?" Mel smirked. "Yeah." Raine said silently."Okay, let's go!" I said.

Whatever happens, we will always be together.


Sorry for the very slow update! I was very busy in the month of May and I was writing only 100 words per day so her it is. I'll try to update faster next time.

