
This is one of my favourite days of the year idk why the number 14 feels special to me

I'm listening to my subliminal 9 times to make up for the days I've missed, I'm on number 3

Side affects so far is being a lot more attracted to nature and nature being more attracted to me for example yesterday a baby pigeon fell off my roof and cried bevause I couldn't find a towel to hold it in to carry it back to the roof, back pain and tingling 

The pigeon was alright in the end it went back on the roof

And I've just noticed at least 1 definite bump on my back yayyyy progress

The bumps are next to my shoulder bones on each side which is where I assume my wings are going to be

more about my wings: I will be shifting into them permanently, however the subliminal I use says you can retract them (bit sceptical about that) and make them invisible (sounds a bit more reasonable so will probably do that). They will be dragonfly wings because they are so pretty. In case things go sideways with all this talk of hunters and the storm, I do have a backup plan which is to go to the countryside and sort of set up a system there with other mythicals, my town is surrounded by countryside and I think it would be so cool to find people like me and set up a society. 

Another side affect of the subliminal is seeing flying things around you. Lately I've seen a lot more moths and butterflies around, which could just be summer or it could be the subliminal or both
