Ep 31. Dilemma

Jimin POV

She's beautiful..when she smiles my hearts smiles along with those rosy lips...when she speak my breath always stuck in my throat knowing that i can't fight back with her...she always fights with me but my heart fall for her with each breath...i love her because she's my Peace... she was talking while looking at the stars and i was just listening to her admiring my queen of stars...the lonely night was clouding us with stars and we were here to admire them but i always ignore things and admire her when she's beside me..."Y/n i want to tell you something" i speak as i look at her who was just speaking while sitting next to me and stopped now...she looked at me startled as i slice her words and i smiled knowing her look but then my heart stumbled with the thought what i want to say..

She smiled at me for awhile and i lost myself into it...i never touched those lips but i want to but i could not..."Yeah say I'm all ears on you" she said attentively and i felt affectionate because she don't feel frustrated.."Umm" i gulped finding good words to make her happy as i know she also loves me..."Y/n" i gathered up my courage and called her softly and look up again as she nods.."It's always our heart who feel the love very first but for me my eyes has captured something that is mesmerising my heart by it...you know when we love someone we forget ourselves and we just think about that person...and we always protect that person with all our care...like this i also have a person i want to protect and keep safe in my heart" i was speaking my heart out telling her what i want to share with her and she was hopefully nodding...her attention and her brown eyes were making me nervous but then i held her hand gently and her gaze follow my actions feeling the love that i was giving her...the moment felt so lucky yet late but this is the right time i know... I opened my mouth to speak and my tongue stuttered "I-I lo----" i was about say something that i was holding in my heart but i stopped when i heard Jungkook's loud ear tearing voice from downstairs..."JIMIN HYUNG AND Y/N STOP ROMANCING AND COME DOWN, DINNER IS READY"

I curse at him in my heart to stop me but on his next words we both started looking at each other...she chuckles at my wide eyes by listening to Jungkook and i open my mouth feeling astonished..."I swear to God I'm gonna beat his A$$$" i warned her with a growl knowing the devil that is waiting for us downstairs but she can't help and just chuckles.."Let's go now...we have talked enough" she said while looking away still smiling but her words made me look at her with shock..."Talk?...Girl just say you were talking and i was listening...aah!! my poor ears are still hurting" i tease her and hold my ears, rubbing it dramatically on which she hit my shoulder and laugh.."Yaah so what..if you won't listen to me then who? Come on let's go now" she said and stood up from the ground...and then i stood up after holding her hand that she offered me to help me...i stood up and release a heavy breath then look at her..

We both shared a cheeky smile but before we walk, another scream was heard "JIMISHII Y/NISSHIII" he was screaming his lungs out and we could feel the pain of his throat which he was using on 'just to tease us'...we both look at each other with pity face..."I hate this shit" she tells me and i nod while grimacing "Yeah me too" i replied then y/n shout with the same energy and i chuckled astonishingly.."WE ARE COMING JUST SHUT YOUR SHITTY MOUTH FOR AWHILE you whole package of shit" she turn to me while cursing Jungkook who can't even listen and looked at me with madness..i smiled then shoved her the way and we both stomped down madly.


The magical moment was about to happen but it was ruined by Jungkook on which you both felt mad and Jimin decided to delay it..."You both came?" Jungkook gives you both a bunny smile when he looked at your furious faces.."Yeah because you were barking continuesly" you said loudly on his face and he looked at you with a devilish smirk..."Fuck you" you showed him a middle finger then passed him and Jimin followed you in the living room of Jungkook's house but after giving him a pity look and left him still smirking.

You guys ate dinner and then sat there for awhile to talk..."Bro's i have a bad news" Jimin speak while looking at you both but he was regretting already..he don't have any other choice as he has to tell you guys..."what?" Jungkook asked and you both look at Jimin with questionable eyes..."Dad is again arranging a blind date for me" Jimin look at you first and feels the color of your face changing... Jungkook also glance at you but then started laughing nervously to make the intense environment light and happy..."Ah wow great hyung..we are here sitting single waiting for a Prince Charm and Tinker bell but here you're getting chances for a blind date every single month..lucky you i feel jealous sometimes..right y/n" Jungkook laughs and asked her while glancing at y/n because he knows what she's thinking...Jimin also chuckles at Jungkook but then they saw y/n standing up..."I need to use washroom I'll be right back" she says with a fake smile them walk away...and they both sighed deeply...

Jungkook instantly look up at Jimin and said in a frustrated tone.."Why the hell you said that...Hyung you should not do this with her at least" Jimin look up at him with a straight look "She should know..And hiding something like this won't help but create the freaking distance between us" he whispered madly and Jungkook sighed understanding his brother...he held his head and rub it anxiously.."What the heck dad wants from you...Just go and tell him the truth Hyung" Jungkook look at Jimin and throw his words on him furiously whereas Jimin's eyes widened in disbelief and he looked at Jungkook who felt regret by his own words.."You want her dead right?" Jimin's eyes were holding pain and Jungkook sighed regretfully...

"Aishhh...You and your fucking respect hyung... I can't stand with both...Just tell her already or do whatever you want...it's been a year but you never once thought about her feelings...shame on you Hyung" Jungkook speak in anger amd Jimin listen to him silently because he know he's right... Jungkook stood up and walk outside...

Jimin saw him going and lean back closing his eyes with frustration..."I have promised to protect you y/n but things are not happening the way I want...I can't sacrifice you because of our love...You both don't know what is happening" he whispered in a cracking voice and your face came in front of his closed eyes...he sighed heavily.


4 days later:

The short summer vacations are over...You Jimin and Jungkook were getting ready for the school in their houses but the silence between you three were killing you all...you guys have not talked after that night at Jungkook house neither someone tried to approach and contact each other...knowing well that you like Jimin he always upsets you with his this kind of talks and that's the reason why you're giving them the silent treatment as you think that sometimes silence is better than longer fights...because this will just for sometimes and when you guys will see each other, smiles will again approach your faces and lit up the friendship.

Y/n POV:

I reached the school on my car that my Grandpa kept for my safety but I didn't feel awkward by it now...i was walking towards the corridor when my eyes fell on Jimin who was standing there waiting for me..like always we three wait for each other whoever comes first but i always came late...I look at him and he smiled looking at me but being a stone hearted girl i pass him without any greetings...

I walked pass by him and i could feel the hurt on his face and his gaze that is following me behind but I don't care...i went to class and the first thing that welcomed me was Taehyung's smirk...his never ending smirk always made me wanna spit on his face...he stopped in front of me blocking my way and i look up at him...i realized he's taller then me and his thin figure was towering above me...I ignored him and tried to escape from him but he again block my way from the other side...i look up and glare at him but before i speak he look beside me here and there and then look at me with amazed look..

"What happened kitty..where are your bodyguards today? Didn't they come with you or you guys had fight with each other...well that would be an amazing thing" He asked me with a mocking tone and i close my eyes to breath deeply and control my fist to throw at him as my mood is already very ruined but now this jerk is shit on it's top....i lick my dry lips and speak as slow as possible "Move" I commanded but his smirk grew wider..."No" he said teasing the sh!t out of me but the next moment i raise my knee and in a blink of his eyes i kick him in between his legs on which he stumbles and back away from me growling...feeling weak on his legs he fell on the floor and every student gasp looking at me with shock but ignoring everything and the Kim fucking Taehyung laying on ground, i passed from his side and went to my seat and place my bag on our bench...I always feel anxious by this person talks..I don't hate him because of his hate but i just don't like his talks which always flash jealousy for my friendship.

My eyes fall on the seat where Jimin gonna sit and my heart felt heavy by the thought of losing him...not just a sudden thought I'm scared of losing this person...because of him I have fought with Grandpa and now that person is slipping from my hands...Maybe he's not in my destiny..i always shrug my thoughts after saying this and wait for the right moment...

I sat and i heard Jimin's loud voice.."Who did this oh my god" i look up and find Jimin and Jungkook beside Taehyung...i rolled my eyes when i saw Jimin holding Taehyung and made him stand up with the help of Jungkook...Jungkook look at my direction and i look away and he understands...Jungkook whisper something in Jimin's ear when he look at me..probably talked about me...Jimin shake his head in disbelief while looking at me but i roll my eyes at him and look away..."He just think about others not me" I complained while seeing him as he took the Kim fucking Taehyung away from my eyes...Must be damaged badly.."Tsk Tsk"

The teacher came after when they were gone because i know they would not create any scene when they know behind it, there was me...and honestly I would really appreciate if principal called me then i would love to beat that jerk infront of him...i had my enough because I'm facing this jerk from almost a year..but not now...i know how to face these shitty people's  when my Grandpa gave me so much strength that's why every boy never dared to come infront of me...

And after the last incident every boy even the girls are afraid to come near me as i noticed everyone whispering about me and back away from wherever i passed...But out of nowhere this jerky piece of shit came and is now suffering because of my anger issues.

Lunch Time:

We three head out of the class and went to the cafeteria..without having a single word we three are still together and nobody is trying to speak with me because they probably know why I'm still silent...and Jungkook probably have told Jimin about me by now...i take my food in a tray, but in a small amount because I'm not even hungry but i have to be healthy to fight back with jerks like Taehyung...i went to the place where three sit together and sit there placing my tray...i was about to sit there when someone came and started pouring the strawberry milk on my place I stopped and looked at him...I don't know who is he but he's smirking..."Please have a seat dear y/n" he said in a mocking way and i raise my brows in amazement on his dare...he even know my name but I'm seeing him for the first time...i came out of my seat and stand infront of him...

My face flashes hundred layers of hate and anger but i keep on looking at him emotionless...some jerks are not even scared of me but who are thanks to that person who killed Jackson...before I could have words of affirmation with this new spoiled buddy Jimin and Jungkook came running towards us...Jimin stand in between us and sheild him from me.."Go back y/n..I'll deal with him" he said to me softly and listening to his honey sweet voice i back away...I wasn't like this before..i never talked with someone before but today I don't know what have gotten into me..i could stand against anybody fearlessly..I could beat my worst enemy of school whom i jever talked...maybe because i feel angry..so much angry that i'll even throw fist on Jimin also...

Jungkook pulled me by my arm towards him and i was dragged.."Come with me" he said to me and take me out of the cafeteria...I didn't speak as i just kept walking with him until we stopped on the rooftop where he brought me.

He made me stand against me by holding my shoulders and i stood there silently while looking down..."Look at me" he commanded and I slowly look up..my eyes were emotionless.."Don't do this y/n...it's not his fault....talk with us bro..don't give us silent treatment..it's been 4 days and nights we three haven't talked with each other...your anger will just make your temper temporarily disappear but a small talk will sort out everything permanently" He said trying his best to make me understand but i keep on looking at him without no emotion...he left my shoulder and sighed heavily after looking in my eyes back and forth finding no reply.."Leave it bro..Listen to me carefully now..I'm your bunny right? He asked hopefully this time and i gulped feeling little easy as I'm the one who gave him this nick..."Atleast give me a nod baby girl" he said to me hitting my shoulder while smiling and i frown madly and look away holding my shoulder.."Don't touch me" i murmur furiously and he smiled showing me his bunny teeth.."Finally your tongue moved" he said and i glanced at him for second.

"You know what?" He said and i looked at him curiously.."What?" I asked with my still features that are furious and he smiled widely which made me more curious.."You know Jimin talked about you at home" the moment these words left his mouth my eyes widened as i look up at him shocked.."W-What? What did he talked about me?" I inquired feeling happy and shocked at the same time.."He told father that he don't want to attend any blind date because he's seeing you" he told me happily and i look at him hiding my smile.."How do you know? you said you didn't talk with him from 4 days?" I looked at him with my siren eyes and he nods.."I went to home and mother told me." I listen to him and finally smiled...

"Now be happy y/n he finally make a move" Jungkook tells me happily and I bite my lips hiding my smile when my dimples appear beside my lips...He didn't told me but he directly tells about me in his house...i feel lucky to have a man like him.."But y/n don't let him know this because mother refused me to tell him...he'll surely come to you once he'll be done with our family as you know dad is very strict" he asked me with puppy eyes and I chuckled at him feeling happy.."I'll not..and don't worry i'll wait for him" i relaxed him and we both hugged each other.."Never give me this shitty silent treatment..i was so worried about you." He said patting my head and i chuckled.."As you wish my bunny" and he chuckled happily..

"Taehyung has fallen in love with her...he have break the rule so I'm giving you the duty to keep a keen look on both of them..and if he failed to bring y/n here and failed to fulfill his promise then don't think and kill him and bring her to me...my blood should know who's her mother" the masked women speak in her dark, intense yet innocent voice with a mysterious person she's preparing for her agenda.

"Jealousy always change your emotions from hate to love and love to hate"

Baby girlies!! What's happening in your boring life because our y/niee is happy again after suffering once more.🥲

Knowing your Jimin is Jungkook telling her baby girl truth or not? let me know your thoughts in the comments😌

Do Vote & Comment girlies

Love from Aish
