Part-8(Last part)

But when I flipped a page I found something in the middle of her diary. There was written, “MY BELOVED” in a big words in the heading of a page.

There was written that I was her first love and she want to stay with me and want to spend her whole life with me. She had desired to make a happy family with me and she had fall in love with me from a long time. It was only me who had never realized her love towards me until her dead. I was regretting about not being realized her true love towards me. After reading her dairy I gave that to her mother and told her mother to read her daughter messages to them. I came back at home and cried even more. The day when she left me alone my mind went blank from inside and I felt like my soul had left from my body. Even now after so many years I can’t forget about her.

She is my first and last love and I will love her always until my soul left mine body. Being loved and being in love with someone is really a blessed person in this world. Everyone need love from everybody whom they care about most. When your love one is with you, you can do any things and nothing is impossible but when that love one left you, it will be even more difficult to overcome from it. Loving and love someone is something that people can’t express their feelings in just few words but you can feel it when you really fell in love with someone whom you loved the most. And at last I knew about my unknown feelings towards her but it was already been too late.

This is the last part of this short story "My Unknown Feeling Towards Her", I hope you will support me and inspire me by giving your own thoughts about this story. And as I told you this is short and sad love story so it has short parts.

I hope you are doing good and stay healthy, safe, good and happy always. Don't forget to follow me guys🥰❤❤❤
