Chapter 02

He scan me from head to toes as his stare grew more dismissive.

I tried my best to manage my breath, as if I'm about to pass out.

"Were you going to leave this mess behind?" He notified me so seriously.

I breathed out. Mess? Which mess? I looked back and saw the sheets which 'Jeonghan' seemed to drop again all spread out down his desk to the floor.

"Oh s-sorry.." I rushed back. Why do I keep showing this guy an unprofessional bad impressions? And this Jeonghan jerk couldn't even help properly. Now they all got mixed and I had to rearrange them in the right order.

"You didn't miss me? We haven't seen each other in so long." Jeonghan then started to pout at Mr. Choi.

"I don't have time for you right now."

"Rude." What was he expecting? Mr. Choi completely ignored him and continued to stare in anger at his phone.

"Is it your mom again?"

"She's not leaving me alone?"

"She really wants you to get married, huh?"

"I don't know man, this topic just keeps butting in every day now." They both continued to chitchat completely unbothered by my existence. But I'm so sure that later on Mr. Choi won't let me exit until he's so sure I won't spill a word out there.

He might threaten to strangle me.

"SeungCheol!" Suddenly the office door got slammed hard against the wall, making both Jeonghan and Mr.Choi shut up.

I also freaked out and my sheets literally flew off again.

Oh come on!

I wanted to yell.

"Why didn't you return any of my calls?!" A woman who looked to be in her late 40's stomped inside. She started scolding Mr. Choi, her stance showing confidence and her face a warm demeanor. Her brown her was long and flowy, her eyes were dark brown but she kinda looked like..

"Mother, I'm at work."

I almost gasped, Mother..?!

She just rolled her eyes, "I don't wanna hear a word from you little man. There is someone I want to introduce you to. Come in dear."

Just like that, enters a very blond pretty young lady, in a minidress. Her face lit up at the moment she saw Mr. Choi. Her eyes slowly wandered down his body while biting her lips.

She was making it too obvious.

"This is Park Sally, Richard's second daughter. I thought maybe you should both go out for lunch tonight."

"Nice to meet you, SeungCheol. I heard a lot about you." The girl continued to say in a high-pitched voice. She did look pretty and her perfume was filling the air.

I gaze up at Mr. Choi who weirdly didn't even look at her. He stayed on his phone.

"Too busy."

Would it kill you to put your phone away for just a bit?

"All you do is work, sleep and shit! I'm even sure if you eat anymore. You need to settle down son! And set time Aside to focus on your family!" His mother scolded again, I mean, I don't blame her, she's probably too devastated raising her stubborn son.

"And who is running this company while I do that?"

"You have enough employees!"

"They cannot do what I can."

I agree..

"Enough!" Now they all shut up. "Listen little young man, I want you to go out with this beautiful lady and get to know her. I don't wanna hear you say another word about work."

Mr. Choi and his mother stare angrily at each other in silence while Jeonghan and this lady just stood there.

That's when Jeonghan decided to interrupt, "Mrs. Choi, don't you think it's an appropriate to expect something like that from your son?"

Yeah, he's an asshole.

And it felt like its been forever in this office. I wanted to get out.

Regardless, I feel so bad for whoever his fiancée gonna be. Imagine marrying a heartless work-freak. No matter how rich he is, it's a living hell. You gonna turn gray in your twenties.

I took hold of the last sheet and arranged them properly so I can just place them up and leave.

"..He's already engaged."



"What are you say—" Mr. Choi mouth was shut by Jeonghan.

And here comes the tea. Sandra will love what I'm about to bring to her. I started to slow down with the papers.

"Don't you wanna get rid of her?" He whispered. They were right beside me so I could hear it all. "Just tell her about the girl, I could help you with that."

It's funny how Jeonghan was even trying, there is no way his mother could believe that, because she was freaking out by then.

"Why didn't you tell me?! Who is she SeungCheol?"

Jeonghan and Mr. Choi were looking at each other now.

Yeah who is she SeungCheol? Who's that secret lover?

"Mother, let me introduce you to my fiancée." I couldn't miss this part. Not until a silent drove by. I felt eyes gazing at me, as I looked left meeting up with Jeonghan eyes. A smile formed at his lips.

Why is he smiling at me?

I look back at Mr. Choi waiting for him to introduce his girl, until I spot him also looking my direction.

Both Jeonghan and Mr. Choi stared directly at me.

"This is.." SeungCheol started to say.

"RaeHwa!" Jeonghan exclaimed and Mr. Choi is nodding now.

It was my turn to be stared at, I couldn't ignore the elephant in the room. Was he referring to me..? He must had gone nuts.

"Is that true? Are you my son's fiancee?" Mrs. Choi looked my direction for the first time ever. And She doesn't look happy.

"I.. I—" Mr. Choi shot me a glare with his poker-face and I shut my mouth. I have never been looked at like that that I couldn't but froze.

Was that a payback?

"Is she okay?"

"She's fine. C'mon Mrs. Choi let's give the soon-to-be married couple some privacy." Jeonghan brush it off as if it's nothing and dragged Mrs. Choi out of the office.

"Soon wh—" Shutting the door.

Leaving me and the other girl, who seems to get her chance to finally flirt.

"I loved what you're wearing at work, the color totally matches your eyes and the Fit is perfect on you, Oppa." She shot a suggestive look in his direction.

Oppa?? Didn't she just find out I'm his fiancée?

"It was nice meeting you. I really hope we see each other again." Gurl walk yourself out please.

Sally was waiting for Mr. Choi to give her a response but all she got was awkward silence. I was satisfied. She turned around her heels while still managing to shoot me a death stare, and seconds later you could hear her stomp outside the office.

"Your name is Lee RaeHwa?" Now he's talking to me.

"Y-yes sir...!"

"Don't misunderstand any of this RaeHwa." Uhhh.. I mean if he is going to clear it out to his mother later on, then I guess it's fine.. "I'm not interested in you."

My head went blank. Jerk.

"But you need to do this for me, understand?"

"Marry you?" I crock an eyebrow, almost freaking out.

And his reply was, "I won't marry you." Coldly.

I got offended. Does it look like I'm begging you Sir? "All I want from you is to act as my fiancée whenever my mother is around."

He must be nuts.

No. Absolutely not. I crossed my arms showing my dissatisfaction. I either assult this guy or punch his face.

"Look." He paused. "She wont leave me alone unless she knows I'm married with kids. You don't have to worry about that for now."

For now?

"Sir why don't you just.. meet somebody and get married for real..?"

"Are you dumb?"

"Are you dumb?" I mumbled, I couldn't hold it any longer. I mean, if you want me as a fiancée, at least show some respect.

"What did you say to me?"

"What did you say to me?" I'm literally directing his stupid questions back to him.

He sigh.

"Do I look like I have time for marriage? All you have to do is play the role to get her off my case." As if it's a peace of cake.

"Why me?"

"You just happened to be in my office, RaeHwa." True, wrong place, wrong timing. I should have shoved those files into the garbage instead.

"So you were gonna pick whoever happened to be right here this morning."


"Then you could have just picked that lady your mother brought!" Seriously like make that make sense, couldn't he just think for a bit??

"Absolutely not. And enough with your nonsense, I need to get back to work. You know where the door is."

"Hol—" I wasn't done yet. He grab my wrist and in less than a second I found myself in the hallway, he slams the door shut.


