Chapter 01

I left the hot water rush down the tub, filling it as I poured some bubbly soap and red rose petals. I stripped out of my outfits and sinked in.

Oh man. I live for this.

This is the only time I could release my anger, before I throw it onto someone. The hot water felt so goood. My eyes went slowly shut as I sunk deeper.

What was I expecting when I took on this new job at Choi Enterprises? I couldn't remember the last time I had a day off. The true workload of my new job was overwhelming. It was just a lot to get used to, to say at least, now that I also had to endure my lack of sleep.. or the fact that I stink and needed to shower.

Finally some peace.

I wouldn't lie I do like to work, as stupid as that might sound, having my hands fully distracted from everything else piling on life, specially in a high valued place. Choi Enterprises were enough of a distraction, it's just one of the high value companies with dedicated workers which hardly hires employees.


That's when the apartment bell suddenly started ringing. This wasn't the time so I simply ignored it.

That's when it went crazy.

Ring! Ring! Ring!
Ring! Ring! Ring!

For God's sake!

Quickly I wrapped a towel around and walked out the bathroom.

"What what?!!" I slammed the door open. "What do you want?"

Standing there was a chubby guy. I glare at him and this pervert had his eyes scanning me.

"Can I help you?" I frowned.

"You certainly can." He crocked a smirk.

"Excuse me?" Disgusting motherf.

"Hello Ms. Lee I'm Mike Sanders. Your former landlord's son."


"I'm here to talk to you about your rent."

"What about my rent?"

"I'm the old landlord's son." He heaved a pause and continued, "My father transferred this building under my name, which means I'm your new landlord now."

"okay?" Is he just here to blurt some bullshit cuz if yes, I'm slamming the door shut.

"I noticed the old rent was too low according to this standards. And since this building is mine now I needed to raise it accordingly due to some financial family issues."

"Oh so you're suffering financially and you found comfort in making me struggle."

"I'm not her to chitchat Ms. Lee I'm here to inform you, just like every other tenants. I'm sorry it had to be this way. If you take issue with your new rent, feel free to move out."

"You kidding right?"

"I wouldn't have done this if it weren't necessary, Ms. Lee. Believe it or not, I really had no choice."

Does he really believe that he'll get away with raising my rent just because he felt like it? I was barely able to pay my old rent, there was no way I could pay the new one.

Once he was done, I wrapped up and shut the door. Gosh why did I open it from the first place?

Why does everything have to be expensive?

I scroll through the computer looking up every single proper apartment that I could possibly live in, in which I noticed that affordable apartments were ridiculously far. Like there was no way I could wake up four hours+ earlier everyday just to arrive on time.

I got my ass up the office desk to make some coffee. Did I even grab a bite today?

That's when I begin to realize just how screwed I was. No money, no sleep, no food, and soon nowhere to live.

"Did your cat die?"

"What?" I almost choke on my coffee.

" You look like a wreck, RaeHwa." Standing there was Sandra, my lovely co-worker.

I rolled my eyes at her.

"What happened?"

"My rent happened."

"Hm money issue."

"My new landlord decided to raised my rent out of nowhere."

"You need help? This doesn't sound right.."

"Trust me nothing about this guy is right."

"RaeHwa!" Olivia cut in, Mr. Choi's secretary. "Remember to bring the documents to Mr. Choi's office on time today."

"Oh you're right..!" I almost forgot. He'd get mad angry if I missed the timing again.

"Guess you'll finally meet the big boss, RaeHwa. I'd shit my pants." Sandra joked. I tried to play it cool, although I'm panicking.

Last time Mr. Choi was on a business trip and I had to email him some documents related to his flight. But guess what happened? I accidentally slept on my desk completely missing the right timing to send them, and that's when I heard he got so pissed off, because he wasn't able to go further with his project which he traveled for. Not just that, his project was also postponed to further notice and his trip got shortened. All because of my dumbass.

He must have hated my guts. Hate is too simple to use here.

Literally that time I thought about quitting, I thought about running away. When he got back he ordered no one to visit his office or come near. Everyone just gave me the uneasy look for a whole month.

"RaeHwa don't fuck up this time."

"Why don't one of you bring him the documents instead?" I grinned ridiculously at Sandra and Olivia.

"Haha have fun, Rae. Just don't look him in the eye and you'll be fine!"

I huffed snatching the files and pretending to cry wiping my invisible tears.

This guy has won every business award, plus he's the reason this company is as successful and prestigious as it is. He's a business genius. As well as extremely pleasant to look at, at least that's what I've heard. Beside my curiosity, I wouldn't dare look at his face since then.

I would panic.

I'd miss every chance possible so I called sick at the meeting days and had to stay hidden at the lady's restroom during our company business party. It was miserable, but you can't blame me. That guy might be a genius but he's also an absolute menace. He expect all his employees to work as manically as he does.

Plus someone said Dino cried the last time he came out his office.

Back to what's happening just now, I ended up going to him..

I knocked.. and knocked.. no response.

Was he doing that on purpose?

"Mr. Choi I got your files." I decided to call from behind his door.


Should I just go in? this must be my chance that he isn't here now. I went inside, taking quietly step by step and placed the files at his desk and was about to run, but his office beauty caught my attention. It looks quite fancy and clean, huge desk along with a large iMac, I was too poor to guess its model. Behind his desk was a really nice clear view of the city with lots of natural light, high ceilings and a level of architectural distinctiveness. It was a large space with pretty good furniture.

"Hey there."

Thats when I freaked out accidentally hitting the file as the whole papers flew down, spreading at the ground.

"You brought the files?"

"Y-yes.. sir." I hurried to gather the papers.

"Thank you for that, What was your name?" A tall dark hair guy laying at the long couch, smiling at me.

He walked up to me and started helping me with the papers. That was too odd. He got pretty soft features, wearing white plain blouse showing his collar bone.

"Thank you M-mr. Choi."

"You ignored my question, what is your name?"

"R-raeHwa."  I stutter. "I mean Ms. Lee."

"I prefer RaeHwa." He smiled, then winked and that made my brain stop.

I just stare blankly at the ground. Mr. Choi weirdly didn't seem as bad as they made him out be.. He actually seemed.. nice? Weirdly nice.

"Do you have a boyfriend RaeHwa?"

"A w-what?"

"A boyfriend."He smiled again. "Hahaha you're cute. How about you and I—"

"Jeonghan." A deep raspy voice suddenly echoed right behind me, sending shivers down my back and sent an unsettling and unusually feeling down my core.

I flinched.

"Bad timing SeungCheol." The white shirt guy crock a smile.

"What are you doing in my office?" His footsteps drew closer just until I can feel his body head. I can sense he's talking to me. And the blonde who I thought was Mr. Choi, started to chuckle.

"Who are you?" The voice behind me was now directed at me which I'm pretty sure belonged to the real Mr. Choi.


"Can you talk?"

"uh yes..!" My voice came out strained and shaky. I turned around, "I—"

My body went rigid, just like my brain. The man that was standing in front of me, the man that turned out to be my boss.. Looked straight up like a lord. I felt like my heart will beat out of my chest at any minute. My eyes first met his chest and I had to crock my neck in order to look up to his face. His nose, straight with a cute curve in the end. His sharp jaw looked like it could slice my cloths in half with one swipe. I could see through his tight shirt that he stood tall and fit. But it was his eyes that had me hypnotized. Eyes, so beautiful yet so cold looked down at me.

Deep dark brown sharp eye, covered a little by his perfectly wavy-styled bangs. His stare, icy, dismissive and bothered at the same time.

"Is her brain working?" I suddenly snapped out.

This jerk. Is your brain working?

Now I feel like he didn't deserve any of my admiration of before.

"I'm sorry sir. Please excuse me." I managed to bow down and walk directly to the office door.

"Hold on."

I froze, again.

