Ye another chapter mga bebs.
Sana ma enjoy nyo rin hehe.

1st Pov*

Ouh 20 she once again said it with a disappointed look.

Pag sure oi 20?!?! Natalie exclaimed with a shocked face after hearing what Amelia just said.

Pfff- hahaha hahaha. Kiara and Sunny laughed.

Hey! It's not my fault that he suddenly gave me a gift and said where's his! Taira said in a defensive tone.

Hahahahahahahahahah. they all laugh at Taira's words.

You guys are so mean. She said with a pout on her face.

Aya- no no sad nah eh- sorry Nah.. the 5'1 said

Jk-- ra gani- the low ponytail girl replied

Hmph! Apology accepted, Taira said

Anyway let's go we don't want to block the hallway and dli pud ko gusto ma squished nila... Sunny said with a hint of discomfort on her face.

Ye sure², let's get out of this crappy hallway. Amelia said agreeing with Sunny's word

So what y'all be doing in Christmas break? Kiara asked.

Dunno.. maybe I'll be making a new story update on Wattpad... Sunny said with a bored tone lacing her voice.

Nothing much just continue watching my One piece. Natalie replied

I don't know about mine. Amelia said

Same. Kiara agrees with her friend's words.

Ikaw Taira mag unsa man ka sa Christmas break? One of her friends asked.

Simple continue basa ug Wattpad.. or mo watch ko salida nga avatar... She replied to her friend's question.


2nd Pov*

Taira and her friends can be seen sitting in the food court where there are currently talking about their day in class.

So wait let me get this straight... Ga inom ka ug coke ug sprite all in one go?!?! Like gi mix jud nimo? Dli d ai na disgusting?? Taira asked who is wearing a disgusted look after hearing her friend's words.

Ouh gi inom naho all in one go tas akong gi suka... Sunny replied

Abi naho ga inom ka ug wine or unsa kai imong nilakwan kai murag hubog- Amelia said who sweatdrop.

Just as they continue their chit chat one of their friends asks a question.

You guys. If one of us got transmitted or any reincarnate which world do you gonna pick?

Hmmm, i choose... Who made me a princess UvU Because there are handsome people there. Kiara said with a blush present on her face.

Btaw noh? Ngano mga gwapo man ang mga gipang drawing nga anime while sa ato a- wlai mga gwapo ಥ‿ಥ. Natalie replied wiping her fake tears as she did so.

I'll go to avatar.. kasi na a akong love of my life ana, tas pwede pud ka maka lupad noh kanang ikran ohohoho~ (●♡∀♡). Taira answered with a dumb smile

Wla koi sure sa ako... ._." Amelia said with a straight face.

Kuyog ta leh, kitang duha. Taira replied to Amelia's words.

(ಠ_ಠ)>⌐■-■ - Amelia

(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ - Taira

Anyways.. ikaw Sunny? Natalie? Asa man mo. Amelia asked.

One piece ko. Natalie said

MHA ko kai na a c Tokoyami-. Sunny replied with a small blush

Bang adik ni Tokoyami baits... Taira remark.

Says the one nga adik ka a ju ug Wattpad.. ಠωಠ. Her friends barked at her words.

Luh-(●__●) - Taira

(눈‸눈) - her friends

3rd Pov*

Im home! I shouted.

Welcome home anak, kamosta namn ang day nimo sa school?? MY mother asked...Ok ramn wla nai performance task or assignment kai ako na sila gi pang buhat. I answered my mother's words.

Very good yan nak, keep up the good work ha.. she said

I will ma! I replied.

I climbed up the stairs that is leading to my room, and just as I was about to twist the door nob something or better yet someone thought it will be a great idea to do a tiny scare.




SANTA MARIA!! I Shout holding a scared look.

I quickly turned my head to see who tf gave me a scare and to know who i fcking slap. Only to see my brother James.. Who is 5 ft tall.

Ahahaha oops? I timidly said scared of what happens next...

Taira..... My brother replied in a hushed tone making me even more scared.

You are one hell of a slapper. He said


So ye that happened. I said face timing my friends

Pffff- hahahahaha oh my- they laughed for a couple of minutes until they stopped.

Did it leave a mark? Sunny asked who is laughing a bit.

I smacked my lips into a straight line, and slowly nod.

Damn- I mean not gonna lie, but your slap is OP. Natalie said

I know right, it fcking hurts like hell. Kiara said shivering recalling a memory of who I accidentally slap a week ago.

Look I'm sorry ok! I didn't mean it!! I exclaimed.

Ye² it's ok no harm done. She said.

Anyway gotta go, I'll be sleeping nah. Night guys. I said holding back a yawn.

Night girl/goodnight they all said. Who is ready to go to sleep


Another chap another wrong grammar so.
Ye hope y'all like it
