Chapter 1- Welcome Back


"Oh yeah!" I screamed as I ran out of the school with my friends. It was two-thirty and school was officially over for the summer months. I'm officially a senior and currently sixteen.

The sun was blinding, but it was nice and warm day. This is the best day of my life and I have a feeling it might just get better.

My arms both linked with my two best friends Amy and Jelena.

Jelena was my long red haired friend with hazel eyes. She was the tallest and the most goofy of our mini group.

Amy was the shortest and the mother figure of our group. She was my short black haired friend with brown eyes.

Then there is me, the medium height babe that was the carefree one. I had brunette hair that was medium length and green mossy eyes.

"So Morgan, where's your smoking hot brother at," Jelena hissed out as we decended towards the parking lot of students.

"I don't know. He should actually be picking me up today from school. Also stop calling my brother hot, that is truly disgusting." I gagged as I smacked her. She giggled without a care as we neared her car.

I heard the screeching of a car and I had a guess on who it was. I looked towards the sound and there was a slick black car screeching to a total stop infront of us.

"Hey little sis!" My older brother Ron yelled through his open window.

Rons hair was spiked up in a douche bag way while he wore black sunglasses like he was badass. I rolled my eyes, separating from my girls.

"Hey, Ron!" I yelled back sarcastically back to him.

Gosh, he needs to stop being so loud. I could hear his annoying voice a mile away. Ron scoffed and leaned over opening the door.

"Get in smartass."

I smiled at him while he smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and hopped in shutting the door. I gave a wave to my friends just as he hit the pedal to the metal. I ended up hitting my head on my seat from the sudden jump.

"So, little my Morgan is a senior finally?" He asked flipping on the radio.

"Yeah, and you're now a college sophmore. So what have you been up to?" I asked back feeling the cool air hit my hot, probably flushed face.

My hair whipped around and I leaned out the window watching the scenery as we passed stores and houses to get to ours.

"Well, I'm currently single and I'm honestly sick of college already. I want to drop out, but I need a good job to make that money." I looked towards him as he focused on the road finally.

"Ellie broke up with you?" I questioned.

Ron and Ellie have been together since my brother was a freshman in highschool. They were the schools item, the power couple at that.

"Yeah, about a month ago. She was complaining because I haven't proposed to her yet, but I didn't want too. I mean, I loved her, but it just didn't feel right to marry her. I guess she wasn't the one for me."

He shrugged as we pulled down our street. I nodded just as we pulled into the driveway.

"Well, you'll find the perfect one someday." I patted his shoulder as he shut off the car.

I got out and slammed the door getting a 'hey' from Ron for doing so, but that's what I do. I'm his annoying little sister and I think that I deserve a sister of the year award.

I opened the unlocked door to our three bedroom house. It was a decent size when dad was alive, now I feel like it's too empty and too huge for just us three, well me and my mom since Ron goes to college now.

"So where's mom?" Ron asked shutting the door behind us.

The air was on, so a wave of cool air hit my face, and oh man did it feel good. I found the comfy couch and collapsed on it. Ron joined me switching on the T.V.

"Mom has a boyfriend and she went to go pick him up for dinner tonight. She's maybe old, but that women works fast when it comes to men," I sighed rolling my eyes. Ron chuckled as he passed a re-run of Teen Wolf.

"Change it back!" I yelled trying to pry the remote away from him. He held it far away from me as a jumped onto him strangling him for the remote.

"Get off Morgan, you've seen season one of Teen Wolf fifteen times already from when I lived here. Now let your big brother choose a show for once as a welcome back gift," He whined, giving a pout to me.

I sighed and stopped giving in to him. I fell back onto the couch groaning.


He turned it to a re-run of Sons of Anarchy. I don't exactly watch the show, so I won't know what season this is. I mean, I watched the first episode, but didn't get hooked.

"Oh and Morgan."

I looked at him raising my head. Ron stared at me with a serious look. I was lost on what he wanted from me.


He grinned and I felt a push. I felt the couch leave me as I landed on my face.

Thank you mom for the carpet floors. It didn't hurt, but he's being a total ass right now. I sat up and growled with anger.

"You are such a jerk Ron! I just gave up my Teen Wolf for you and this is how you pay me back. You know what, just for that you better watch your back tonight."

I poked his leg scrunching my nose up. He shook his head chuckling at me like I was joking, oh I am not joking. He will get what's coming to him and it won't be pretty.

"Yeah, you try something Morgan and then I'll be the one to hurt you. You'll be so mad that you will hate me forever. So try something little Morgy," He cackled evily as I grunted lifting myself up. I looked at him throwing on a smirk.

"Fine, and if you do hurt me mom will have your head for hurting her precious daughter Morgan, but for now.."

I flashed a glare at him sending him into a puzzled look. I lifted my foot with my sneakers on, swinging it down like a hawk flying after it's prey.

My foot collided with his dick followed by a big thump. Ron groaned falling to the ground. I giggled before I ran to my room as fast as I can. He's so going to murder me for that, but I pray mom is almost home.

"Morgan!" Ron's voice echoed through my head. It was full if anger and was very close to my location.

I screamed as my door frame split into pieces from Ron busting my door open. He was full of rage and not cooling down anytime soon.

I ran to my window and pryed it open. I tried climbing through, but I felt the yank of my shirt. I screamed and yanked back trying to break free.

"Let go Ron!" I yelled as I heard him growling and hissing with anger.

You know what, fuck it. I rather go shirtless than be murdered by my brother. I lifted my pink shirt off and I was left in my black bra.

"What the fuck?!" Ron yelled suprised.

I climbed out and jumped down onto the grass. It wasn't a big jump, so I didn't feel any pain.

I looked at Ron who went white from seeing my half naked upper body area. I stuck my tongue out at him causing him to growl. I teased him by sticking both middle fingers up at him, that was before I saw him hopping out of the window.

I screamed running for my life. I ran to the front of the house so there are witnesses to my death.

I heard feet behind me and I hauled ass down the road of ours. I turned my head and saw Ron behind, but I wasn't stopping.

I whipped my head back around and my eyes went wide as a car came towards me. I screamed and stopped as screeching sounded from it.

I breathed hard and in the car was the woman I wanted to see....or not. She looked furious and I nervously laughed. I looked next to her and there was her boyfriend looking shocked and just behind him was a guy I have never seen before.

"Oh shit!" Ron yelled as he stopped next to me staring at mom with me. I looked at Ron as he looked at me.

"We are in so much trouble," We said at the same time as we heard our mom yell.

"Morgan! Ron!" I winced and so did Ron. We looked back at the car and smiled. Well, this is gonna be fun to explain later.
