My saviour (An Andrew Detmer Love Story) Part 10

Lucinda's POV

Monday morning has arrived... yay. Slowly lifting the covers, I heard the light tapping of rain and sighed.  I flopped back onto the bed and groaned. I rolled over to check my phone and saw a message from Andrew. 

'Morning beautiful, Matt is picking up Steve today so can I have a ride please? xxx'

'Morning xxx Sure :) Only you can get me up on a Monday morning like this xxx' I replied.

"Awwh, thanks ;) anyway, see you later xxxx I love you xxx'

"I love you too xxx' I finished. Realizing I had been zoned out the whole time, I heard my mother screech from downstairs.

"LUCINDA!" This is the fourth time I called your name! Come downstairs, NOW!" My mum roared, making me jolt up. 'What have I done now?' I thought whilst hastily walking down the stairs, my eyes widened as I saw a familiar face sitting at the table, eating a massive plate of pancakes.

"DAD!" I yelled, and flung myself into his arms. He chuckled and spun me around before putting me down and smoothing out my bed hair. 

"Well, well, at least someone's happy to see me." He giggled, causing my mum to scowl at him. I gave her a confused look as I was not sure if the was sending him a playful scowl or not. To be fair, she wasn't in the best of moods this morning, hence the screaming. 

"Luce, why don't you go upstairs and get dressed-" My mum stared but dad cut her off.

"Actually, I brought you something back from London. I hope they're your style." He said whilst gesturing towards three huge purple bags situated under the table. I gasped and hugged him tightly.  A muffled 'thank you' came from my mouth and he released me.

"No problem. Why don't you pick the clothes you like and we'll catch up over some lovely pancakes." He suggested as I nodded and carried the three bags upstairs to my room. 

After doing my daily routine, I gasped at the array of clothes that dad had bought me. On a cold and rainy day like today, I need to wrap up warm so I decided to wear a knitted pink sweater with a matching hat as well as some cream skinny jeans with a matching bag and to top it all off, grey high heel boots, scarf and gloves. Dad gave me an option of two coats but I decided to go with the pink one just to match the look. (Picture at the side) I put my hair in a bun and did my makeup with a light bubble gum pink theme.

Happy with my look and with twenty minutes to spare before I picked up Andrew, I headed downstairs to be met with the delicious smell of pancakes.

"You look lovely Luce." My mum gasped and then smirked. "I assume all that effort is for someone special." To that, my dad gave a questioning look.

"Umm... yeah, uh, me and Andrew are together now." I Shyly said, waiting for my dad's reaction. My mum knows the story between me and Andrew but not the detail about his father... As predicted, my mum squealed like a fan girl meeting her idol. I sat down at the table and began eating my pancakes.

"Tell me everything tonight." She said excitedly. I swear at times my mum is like the sister I never had. I nodded and looked up at my dad who wore a smile and started to fake a sniff.

"Awwwh, will you look at that. My Luce is growing up." He proudly said. Well, that went smoothly. I finished my breakfast and looked at the time. If I wanted to get there in time and not be late, I would have to leave in ten minutes but I want some alone time with Andrew before school starts. I grabbed my cream bag that my dad bought for me and gave my mum and my dad a kiss on the cheek.

"Wait, do you want me to drive you to school?" My dad asked. I rolled my eyes and chucked.

"I'm a big girl now dad. I can manage driving to school and back. Plus, I'm picking up Andrew." I said, earning me immature 'ooooh's' from my parents. To that I rolled my eyes and bid them farewell as I got into my car.

Arriving at Andrew's house, I honked the horn twice to signal I was there and waited for a minute for Andrew to come out. He got into my car and gave me a peck on the lips. I smiled and drove away to school.

"You look amazing."  He said, blushing slightly.

"You don't look too bad yourself." I giggled and brushed my arm against his lightly.

The drive to school consisted of Andrew telling me what happened yesterday with his mum and me telling him that my dad was back. He also showed me the cool trick he could do with his camera.

We arrived at school five minutes early which caused Andrew to ask why. I smirked and brought my lips to his. It took him only a moment to respond as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed back. We were like this for what seemed like a few minutes before we were interrupted by the bell. We broke apart and sighed.

"Awwwh, I don't wanna go to class." I whined. "I wanna stay here with you."

"Ditto." He responded and gave me a peck on the lips before exiting the car and putting his camera away in his bag. I blushed a bit as I realized he was recording all of that. He helped me out of the car and held my hand as we walked into school.
