

We just took a sit in the theatre "C'mon the movie is about to start," I say as I hurry him to our sit "We can always watch it back in New York in my private theatre," He says eating his popcorn "That won't be fun," I answer furrowing my eyebrows.


I swear that movie was the best, it turns out Jackson watched it "See that didn't hurt," I say as we walk out hand in hand "Whatever, I just think it should have a second part," He says.


Someone is calling Jackson.

"Oh I forgot to call back," He says picking up the call "What's up Ashley," He says "Hey J,"  Who is she calling J, my man?

"When are you coming back?" She asks "Tomorrow," He answers shortly "That's great! Me and Ashton will come pick you up," She says and I can't help but roll my eyes "OK, Bye," He says "Talk to you later!" She says ending the call.

"Who's that," I ask "A friend," He answers, well great "Where do you wanna go next," He asks "Home, We aren't done packing up and it's getting late," I say and he nods as we walk to the car.

The car drive is silent, a comfortable type of silence.

I look out of the window watching as we pass buildings and people.

"Are you ok?" I hear turning to look at Jackson "I'm good," I say as he reaches to hold my hand.

Before I know it we are at the compound of the house "Let's go," Jackson says opening the door for me "Thanks," I say taking his hand.

We walk out seeing Michael, Brian, Lisa, and JJ coming out of different cars in pairs JJ and Brian are in one car while Michael and Lisa are walking out of another "Hey guys," I say as we get closer making everyone's head turn at my voice.

"Hey!" Jennie says as she leaves Brian's hand to hug me "What's up Miley," Michael says as he and Lisa stop walking.

"Where'd you all go?" Jackson asks "Well we went for ice cream," Brian says "We went to the beach," Lisa says "Cool," Jackson says as we all continue walking into the house.

"Mom we're back!" Brian says as he walks in "OH, hey honey you guys are right on time I just made dinner," She says hugging us all.

"Oh. my. god, Mom tell me what I am smelling is what I think it is," I say running to the dining table "Lasagna!" I scream drooling.

"Ok everyone at the table," My mom says as they all sit down.

We start eating and it just melts in my mouth making me moan "I love this Mom," I say smiling and she smiles back.

"So is everyone done packing up?" My mom says and the room goes silent *pin drop.

"Come on guys, you don't wanna go back home?" She says "No, we don't," We all chorus.

"We'll go on another vacation next holiday, but Miley and Lisa have a party to plan," Luther says and I frown confused.

"You forgot? Miley! you and Chloe have been planning it," My mom says "Oh," I respond "Who's Chloe?" Jackson asks.

"Her Bestie they don't go anywhere without each other except they have important things to do," Brian says rolling his eyes.

"Anyway, by tonight everyone should be done," My mom says glaring at all of us "Yes ma'am," We all chorus again.

"Now eat up or you'll all be skinny," My mom says as we all laugh.


15 minutes later 

J A C K S O N 

"I'm so stuffed," She says jumping on my bed "But you have to go," I say walking into the bathroom "Why," She whines "Cause you need to start packing up," I say putting the water on "Jackson," She whines again but this time hugging me from behind.

I turn around pecking her lips "Ok, I'll do it with you and then we'll come back," I say and she smiles as we go to her room.

It is still clean because she hasn't been staying there, she brings her box out putting it on the bed "Ok, so you already packed half of it so it won't be that hard," She says walking into the closet.


My phone chimes and I get it out of my pocket.

Showing 'Bad Boy 🕶' 

                                                                          Bad Boy🕶

Hey Bro, what's up

                                                                   I'm good, I'm heading back tomorrow

Yeah, Ley told me earlier


We have a lot of catching up to do

                                                                    Yh we do

How's my new replacement| Miley

                                                                     C'mon, she's good I'm helping her pack

So I'm finally gonna meet her great

                                                                     See you tomorrow


I look up seeing Lee peeking into my phone "Miley," I say and she looks straight into my eyes before looking away "What," She says like she did not just peek into my phone.

"It was just that you were quiet so I just... checked to see if you were ok," She finally admits "OK, you done?" I asks and she waits a second before saying yes.

We walked into my room and got changed before going to bed cause I already packed my stuff up.


Hi.... sorry for not updating last Saturday I wasn't feeling well but now I'm better I'm gonna update next Saturday.

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Bye Cuties.
