Chapter 6: Besieged Farm

"So the wagon was stolen?"
"And most of our supplies in it as well"
"And also all of our treasure from yesterday's goblin hunt?"
"Yes" replied a mournful Raphtalia
I sighed as I lugged the backpack over my shoulders. The thieves barely left anything for us, and on top of that left a track where our wagon used to be. We had to carry everything we had left on our bags, and also find a way to pay back our rented wagon as all of us besides Filo had invested our money into many different businesses and banks to hopefully be richer than a king one day. Raphtalia's sword rattled in her sheath as we continued on up the steep hillside path.
Just then, I heard what I believed to be white noise from the woods outstretching the path rapidly approach Raphtalia and I
"People are coming, most likely bandits," said Raphtalia worried, her hand on her sword hilt. I grabbed slowly formed a sword in my right hand using void magic. Ever since my encounter with that dragon, I felt more powerful and knowledgeable, as well as all my abilities seemed to intertwine and work together now. There was also a fragment of a glowing purple rock in one of my arm gauntlet's knuckles, which could also be combined with the rest of my move set.
At once, 5 bandits popped out of the trees and bushes of the roadside. Two armed with short swords, 1 armed with a long knife, 1 with a one-handed axe and another with a bow
"Stop there now, if ya know what's good for ya!" Shouted the man with the axe
The archer chimes in "give us yer stuff and no one needs to b-" before he could finish I flung my sword at him, impaling the pure black blade through his mouth. He drowned in his own blood; laying on the floor lifeless and pale. Before any of them could retaliate I rushed at the two swordsmen and summoned a magnetic axe to my left arm. I plunged the axe deep into the bandit's right shoulder, just under the neck. I then went around his friend and grabbed his face with my right hand. I slowly applied pressure as I cast a firebolt spell. What followed was a short burst of screaming followed by his face exploding in my hand. With fear in his eyes, the knife wielded took a step back, only to be disarmed and knocked out by Raphtalia. I took this opportunity to fling myself high into the air with a wind spell, before summoning Rosmarinus into a Greatsword and slicing the axe wielder's axe and body in half. I returned Rosmarinus and went over to the knocked out bandit
"I hate doing this, bandits are too easy"
"You didn't need to kill them!" Said Raphtalia Screaming
"Bad guys deserve to die"
"But it's wrong to kill people!"
"If we let them live they would have terrorised others. My method is quicker and, in a way" I say plunging a void sword into the bandits face "cleaner"

A few hours had passed now, and the evening sun was growing late, and dusk was fast approaching. Our bags seemed to get heavier, and while it was no problem for me Raphtalia started to tire out. I offered to take her bag, but she refused with a warm smile. As we were passing a great green plain with a beautiful farm to the right of the path, someone came screaming up from the Main house
"Excuse me! Adventurers!"
He looked to be in his 30's, with a slight pudge in the belly yet finely toned arms and hands. He wore a regular peasants outfit and seemed about ready to die of fright
"What is it, sir?" Raphtalia asked, putting down her bag for her shoulders to rest
"I'm sorry but we need your help badly! A g-g-GIANT is on its way here and we need your help defending the farm!"
Raphtalia and I were a little taken aback by the man's emotions, but willingly agreed to help. He showed us into the house to put our bags as we prepared to fight the giant. The man had said he put his family in a safe room downstairs, and asked if he could stay there as well
"Of course sir, but could we perhaps borrow that crossbow on the wall there" I say pointing to the crossbow at the top of the hearth
"Of course you can adventurer! I'll grab some bolts just please keep it in good condition"
"I will. What's your name by the way sir?"
"Whitefield. Darren Whitefield sir"
"Well, come to meet you Mr Whitefield" I say shaking his hand
"This has been my family's estate for many generations, so please keep it safe"
"We will" I say giving the crossbow to Raphtalia "let's go!" She nods and follows me out of the door
" do I use this thing?"

After giving Raphtalia a basic lesson in Crossbows, we set up a small rope trap and then waited. The evening grew to dusk, and soon Raphtalia and I noticed the disturbance in the ground. Raphtalia nodded at me as she put down her whetstone and sheathed her sword, loading an explosive bolt. I summoned Rosmarinus to a long axe that could fit easily into my hand. I added an ice element to it and then used a spell to encase myself into a set of magical armour stronger than hellfire dragon steel. I summoned a magnetic axe to my arm gauntlet and formed my usual circular shield

It all happened in an instant. The lumbering giant smashed through the treeline and destroyed the small stone wall into rubble. It picked up a nearby tree log and smashed it through the field. Its thundering roar was heard throughout every dimension possible

It had small cuts and spears sticking out of its stomach, most likely from a raid. I charged it and flung myself into the air with a wind spell. Raphtalia shot the explosive bolt at the Giant's right side of its neck, leaving a smouldering chunk of meat. I brought my axe down, slicing off its left eye and a good portion of its face and stomach. It let out a booming cry and it picked me up and slammed me into the ground multiple times and threw me into the ground. It then smashed the log into my body. I coughed up some blood as I heard a cry from Raphtalia. A hail of bolts met the giant, leaving him wounded and in agony. It stepped back to search for something in its belt while Raphtalia came over to me and used a healing spell
"You'll be alright (Yn)!"
I gave a small laugh while coughing up some blood "I know...because your t-taking care of me..."
I saw her blush as my body felt rejuvenated. I threw Rosmarinus at the Giant's left leg, freezing it in place. In unison, Raphtalia and I rushed at the Giant. He tried to bring his house-sized club down onto the two of us, yet I was able to block that with my shield. Raphtalia sliced off the frozen leg of the Giant, causing it to come crashing down. I formed a void greatsword and slashed off the giant's right arm. With no time for breaks, I grabbed the colossal club and leapt high into the air, bringing down the club with a thundering thud into the giant's face. Blood and bones soared across the farm as the giant's fat, lifeless body lay before Raphtalia and me.

(1 Hour Later)
To say the farmer was pleased would be an understatement. He paid us well for our troubles, and invited us to stay for as long as we please. He had given us a spare room with, and I quote, "enough space for 2 people". However, the farmer must've thought we were a couple as he had given the two of us a double bed. While embarrassed, I had asked for any other rooms but sadly this was the only one available. With our bags now resting in the guest room, we changed into more casual wear for dinner. She had decided to wear the clothes I made for her the other day, which I styled off the fashion trends of my actual world. To say she was beautiful was an understatement

We sat down at the dinner table, and I could finally see the rest of the Whitefield family. The farmer had a wife in her early 30's yet looked at most in her late teens. Her name was Kaolin. They had 2 teenage daughters, 17 and 15, and one young boy, 9. Their names were Amelia, Ash and Karl. Raphtalia and I sat next to each other on the left side of the table, while the 3 children sat opposite the two of us. Darren and Kaolin sat on the opposite ends of the table. What surprised me the most was that Kaolin was a Demi-human. A human marrying and fathering kids with a Demi-human is quite a rarity in Melromarc, sadly. Both Kaolin and Ash were Kitsune's, supporting a fluffy orange tail and bright fox ears. A huge feast was layer upon the table, complete with fresh chicken, fish, potatoes, carrots, pies and an assortment of other meat and veggies. Everyone piled food into their plate while swigging freshly filtered milk from the cows outside. As I was eating, I felt a pair of eyes on me. It was Ash's. I looked up to meet her gaze, and she swiftly darted away blushing. I chuckled and continued to eat my food. I felt a warm and soft tail slowly brush against my back and wrap around my waist. It was Raphtalia's. It seemed from her face she had no knowledge of what was happening, so I decided to let it play out a little bit longer. After the food was gone the children then went into their jacuzzi style bathtub while Raphtalia offered to help Kaolin wash up. Darren and I went outside to assess the damage done by the giant

"Well I must say, it wasn't all too bad" said Whitefield with a pipe in his mouth "Most giants would've turned this place into a playground if we weren't careful, yet most of the damage done was to that flimsy wall we were going to upgrade anyway and those used fields we were going to use for some ranching business"
I sat on the crickety chair next to him. Out in the front porch under the stars was quite truly a blessing here
"Here" He asked handing me a slender stick
"N-no no that's quite alright, I don't smoke usually"
"Oh this isn't the stuff the heroes talk about from their world, it's much more relaxing and healthy for you"
"Wow...this place sure is incredible"
"What do you mean?"
"Oh uh nothing nothing"
He gave a cough and continued on "so, how are you and your girl doing?"
"My who?"
"Your girl"
"And who the heck is my girl?
"That Fluffy swordsman, or rather swordswoman, that you're with. The raccoon Demi-human. Your girlfriend"

I blushed up instantaneously "oh my no it's not like that...we're not dating.....sadly"
I whispered that last part, yet it seemed Whitefield picked up on what I said "ahhh I see. Well, I must say she's quite the beauty, and I think you two may he really- oh wait that's it!" He said jumping up and handing me an engraved pipe
"This pipe is infused with magic. Anything you want to feel or anytime you want to be relaxed, energised etc; smoke this pipe. Take it as a gift for saving my farm."
"Well...thank you, sir"
"So here's my plan. Smoke that to make yourself more confident, and I'll get the jacuzzi ready. You two can go in and well....hit it off"
"Ohhh god I do not want to see where this goes...."
"Just smoke the pipe while I sort things out" and with that, he was gone
I was sitting there on the porch, alone, with the pipe in my mouth, inhaling the soft scents. The stars shone down at me as I pondered my situation carefully and methodically
"Oh god...does that mean?!"

(Authors notes)
Heya everyone, no new chapter next week to focus on finishing up my other book. I've hope you've all enjoyed the chapter and stay tuned for the next one. C ya all later
