
Liziilla are these rules too harsh?


Alrighty, let's just get this over with, since no one really likes rules... But, we have to have them.

And I highly suggest you read these if you don't want me pissed off at you.

1. Fill out a form and wait until I accept you to roleplay. Do this on the page of the character that you would like to claim. (You must do this. I won't do tagging, sorry).

2. No smut/lemon in the comments. If things get heated I would prefer you timeskip, but you can move to pm as well.

3. Give the characters time and don't force the relationship without probable cause. Yes, this is a romance roleplay, but these things don't happen automatically unless the character is already labeled as 'your boyfriend' or 'your girlfriend.' Also, I don't do yuri, and I will do yoai. Occasionally.

4. No godmoding. I control my characters you control yours.

5. No Mary Sues or Gary Sues. Everyone has flaws.

6. Be detailed. There will be no one-liners accepted. You'll need at least 5 full sentences for me to reply. Meaning a paragraph. And try to be grammatically correct, I hate it when someone has a long reply but it is all one run on sentence that doesn't flow well. And honestly...adding detail isn't that hard...

7. Species is not limited, but if the requirements on a character say you have to be human, then you have to be human! Also, please don't make your character a species that is absolutely ridiculous... I decide what is ridiculous or not.

8. Only curse if you censor it. Example: Shît, dâmn, âss, etc.. And please don't do it in every sentence.

9. Keep it interesting. I might not reply if I'm bored with it.

10. You can have as many OC's as you like, but keep up with them. I don't want you to be using one character in a certain roleplay but put the name of a different one, it confuses me.

11. Characters will be limited. Each character will have 3 slots, "that is it. It is first come first serve, even if it is a request. Also, requests will USUALLY be reserved unless I really do like the character, then it will have 3 slots as well.

12. Don't use stars. I hate stars. Example: *He growls and roughly grabs her arm* // don't do that!! Also, put your reply in one whole message, not a few smaller ones.

13. Roleplay in third person! Not first!
Ex.: John collected himself and let her go, dropping her wrists and taking a deep calming breath whilst stepping back and fixing his shirt as a way to distract his hands from going into tight fists. ⬅️✅
Not that hard. Also, don't do this- John: Collects himself and let's go of her wrists while breathing deeply and stepping back. Her fixes his shirt to distract his hands. ⬅️❌

14. Do not spam me. You can tag me once after 15 minutes in case I didn't get the notification. After that, wait an hour. If I still don't answer, try again a few hours later. Now, unless my Wattpad is extremely screwed up, or I'm not on, if I still don't reply after that it most likely means I am either not happy with the reply (i.e.: needs to be longer, needs to be more interesting, etc..) or because I'm just bored with the roleplay. If you think this is the case, ask me. I'm an honest person even if it makes me seem brutal sometimes.

15. You can roleplay with up to four characters (2 girls, 2 boys). If you decide you like a new character that has not been taken by the max amount of three people yet, then you can drop one of your roleplays if you already have four.

16. Be respectful! Be respectful towards me, especially since you came here to roleplay. If you give me grief or blatantly insult me, I will ban you from the book. These rules are here for a reason and I won't tolerate getting snapped at for asking that you follow them.

17. Read the requirements on a character! I can't tell you how irritating it "is to have to constantly point out a problem in the very first comment of a roleplay because it isn't following the requirements. This is why you make a new character each time after being approved to Rp with one of mine, because you never know the requirements.

18. Don't only roleplay with "the guys. For every 1 guy that you roleplay with, also choose 1 girl.

19. Follow the rules!! That is the "key to success in this book–following the rules! If you break any of these rules more than 3 times, you're out. You'll be banned from the book. I'm using the 3 strikes your out rule for this one.

20. Follow the form and make it at least a little detailed. I'll be putting time into these forms, that means that you can too.

21. You have 1 week to reply before I delete your roleplay and open that slot once again. If you tell me ahead of time that you'll be gone for awhile, I'll save it for you. This does not count if it is me that has not replied.

22. Warn me if you know you're leaving. I don't want to be sitting around waiting for you if I don't need to. I get it if it's spur of the moment, I have hat happen to me all the time, but if you are aware that you need to go, tell me please.

23. Roleplays will be in either pm to the comments, but pm often works far better when it's that time and wattpad decides to bug out.

24. Read all of these rules. If you don't, then you will be banned very quick, believe me. I will know if you read these or not.

25. Put the password in your form. Each word in the password will have an apostrophe (") before it. Example: "Darling

Exceptions may apply if I really do like you, how you roleplay, and if we are already very good friend.

These rules can and will be held subject to change at any time.

Thanks for reading! Have fun!~
