Chapter 10

I woke up the next morning to the sound of my phone ringing. I picked it up seeing that the caller ID was the school.

"Hello?" I said tiredly. "Sorry to disturb you this early, but we are quarantining you since you were in close contact with someone who has tested positive for covid-19. Please stay in your home for two weeks. Thank you and goodbye." With that they hung up the phone.

I was dumbfounded still processing the phone call I had just received. I wasn't sure if I had covid, but someone I was around has covid. I dialed my brother to tell him the news. The last thing I wanted is for if I had covid my brother wouldn't get it.

Jungkook ended up staying at one of his friend's house for the next two weeks. I had the entire house to myself, well with my cat. But, she sleeps all day anyways.

A few minutes later my phone went off. I looked to see Jimin's name, his name is still 'Satan himself' I'm not sure if I should change it or not.

"Hello?" I said picking up the phone. "I heard you're quarantined, are you okay?" He asked with concern in his voice. Of course my brother probably told him, well I know he did because he's the only one who knew I was quarantined. "I'm fine don't worry." I said.

"I'm coming over. I don't care if you have covid or not, I'm coming over." Jimin said. "No, I don't want to put you in danger." I don't want to put anyone in dnager because of me. "It's okay, my body is strong enough to fight it off." I rolled my eyes. "Whatever." "See you in 5." He said and hung up.

I layed back on my bed staring at the ceiling. I knew there wasn't any way I would be able to convince Jimin to not come, so I just let him be.

I heard my door open minutes later. I looked up to see a worried Jimin. He sat himself on my couch near the edge of the bedroom. He sat in a weird position with one leg up and the other on the floor, while leaning against the armrest.

"Lucky you, you get to stay with me for the next two weeks." Jimin said. "I think it's the other way around." I said angrily. "Do you feel sick?" He asked. "Just a headache I'm fine." I said trying to not make him worry. "Fuck it." With that he got up from the couch and sat next to me on the bed.

I scooted off the bed standing in the corner of the room. "What are you doing? I really don't want to put you in danger if I do have covid." I explained. "I don't care, if I get covid I can fight it off. I'm here to help you." He said. I sighed sitting back on the bed.

He scooted towards me helping me lay down. He put his hand on my forehead to feel my temperature. "You seem quiet warm." He said moving his hand around my forehead. "You stay here I'll go make some soup." With that he got up and walked out of my room.

Why was he being so kind? He's almost never worried about me, he never takes care of when I'm sick. So, something definitely seems up with him.

He came back a few minutes later. I was wrapped like a cocoon in my blankets. "Why are you so cute?" He said chuckling a little. I sat up looking at him confused. "Stop lying and give me my food." I said grumpily.

He handed me the soup carefully. I looked at the liquid, it had a leaf like vegetable on top of the liquid. On top of that, it smelled delicious and had a faint orangish yellow color. I took a sip not wasting any time. I widened my eyes pulling away immediately.

"Oh my god, you know how to cook." I said shocked. "Yes I can." He said wiping my bottom lip with his thumb. I looked at him confused, "why are you touching my lips?" I raised a brow at him. "You had soup, would you rather me remove it with my lips?" He asked smirking. "Hell no." I threw a pillow at him.

"Shit, give it back." I whined. I threw my last pillow on my bed at him. "Nope." He ran to the other side of the bed hugging it like a baby. "I'll cough on you." I glared at his back. He turned to face me. "Go ahead." He closed his eyes waiting for me to cough. Instead I shook him by his shoulders.

"Please I need it to sleep." I begged. "You can use me as your pillow." He said patting his chest. I rolled my eyes laying my head on his chest. He pushed my hair out of my face and placed his hand on my forehead once again. I closed my eyes slowly drifting off to sleep, until I felt his lips on my forehead. I shot my eyes open lifting my head to glare at him.

"How am I supposed to sleep if you keep touching me?" I asked angrily. "Go ahead sleep I'm done." He raised his hands. I sighed before laying my head back down on his chest. I felt being moved and the rest of my body was moved on top of his. I just ignored it and fell asleep quickly.

I was woken by being moved. I groaned hugging the thing I was on top of to make it stop moving. It didn't work, I was pulled and was carried around. I finally opened my eyes to see I wasn't in my bedroom. I looked around seeing I was in the living room. I then looked in front of me to see Jimin. I looked down seeing he was carrying me while I clung onto him.

"Why the hell are you carrying me around?" I asked with my eyes wide. "You clung onto me and wouldn't get off." "Sure." I rolled my eyes getting off him and walking back to my bedroom. "Can you make me soup?" I yelled from my bedroom. "I guess." Jimin yelled softly.

Jimin came in soon after with soup. After he gave it to me he left. "Wait, where are you going?" I asked confused. "Home." He said and closed my bedroom door. Home? Why? He's just leaving out of nowhere? He almost never just leaves out of the ordinary.

My baby 😍

Why'd you leave?

Satan Himself

I'm going back to school

My baby 😍

You can't since you were around me. So, you have to stay home for as long as I do.

I turned off my phone waiting for it to ding. But, it didnt happen, I looked to see he read my message. But, he didnt reply. He's acting really weird.

My baby 😍

Are you okay?

Satan himself


That's all that he said and I didnt hear from him the rest of the day. I just assumed maybe something happened in his family, but he didn't tell me what was wrong.
