Warmth Poem

It spread from my feet
To my legs
To my heart
To my head.

The feeling of safety,
The feeling of security,
And the feeling of comfort,
All so overwhelming
Yet so welcomed.

The feeling of coziness
And fond memories,
And a crackling fire.

The smell of fresh cookies coming from the kitchen,
The lights dimmed,
A big quilt spread over me.

A sense of home,
A sense of gratitude,
Of love,
Of feeling like I am the richest person in the world,
Just under this blanket,
With my calm around me.

I am not calm often,
So this is special,
My home is not serene,
So this is rare.
I am not a tranquil person,
So I am grateful for this small piece of calm.

My warmth is surrounding me,
My eyes slowly drooping,
My breath evening out slowly.
I let my calm take me over and into my dreams,
Trusting the tranquility and warmth
To carry me back home safely.

Hi, my little kiwis! So, I took a much needed nap and this happened. Sorry I haven't been writing as much, I do my best writing when I'm upset, and I've been fairly happy. (Whoops?) I'll be writing more short stories soon. I'm open to suggestions for poem and short (wee little) stories for a new book I might be starting, go check my conversation (is it even that if no one's replied?) out! (Why are my authors notes longer than the poem itself? Oh, well.) Have a kiwi-tastic day! Love, Kiwi Rose :)
