Rescue Mission!


Medic POV~~~

I woke up Tied up in a chair. It was complete darkness around me. Then a RED spy with a bandage around him came in the room, and turned the lights on. "Ah.. Hello Medic." The French Man said. "Vat do jou vant?" I asked him. "Hmm.. We decided to kidnap you." He said calmly. "Also, can i tell you something?" Th Spom.y asked. "Vhat is it?" I asked. "Your lady friend, is smart. she  knew that i was cloaked as you, and she gave me this wound with her Bone saw!" He said, pointing to his wound. I smiled at this. "And that stupid bird of yours was really annoying." He said. "vhat vere jou planning on doing to (Y/n)?" I asked the spy. "Oh nothing, just That I was going to stab her with my butterfly knife, and drag her here with you." He said. "But she was much smarter than you." "I mean, all i did was Cloak as Engineer, stab you, and bring you here." The spy said, taking a seat. I hated That spy. For the amounts of times the RED kidnapped me, the worst part wasn't even the torture. It was talking to that spy. "Ya'Know Medic... Your Lady friend is really nice, and smart." Spy starts another conversation about (Y/n). "She deserves a real man, one that's smart, More Handsome, and more of a gentleman. All of those things he said, were lies. "A gentleman?! Jou literally Shot her on ze battlefield!" I scolded the Spy like an angry mom. I then saw something from a far. It looked like the figure of.. (Y/n)! They've come to rescue me! I decided not to give her position away, so i continued the conversation. "Vell, you might be more handsome zan I, but zat doesn't mean Jour more of a gentleman than me." I said to him. (Y/n) then Hid vehind some boxes as a RED  heavy walked in. "I got a BLU Sniper" the heavy said. "Oh? you did huh? I'll come check it out." Spy left the room with heavy. Once the coast was clear, (Y/n) Flipped off the people watching the cameras, Knocked the cameras out with Ninja stars, and locked the door. She ran to me. "Missed you!" She says with Archimedes on her head. "jou too (Y/n), now get me out of vere please!" I say to her. "You got it" She says as she cuts the ropes with a butterflyknife, spy gave her. "Here, she says as she gives me her bone saw "For a weapon" she says smiling. Then arms wrapped around (Y/n), with her in a headlock, at gunpoint. It was the spy. "Think you could get away with this my beautiful (Y/n)?~" The spy said to her. "I ain't yours, and I will never be!" she shouted at the spy. "Medic, sit back down, or she dies" The spy said. I sat down, Scared for her. "Now (Y/n)~, say you love me, and your mine~" Spy said, trying to get her to say it. "You Dummkopf, she vill never love you!" I yelled. "Did I ask for your opinion? Now say it (Y/n)." The spy demanded. "Hahhaha... NEVER!!" she says as a knife went through the spy's chest. "FREEDOM!!" she yells, as she takes my hand, and runs out.


"Danke jou guys, and woman, vor helping me.." I say. "No problem, It was mainly (Y/n)'s Idea anyways." Scout said. I looked at (Y/n , and hugged her. 

(Y/n) POV~~~

He hugged me, as in a thanks. I hugged him back. Then the unbelievable happened. He kissed me. I was Shocked, but kissed back. The kiss lasted for about a minute, until we broke apart, and looked into each others eyes. "GOD! Get a room you two!" Scout yelled and ruined the moment.  I scowled at scout. "Aye! Let's celebrate!"  Demo said happily. We partied about Medic's Return, and us being together. After all that parting, I were exhausted, so I went to My room, and flopped down. I attempted to sleep, but it was useless. I needed someone by My side. Medic. I  got outa bed and walked down the hall to medic's room, which was in the Lab. 'Lucky him'. I  knocked on his bedroom door. He Answered it. Im a  blushing mess, because he's shirtless. "Hallo (Y/n)" He says tiredly, with a smile.  " Hey.. I uhh.. Was wondering if i could..Sleep with you?" I asked him, red as a tomato. "Sure, Frau" He says as he let's me in. His bedroom, was really nice looking. I flopped on the bed and took a side. "mmmm.. so commppffyyyy" I said as i snuggled with the blankets. "Oh come on, leave some blanket vor me.." Medic said Jokingly. He climbed in bed and wrapped his arms around me. The night ended up with me falling asleep in his arms.

Another chapter done yay,, I need sleep XD. I hope you enjoyed ^-^ I'm Thinking about this being the end of the story. Let me know if i should end it or not In the comments. Thanks for reading! BUH BYE! ~Sarah
