Suho looked at the unconscious Kyungsoo with sad eyes . What this kid do to deserves this ? He sighed for nth time that day . He rubbed his face multiple time . He do not understand while Mr.Kim did this ?What he know , this must had related with the dead of Kim Joy ."I must do something."He whispered slowly .

He stared at Kyungsoo for a while before excused himself from the the room where Kyungsoo is ."I has to tell Lay about this ."


"Ready guys ?"Chanyeol asked his men while put a guns inside his coat . He take a blade knife on the table before put it inside the holder at his leg .

"Ready boss !"Shouted all his men in unison .

Chanyeol nodded satisfied .He walked to his bestfriends with straight face and cold eyes . Right now , he cannot feel anything other than rage . His heart already shattered into million when Kyungsoo had been kidnapped .

Sehun walked beside the leader to the car parked in front the mansion."Are you sure about what Taeyeon said ?"He asked while looked at others men scrambled into the black vans .

The red hair man stopped in front the driver door ."That the only clue we have . And we will know it true or not after this ."He shrugged and wore his sunglass before enter the driver seat .

Sehun smirked .'This is the Red Demon I want.' He plopped into the seat beside Chanyeol ."Bravo dude ."

Chanyeol raised his eyebrows at Sehun before smiled a small smile at his bestfriend .He looked outside the window to wait for Baekhyun and Jongdae to hop into his car .

"Set to go , guys ."Chipped Baekhyun when he and Jongdae already in the car .

"Okay ."

Luhan bursted into Kris's office and made Kris and Tao whose had make out sessions that time startled before pulled away from each other .Kris send a glare at Luhan .

"What the hell ?Are you want to die dude ?"He asked annoyed by the sudden appearance of the light pink hair man . Luhan rolled his eyes at Kris shouting .

"What do you want , hyung ?"This time , Tao asked his older friend who looked annoyed and panicked at the same time .

Luhan rubbed his hair to the back ."Red Demon's gang are here . "His replied made Kris stood up abruptly from the coach .

"Are you fucking serious ?"Kris asked the said man unbelievably .

Luhan rolled his eyes again .Kris sure is dumb sometime ."No. No , I'm not serious because there is war happening outside....Of course , I'm serious dude !"He shouted back angrily .

Kris and Tao looked at each other before they dashed toward the office door to go outside but only to stop in front the door with a gun pointed at Kris's and Tao's forehead .Chanyeol and Sehun walked while pointed the guns at both of Kris and Tao . Kris and Tao steps backward with any steps that Chanyeol and Sehun take .

"Where is Kyungsoo ?"Chanyeol asked calmly with a fury in his eyes . He stopped absolutely in front of Kris .He stared at the said man sharply .

Kris and Tao raised their hands to the air in surrender way .Luhan who behind them also do the same deed .

"We don't know. "Answered Kris with a calm voice .His eyes never leave Chanyeol's and returned the glared Chanyeol shoot at him .

Sehun snickered.''Don't fucking lie on our face man if you want to live a longer life ."

Tao rolled his eyes annoyingly . He looked at Kris to just tell the truth but the said man do not look at him . He sighed . "Woo woo , chill guys . Why not we talk about this like a professional one ?"He tried to make the two taller back away in nice way . The keyword 'tried' but you know what happen though . The two do not listened to him.

"Don't make a joke dude because its not funny . We come here for Kyungsoo not your words."Sehun snickered before closed the distance between the gun and Tao's forehead .

Kris and Chanyeol stared at each other before Kris decide to just tell the truth ."Why I have to kidnap my own long lost younger step brother when I can ask nicely to you to meet him ?"He dropped the bomb at shocked Chanyeol and Sehun .

"What ?!"Chanyeol cannot believe his ears . Kyungsoo has a step brother and the top of that the leader of famous Diamonds clan .

"Yeah...My mom is his father wife before they divorced ."Kris explained briefly .

The red hair man looked intently at Kris . Still cannot believe what he heard from the said man's mouth just now .''Do you want me to believe it huh ?"He hissed.

"Spill the truth man . I tell yoh before you beg for your life. "Sehun glared at Kris and Tao hardly . He also do not believe what their enemy said . They are enemy for god sake !How can we believe it easily .

Luhan stepped forwards to other four men but stopped in his place when Sehun hissed at him , a signal to just stick at his place .

"I know you will not believe it but it is the truth .I sent my men to your mansion and seeing Kyungsoo to know how his condision . "The Diamond's leader spoke calmly . Do not want to test his top enemy patience anymore if he want to safe his long lost stepbrother soon.

"How you want me to believe it ?"Chanyeol asked without pulled down his gun from Kris's face . Still want to take a careful guard so that he will not fall into any trap .

"We know who kidnapped Kyungsoo ."


Suho stared at his Macbook screen in focused . There are papers scattered around his work table messily. He is working on article about Kim Joy's death . He have to find something if he want Kyungsoo be safe. "Shit..My head hurts.."He rubbed his forehead slowly . He felt dizzy for sit in front the computer for long hours .

"Please..show me something about this god ."He whispered in hope .

"Honey ?"A voice behind him made him startled. He turned behind to see Yixing leaning at the door frame of his home office. His face light up a little . His lips turn into a small smile .

"Oh Lay..Sorry for not notice you.'He make a gestured for Yixing to come near him . The said man walked closer to his lover and gave a pecks at Suho's lips .

"It's okay ..You look busy . Take a rest a little babe ."He caressed Suho's cheek lovingly .Suho leaned into the touch with a sigh .

Suho shaked his head ."I can't . I have to safe Kyungsoo as soon as possible."He said before looked back at the laptop in front of him not noticed the way Yixing's body stiffened at the mentioned of Kyungsoo name .

"K-kyungsoo ?"He asked stuttered to pronoun Kyungsoo.

"Yes , why ?"Suho asked without looked at his shocked lover.

"C-can I looked at his picture ?"He really hope that Kyungsoo Suho mentioned is his little cousin who he search all this years .

Suho frowned at Yixing requested . He looked at the said man and noticed usual bright Yixing turned into the quite one ."What wrong ?"

Yixing gulped nervously ."Please show me his picture .''He begged .

Suho looked dumbfounded before pulled out his smartphone from his jacket pocket and opened a phone gallery to sear h for a specific pictures before gave it at Yixing who eagerly took the phone .

Yixing gasped . The boy in the pictures is his Kyungsoo !Oh gog , thank you...His eyes become teary .He looked at dumbfound Suho before hugged the said male tightly while mumbled a 'thank you' multiple time .

"He is my lost little cousin , Myeonnie ."His single tears touch his cheeks .

Suho gasped . What ?!He pulled away from Yixing and looked at the said with wide eyes ?"You not joking right ?"He asked hesitantly .

"Of course not !Why I want to joke about this ?"Yixing replied while wiped his tears with his back hand .

Suho cursed under his breath .He felt more guilty now . He have to tell Yixing about what happened but he do not want his lover sad ."Emm..Yixing-ah..K-kyungsoo is .."

"He what ?"Yixing cut Suho's words impatiently .

"He is in coma now..M-my boss put a barbiturates drug which can cause a coma in his food ."He said slowly. He felt really guilty now . That happen to Kyungsoo because he asked Kyungsoo the foods he brought without tasted it first. He should know what Mr.Kim want to do but careless about it .

"W-what ?''


A/n: I promised to update on sunday but I can only update today . Sorry guys for make all of you waiting .

P/s:-Who still remember yixing role in this story ?(。'▽'。)♡
