Princicality- Paper Crown

Author's Note-

Okay first, This is more Angst than anything. Also by the title- you know this is not Poly or Lamp but it's Princicality. Which is Patton x Roman. I'm sorry it's not Poly but I was listening to Spotify and the song Paper Crown came on and I got a great idea. So apologizes but I really don't want to forget this.

lastly, I'm terrible at editing so if there are mistakes I am sorry. But, feel free to correct me and I'll change it. I really want the suggestions, and PLEASE give me ideas. If you don't I will just go based off of songs.

Also quick Warning this contains death but it does not go into depth so their is no gore or anything. Lastly this does NOT have a happy ending so don't fight me!

Quick side note- the song is at the top!

Thanks- Peace out <3


In the rubble of a Kingdom who fell to their demise a man can be seen. He sits staring at what could have been and what was. Trapped in the flames of the past. His light breathing along with slow blinking eyes is the only sign of life left in his body. The man's mind raced to the past as he scans the rubble that remains from the once very lively kingdom. A kingdom which had children who ran around the old stone paths and woman and men alike running along, completing tasks that need doing.

As the man opens his eyes again he is transported to the past. A pass he wish he could live again.

The young king was out running about with four guards following his trail, observing the people around them as the king completed his tasks. They had made a stop at the Florists to try to find magnolias to plant in the king's new garden. When The king opens the door he ran into this dashing young man he would later find out his name to be Patton. Both men tumbled back, not suspecting to run into each other and both caught up in their heads. Roman- the young king lifted his head, trying to make sure the poor man was okay. The man seemed to be okay, just a tad bit shaken up after having run into the king of this vast kingdom.

" Ah sorry kind young Sir, I happen to have my head in the clouds to day. How are you doing? " Roman said, wanting to make absolutely sure that there was no damage done.

The man Shook his purple head no with a silly grin as he replied " No no no no- No harm done! Don't worry, I'm sorry for the inconvenience- Have a good day! ". He said energetically with a bubbly smile.

Roman couldn't help the smile he was trying to hold back as he wished him a good day and goodbye before they split ways. Roman then continues with his small journey for the seeds but his mind never fully leaves the man he crashed into.


Roman sat outside of the rather small castle that he didn't want to spend to much money on when it could be used for the Kingdom known as Carota. He sat crouched, rubbing his face with his hands- trying to relieve stress from the dire situation. Roman's mind darted over all the possible outcomes and solutions to the rising problems relating to the Dragon Witch takeover. Lately the dragon Witches have been growing both in numbers and strength. They've been causing lots of mayhem in the kingdom. They've been destroying buildings and killing some of the people of Carota and if something isn't done now then there will be no Carota left.

As he sunk deep into his thoughts, the man from before happen to be going for a hike and spotted Roman. The man carefully approached, unsure if his presence was welcomed or not. After a minute of his presence going unnoticed he just sat down next to him. Awkwardly and unsure of himself he started to rub Roman's back in a comforting manner. Roman jumped back, not expecting company at the moment.

The man didn't want this silence to keep going so he spoke up. " I'm sorry to startle you- I didn't mean to. You just looked worried and I thought I maybe I could help ".

Roman shook his head " Thank you, but who exactly are you? " he asked in a worried tone. He didn't know what to think of him, he was trying to help but Roman didn't know anything about him. What if he wanted to get close to him so it would be an easy kill? What if Roman vented to him and just... said too much and then he goes and spills the information to the kingdoms who want Roman dead? He didn't like to think this way but he had to when it meant life or death. The man's face fell ever so slightly but made a quick recover back to a blinding bright smile. Pearl whites and all.

"Well, my name's Patton and I'm an animal breeder/tamer!" The ma- Patton said in a proud happy voice.

Roman was starting to believe that Patton was unaware that Roman was the king of Carota. No one has ever been this calm around him- well except for his mother and father. None the less, Roman was still unsure about Patton. It's too risky to trust him.

"Okay, well, um- I better get going. Thank you for the comfort but it's time for my leave, have a good day Patton" Roman said as he hurried up. He quickly dusted off his dirty suit and left. A frowning Patton in the shadows.


The Dragon witches have been getting worse and worse; Stacking more and more stress on top of Roman. He had to send out his army to fight them. He had no other choice when his people had to stay inside out of fear. The kingdom filling and drowning in anxiety and fear. Many leaving.


Roman walked down to the docks, trying to get some air to think. He walked over to the shore and took off his old boots and stinky socks to soak his feet in the salty water. A breath of relief left his mouth as he was able to get alone with his thoughts. Lately person after person has been suffocating him with questions about the Dragon witches that he had no answers to.

He didn't know what to do; his army was fighting and killing the dragon witches. While him and his personal guards have been rotating shifts checking and making sure everything was running smoothly. It was truly exhausting, but he didn't want his kingdom unguarded when the other kingdoms knew they were so weak. How long will these Dragon Witches be at it?

Meanwhile Patton was coming to the docks; he needed a break from his life and was planning on swimming in the cold water or maybe he would try to fish. When he arrived he saw Roman and a smile instantly flew to his face. He skipped over to Roman, dropping his fishing pole, and plopped down next to him. Roman jumped away once again, splashing Patton. His head raced to who had made the sudden noise and swoosh of air, while his hand raced to his sword in case he needed it. Once he saw it was Patton he let his tight grip he had on his sword go. His gaze shifted away from Patton's bright one to the reflective waters. Secretly he stared at Patton through the water.

" You look stressed again! Is it because of the Dragon Witches? " Patton ask with a worried smile as he moved his head trying to look Roman in the eyes.

Roman let out a sigh and kept his gaze on the waters (Patton). After a couple of minutes of Roman thinking over every word he wanted to say while Patton waited patiently with a nervous smile.

" Do not worry, we will fix this Dragon witch problem but unless this escalates it's not of your concern " Roman said as he looks at a frowning Patton.


And escalate it did

The army came back barley alive and unsuccessful at threatening them away, sending them back out would be suicide. And with the other kingdoms wallowing in Jealousy of their wealth, they refused to help.

Patton offered and offered to help but Roman was too scared to accept. He froze; he didn't know what to do. Out of desperation Roman went out by himself to kill off some of the Dragon witches, to give his people the best chance.


Roman fought bravely against a strong dragon witch but was thrown to the ground after trying to cut open it's neck. Right as the Dragon witch got close, so close he could feel the cold sticky breath of it. It was going to kill him and probably feed him to her cubs. The dragon witch leans in closer and opens her large mouth. Letting out a breath of air, so thick he could see. Roman was staring down a pit of death filled with sharp yellow teeth that were rotting and had meat stuck on them. She was closing in but before she could bite down on his body smoke that had filled the cold air caught both their attention. She lifted her head towards the smoke, wanting to investigate she flaps her heavy wings and soon takes flight towards south.

A breath of relief flies out of his mouth as he gets up from the waving grass. Roman takes in a couple of breaths he thought he would never be able to take again. Soon the relief drowns as he realizes where the smoke come from. Tears and worries appear as he runs to the kingdom.

Injured and out of breath he arrives too late to Carota. He is left to watch the rubble burn. The whole kingdom was basically all wood, so the fire spread quite quickly. Thinking quickly he ran to help people out as the dragon witches circled the place, spitting more fire into the already huge flames. Some Dragon witches were landing and scoping people up.


In the end Roman was only able to help out about 30 people. The rest burned or were eaten- probably both. Roman never found out what happen to Patton, he never found out who was Patton, or what could have been.

Roman was never strong enough to rebuild, so the people left while Roman stayed. Thinking over and over everyday that he should have let his high walls down for the help.

Author's Note

Have a good day guys, feel free to leave suggestion. Also on a side note did you know Carota is Daucus Carota is a white flowering plant, which common names includes wild carrot, bird's nest, bishop's lace, and Queen Anne's lace. Idk, just thought it funny- I randomly thought of the word Carota for the Kingdom's name and I looked it up on google with the microphone to get an idea on how to spell it and that popped out.

So when their saying Carota is burning, their say the wild carrot is burning.

So did you like it or did you hate it?

Love you all, see ya next time!
