
Anakin Skywalker x Obi-Wan Kenobi

"You were my brother Anakin, I loved you."

So I know that he said 'I love you' but some people are forgetting the part he said before that. 'You were my brother Anakin.' BROTHER. I don't really get how people ship them because Obi-Wan bascially raised him and then the age gap? People are always complaining about the so called age gap between Anakin and Padmé but their age gap is 16 years or something. So this ship is a big no for me and I know I'm definitely not the only one. But I'm sure that for some people that this ship brings them happiness and then it can be really hard to not ship them because they are the only thing that make you happy, I know the feeling. They also make me happy but as brothers.

I am also ready to get destroyed by them in the Kenobi series. Their relationship is getting even more sad.
