Miraculous Oc

Name: Cosette Dupont

Age: 15 (during the first season)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight 

Kwami: Wolf

Hero Name: Ulva (means she wolf) 

Personality: At first she might seem as if she is closed off or rude but really she is sweet and caring, and loves to meet new people. Though people sometimes have a hard time approaching her because of the way she looks. She also is very loyal and very honest.

Appearance: She has brown hair and grey/silver eyes. She has light brown freckles that go across her cheeks and nose. And she is 5'1.

Casual clothes:

Hero Outfit:

Jewelry/Miraculous: A silver anklet that has a snowflake with a small blue gem in the center of it. 

Phrase: Loup, fangs out!   Loup, fangs in!

Weapon: Whip

Abilities: Enhanced hearing, seeing in the dark, and speed.

Specialty: Frostbite, which allows her to freeze pretty much anything but time.

Likes: The color red, macaroons, music, singing, animals, and helping others. 

Dislikes: The color yellow, spicy food, school work, and rude people.

Strength(s): Loyalty 

Weakness(es): Her honesty

Crush: Luka Couffaine

How she met her Crush: Cosette was outside in her front yard, singing when Luka was on his bike, riding by with his guitar on his back. When he heard her, he stopped and started to play his guitar, startlingly Cosette. They ended up talking for a bit, but never introduced themselves. They bumped into each other every once in awhile, soon learning each others names.

Background: Her father is from America and her mother is from Belfort. They met when her mother went on a trip to America, and her father decided to move to Belfort with her. A few years after Cosette was born, her father left her mother and went back to America. (Her mother and father were never married so that is why she has her mother's last name.) Cosette and her mother lived in Belfort for most of Cosette's life before her mother got a job offer in Paris. But before moving to Paris, Cosette found an anklet, and soon became Ulva. (The anklet was the wolf miraculous that came from one of the other boxes of miraculous that was destroyed by Master Fu a long time ago.)

Kwami's Name: Loup

Gender: Male

Appearance: (My own drawing)

Personality: He's very playful and energetic. He loves being there for his holder and helping her with her problems. Though he tends to have a sarcastic side.

Likes: Chocolate and playing around.

Dislikes: Having to sit still and rude people. 
