Kaneko Hyuuga ((Primary OC))

Name: Kaneko Hyuuga

Nickname: The Lost Twin

Age: 12 ((We're starting off from the beginning, not Shippuden. But we'll get there.))

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance: [Media]

Clan: The Hyuuga Clan

Family Members: Sara Hyuuga- Mother [Deceased], Kai Hyuuga- Father [Deceased], Koinu Hyuuga- Twin Sister [Deceased], Sekai Hyuuga- Uncle [Living], Zun Hyuuga- Cousin [Living]

Personality: Kaneko tends to be very straight forward, though this tends to be considered rude. She is very hard-working and always feels the need to try and be better than everyone else to prove herself to her family. Koneko can also be very sarcastic when moody, which is often.

Likes: Cats, Training, and Sketching/Sketching ((A secret talent of her's.))

Dislikes: Boredom, Failure, and Being Proved Wrong

Element Affinity Now: Water, Earth, Boil, Crystal, Wind ((Due to the 5-Tailed))

Element Affinity Shippuden: Water, Earth, Boil, Lightning, Wind, Fire, Wood, Crystal, Yin, Yang

Kekkei Genkai: Byakugan  

Best Skill: Ninjutsu

Worst Skill: Genjutsu ((Gets better throughout her training.))

Kekkai Gekai: Byakugan

Taijutsu: 7/10

Ninjutsu: 8/10

Genjutsu: 4/10

Strength: 6/10

Dexterity: 9/10

Intelligence: 8/10

Wisdom: 9/10

Stamina: 7/10

Backstory: Kaneko's father had passed away in battle not too long before she was born, leaving her mother with her and her twin sister, Koinu Hyuga. Kaneko's mother never told them the story of how their father died, only that he served a great purpose in doing so, leaving them to wonder. Once Kaneko and Koinu were eight years of age, their mother began training them in taijutsu and a bit of ninjutsu. Sadly, their mother became gravely ill at their age of nine, passing away. Because the two siblings were at the lower ranks of the Hyuga clan, it took awhile to find someone to take them in. Unfortunately, Koinu had ended up getting the same disease as her mother not too long after the two's uncle, an upper rank, took them in. Because of the illness, Koinu died as well, leaving Kaneko without her closest friend. Not too long after, Sekai, Kaneko's uncle, began to have emotional problems because his wife had caught the disease that Koinu had been infected with, taking the anger out on missions, training, and Kaneko. Due to all the pain Kaneko was put through, mentally and physically, Kaneko kept herself isolated. This made many, all but her uncle, think Kaneko was dead. And because of the strength she had gathered at such a young age, Kaneko was given the name The Lost Twin in resemblance to her past, that is until she was once again known to be alive.

Goal: To become stronger than all of the Hyuga's in able for her to prove that she isn't just some stupid, low-class brat.

Ninja Way: To always be loyal to those of the Leaf, even if she hates them.

Other: Kaneko is treated like dust by the other Hyugas for being apart of the lowest branch of the Hyuga family as well as the Five-Tailed beast.

Quote: "It's true that in today's society, people think that having no friends is a bad thing. But that really isn't true.. All friends do is get in the way of one's work, always becoming a distraction."
