Chapter Seven

A/N: And I come back from the dead! HAHA! Death thy name is Writers Block!

Thank you guys for all the wonderful reviews! I really love you all.

Now on with the story:

Bella's POV:

"Sorry. I was gonna knock." he said sheepishly. "I-I wanted to apologize for my disappearing act earlier."

"It's fine. Most people don't like the sight of blood. I understand." She smiled.

"Or love it and live off it" I mumble under my breath

"Something like that." Stefan said as he shot me a warning and pleading look I roll my eyes.. Elena didn't notice are little exchange she was too busy admiring him.

"How did you know where she lived?" I interrogated narrowing my eyes into slits.

"Small town, I asked the first person I saw." He replied flinching a bit. "I came to return this."

He had Elena's journal in his hands. She looked relieved.

"Thank you so much! I was worried I lost it." She exclaimed.

"You're welcome." He smiled. "I didn't read it."

"Why? Most people would." she asked.

"I wouldn't want people to read mine." he shrugged.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "C'mon Elena, Bonnie is waiting for us at the Grill."

"I'm sorry. Were you going somewhere?" he asked.

"Yeah, but you don't have to wait out there." Elena said walking away from the door.

"What are you doing here Salvatore?" I asked steely.

"I came to give Elena's journal back." he replied

"And you just so happened to ask the first person you asked?" I accused.

Elena walked back out before he could answer. "So Stefan, we were gonna meet up with some friends. Would you like to join us?"

"I would love to, that is if you don't mind Bella." he asked sending me another pleading look.

I wanted to roll my eyes again but, I didn't knowing they might get stuck up there one day. I just nodded and headed for Elena's SUV, when Elena stopped me.

"Actually Bells I was thinking since it's such a nice night we might walk. You know save some gas?" She asked with a look that begged me to go along with it. I gave her you've got to be kidding me look but nodded again. God I'm such a pushover.

We (meaning me, mostly) walked in silence. As we were walking I couldn't help, but wonder back to the conversation. What were Stefan and Elena talking about? What about the 'disappearing act', and why was Elena bleeding. I guess Stefan and I will have a little talk later.

When we got to the Grill Bonnie and Caroline waved us over. We waved back and made our way to them. I slid in next to Bonnie, giving her a side hug. All of us settled in our seats, ordered food and drinks. We all sat in silence for a second then Caroline started the Spanish Inquisition.

"So you're from Mystic Falls?" she asked

"I was born here, we moved when I was a baby." he replied taking a sip of his drink.

"Parents?" Bonnie asked

"They died when I was a kid." he looked down and turned his head to Elena at her almost silent gasp. She gave him an understanding look.

"Any siblings?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"None that I talk to." he said giving a pointed look. "I live with my Uncle."

"So Stefan if you're new you don't know about the party happening Friday." Caroline interjected.

"It's a back to school thing at the Falls." Bonnie explained

"Are you going?" Stefan asked Elena. She hesitated

"Of course she is." I said surprising myself and everyone around me. Elena and Stefan exchange a few glances before looking away smiling. I had to admit they did look cute together and it wasn't fair to Stefan that I was being rude to him. He was looking out for me. I just didn't think it was fair for Stefan to tell me what to do and assume that Damon would put my life in danger. Vampires attract other vampires. What is he going to do if other vampires arrive in Mystic Falls and see Elena who IS the splitting image of Katherine. We were in for a world of trouble.

Saturday afternoon, Elena and I spent the day shopping with Bonnie and Caroline. I didn't hate it as much as I did with Alice. She use to shove skirts and other pink items in my arms saying she saw me wearing them. But with these girls its different. It was easier to buy what I liked instead of what Elena, Caroline, or Bonnie shoved in my arms. Well Caroline occasionally did but never forced me to buy it.

I was heading to my car to put some of my bags in the car, when I walked right into a very muscular chest. Arms wrapped around me preventing me from falling backwards.

"Whoa there Klutzy." I looked up and saw those familiar blue eyes.

"Damon?" I whispered.

"Hey Beautiful, nice to see you again." He smiled, and pulled me into a hug. I was awestruck but hugged him back.

"I'm so sorry about all those thing I said. I didn't mean any of them." I rushed to get the words out before he could stop me.

"I know, and it's ok," Damon nodded. "So little bird tells me you've met dear old Stefan."

I pulled out of his arms, and rolled my eyes. "Could that little bird you?"

He chuckled but nodded sheepishly. "I'm proud of you."

"Well I learned from the best. Thank you for the vervain by the way." I shrugged nonchalantly

"You're welcome." he said brushing my hair behind my ear "So what are your plans for this evening?"

"There's this beginning of the year party at the Falls." I said opening up the Elena's trunk and tossing my bags in it. "It's really just an excuse to get super wasted and all that jazz."

"Are you going?" He asked me shutting the trunk for me.

"Yeah, I'm Elena's designated driver. Speaking of Elena, I have to get back." I looked up at him "See you later?"

He looked at me with contemplating eyes. He huffed, seeming to make up his mind, and swiftly placed a soft, lingering kiss on my stunned lips.

"Most definitely. I'll see you around, Piccola." He called walking away from me.

I stood there with my fingertips resting on my lips. My mind reeling from the kiss.

What happened just now?

Elena and I decided to get ready at my house since my room was bigger and I had my own bathroom. Taylor Swift blared from my speakers, mixing with the sweet notes of the floral perfume that Elena had sprayed and the sticky sweet smell of the hairspray. I had requested that Elena help me with my make up so I didn't look like a hot mess.

"So what was with you this afternoon?" she asked as she applied some kind of face make-up on me.

"What do you mean?" I asked muffled as she patted powder on me.

"I mean when you came back from the car you were all Space Cadet like." she miffed.

"Oh. It was nothing." I brushed it off as if I still wasn't thinking about it.

"Uh huh, and I'm the queen of Sheba. Whats going on Bells?" she asked as she brushed some lip stick on my lips.

I sighed and complied. I told her about Damon and Phoenix. I didn't tell her everything like he was Stefan's brother or that she looked like Katherine, but I told her everything else. I didn't shed any tears, but I had a huge knot in my throat like I was going to.

"So he's back in town?" she asked as we left the house.

"I guess. I haven't quite figured out his angle for being here, but forget that. Let's go have fun and do something we might regret in the morning."

We got there right as the party was picking up. I looked around and, spotted Caroline and Bonnie. I pointed them out to Elena and we walked in their direction.

As we mingled with everyone, I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. I shook my head and bumped into Stefan. He caught me by my elbows.

"Geez why do I keep bumping into you Salvatores'?" I mumbled.

"Just lucky I guess?" He miffed "Can we talk?"

"So you do have a funny bone. Sorry and sure." I said a bit of sarcasm slipping out.

"No, it's ok." he chuckled a bit.

We walked around and reached a secluded part of the woods.

"So is this part of the story where you try to drain me of all my blood?" I joked

"Har Har. No, I was just gonna ask you, if you saw Damon too?"

"Yeah, and spare me the whole 'He's dangerous you should stay away from him' speech, because I won't listen."

"I wasn't going to. You're just as stubborn as he is."

"Yeah well I learned from the best." I sighed. "I should apologize."

"For what?" he asked, generally confused.

"Being so rude to you at school at the beginning of the week." I shrugged my jacket closer to my body.

"Oh. Well apology accepted." he said shrugging his shoulders.

"So how did you wind up with Elena's journal?" I asked

He was about to answer when a scream ripped through the air. I looked towards the general direction of the scream, and began to run towards it. I reached it before Stefan did and saw a figure attacking Vickie.

"Hey!" I called. I felt a building pressure in my head and the thing attacking her dropped its hold on her and clutched its head. Stefan finally caught up to me, grabbed it and ran off. I rushed to Vickie and saw a huge bite mark.I hurriedly to the scarf I'd been wearing off and started putting pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding. Jeremy came stumbling through the break of trees.

"Jeremy! I need help!" I called to him.

"Bella? Whats wrong? Who- VICKIE?" He cried. "What happened?"

"A huge animal was about to kill her." I said rushing the words.

"How the heck were you able to fight it off?"

"Dont worry about it. Just help me get her out of here." I snapped.

It took some effort but we managed to get her back to the party. "Someone call 911!" I barked.

A crowd gathered around us as Jeremy and I got her to the ground carefully.

"C'mon Vick wake up." I whispered.

She sat up, gasped with eyes wide open and passed out again. Matt came rushing to her, so I moved away letting him take care of his sister. I looked around the crowd and met Stefan's stare. He simply nodded and began to walk away.

I shook my head in disbelief, and went to stand next to Elena and Bonnie. They bombarded me with questions, and I told them exactly what I'd told Jeremy. It was an animal attack.

But I knew it really was.


A/N: And that's where I'm ending! Sorry it was short!

