Chapitre Onze: Localité

How can one be so sweet?
To change a man's heart,
To make it skip a beat.
To tear his mind apart
Simply from a smile,
Or a melodic laugh
To never be so vile,
With evils cut in half.
How can one be so sweet,
To make my heart skip a beat?

"Perfect!" My joyous cry rang around the office as I read over what Lionel wrote. For a week now we had been working on poems and letters to woo his 'soulmate.'

It was going well for a man who forgot how to love. He smiled and handed it to Claude. "Send it with the others." The brown ribbon moved as if to bow and scurried off with the parchment in hand(really it was just floating in the air).

I simply assumed after all this time that the letters were being sent to the girl, I had no reason to doubt it after all. I sighed and took a seat on the couch, brushing my hands against the lacey fabric of my dress.

"Adele certainly has you dress up today." Lionel shifted his chair to face me more, resting his arms on his desk.

"Yes, she wanted me to dress up more than usual." Of course she did. It was my birthday, meaning I'm now twenty-one. I watched as a confident smirk stretched across his face, his features mirroring amusement.

"I wonder why she picked today of all days?" He knew. I could tell that he was up to something. He stood up and walked to a box sitting in the corner. Said box was strange looking, with large circular holes along the sides.

He picked it up and walked over to me. I raised a brow as he set it in my lap, but I was nearly terrified when it moved. "Lionel? What's in the box?"

He gave a chuckle, obviously enjoying my reaction. "Open it." I didn't trust him very much at this moment, but opened the lid nevertheless.

I almost had a heart-attack when a white blur jumped out and began to lick my face. Laughs erupted from me as I grabbed the small being and held it away from my face.

The small puppy was cheerfully looking between the two of us before barking lightly. "So... So cute!" I hugged it to my chest, ignoring all of the licks to my face.

"Bon anniversaire." (1)

"Merci!" (2)

I giggle as the puppy jumped out of my arms and stood in front of Lionel, barking a couple of times to get his attention. "What breed is it? I don't think I've ever seen its kind in Ireland."

"Bichon Frisé. It's highly popular for nobles and royalty to have this breed here in France." I smiled once more as the puppy walked circles around Lionel, trying to keep his attention.

"What should I name her?" I quietly asked myself as I examined the dog.

"Blanche." I heard Lionel mutter as he examined the dog.

I shook my head, naming my dog a colour didn't sit well with me. "How about Fiona?" It was basically the same meaning as Blanche, but Irish.

He seemed to consider the idea, tilting his head at the thought. "Fiona..." The name was foreign to him, and it honestly sounded ridiculous coming from his mouth.

I laughed lightly, enjoying this moment of peace. The next few minutes were spent with Fiona running around the room in circles, and when Lionel sat down beside me she jumped up, resting on his lap.

He tried to push her off and to scare her away, but nothing worked. Instead the puppy made herself even more comfortable and laid her head down.

I stopped myself from laughing again, with thoughts running through my head and questions that would remain unanswered.

Is it right for me to be so happy? I am a prisoner. Why was he being so kind to me? What would Father think if he saw me now? Where is Father? Is he doing alright? Has he returned to Ireland or is he still waiting for my return?

"You're doing it again." I looked up, breaking my train of thought. "Stop thinking so much. The last time you did it put you in a miniture depression, and I'd rather not deal with anymore adulthood angst, I have it bad enough."

Fiona looked up at him, before getting up and moving over to me. She settled down in my lap, licking my hands in the process. "If you don't mind me asking... I was wondering if my Father... had returned home to...Ireland."

The last time I brought up Ireland we ended up having a fight, which consisted of me running off into a forest for hours on end. I looked down, waiting for an answer; whether it be in a growl or a yell.

"I thought you'd ask that sooner or later." His response shocked me. I wasn't ready for him to sound so nonchalant about it, in fact it seemed like he was waiting for me to ask. "He did return to Ireland in the winter, but he returned when the weather allowed."

He kept tabs on my Father. Although it seemed creepy in a way, it was still a very thoughtful gesture. I smiled. It was simply enough for me to know that he was well and came back for me.

"If you'd like, I-I'll let you see him today. You can return to the village." My eyes widened in shock as I stared at the king beside me.

"You'll- you'll let me go back? Even for a day?" He turned his gaze to the ground, but nodded his head.

"But you must return tomorrow... please." I was absolutely overjoyed at the thought of seeing my Father again for the first time in months.

"Oh! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

He still seemed uncertain about setting me free, but smiled at my enthusiasm. "The carriage is already waiting out front."

He had planned to let me go all along. I smiled even wider, if it was possible, and leaned over to kiss his cheek. "Thank you." I muttered one last time before picking up Fiona and racing out of the door.

~~A Few Hours Later~~

"Is it a noble?"

"No, obviously it's royalty! Look at the carriage!"

"But the only true royal is the King. Why would he come here?"

A crowd gathered as the carriage stopped in front of the DuBois' home. I glared at the yellow paint, but smiled once the driver opened the door.

"Mademoiselle." The man assisted me out as the DuBois exited out the front door. "Alana?" I smiled at the sisters as they ran forward and hugged the life out of me.

"What are you doing here? I thought that you were being held prisoner!" Marie seemed to be shocked, but Claire was far calmer and seemed to just accept the fact that I was there.

"Did you marry a noble? I mean look at you! A beautiful lace dress, a carriage, and even a Bichon puppy!" Fiona sat, patiently waiting to be picked up.

I complied, lifting her from the floor of the carriage and into my arms. "Alana? Alana!" My Father flew out of the door, squeezing me even tighter than the two girls had.

"Oh, how I missed you!" Tears sprung to my eyes as I relished this moment, engraving it into my memory.

"He let me go Papa, for the day at least. I must return tomorrow."

He let me go a bit, looking into my eyes. "We must waste no time then!" He grabbed my arm and guided me inside, allowing me a moment to greet the DuBois', who were each very glad that I was safe and unharmed.

Everard, however, was out hunting with some of his friends and wouldn't be back for another day or two. "Tell me everything dear, don't leave out a single detail."

Of course I left many details out. I didn't tell him that Lionel was a beast or how often we fought. "I had a strange dream, you see I accidently ate a peach leading to an allergic reaction. In the dream, or memory perhaps, I-I recalled my sixth birthday."

His facial expression fell as he inspected my face. "I was almost glad that you were hit with that candle stick; I didn't want you to remember what happened."

So it was true. I didn't have a dream, I had a memory. "Please don't explain any further Papa, I understand." The topic was changed immediantly afterwards, onto happier and more cheerful news.

Supper that night was far more silent on my part.

How could he have been turned into a beast? He was so kind to me, so gentle. He let me go for Christ's Sake! He let me go on my birthday to be with my only family, yet he asks for nothing in return.

He's given me dresses and shoes, food, a library, even a puppy. The only thing I have given him was companianship.

I lost my appetite as my thoughts switched to Lionel.

What would he do if I didn't return? No. I wouldn't- couldn't do that to him. I promised that I would help him win the girl, whomever she may be, over. I couldn't abandon him now.

But why did my heart hurt at the idea of him loving another? Why did it hurt me to think that another woman would break the spell, and that I would be cast aside?

Becuase I, whether or not I wanted to admit it, cared for him.

"Alana? Darling it's getting late, why don't you retire for the night?" I noticed that the sisters had already gone to bed while I was staring out the window deep in thought.

"Yes, I shall see you all in the morning. Come along Fiona." The puppy followed me up the stairs and into a spare guest room.

"What am I going to do with myself? I tried so hard to help him win this girl's love and now I just want to sabotage everything."

Fiona just stared at me blankly before diving underneath the covers. "You're right. I need to ignore these petty emotions and push through."


(1)~ Happy Birthday

(2)~ Thank you
