little update

my good, darling friends, how are we?

i went to see les miserables today (remarkable, cried the entire act two, in love with Enjolras. i'm coping). besides the point, but also not, because seeing musical theatre reminded me this book exists. so hi!

basically, i was going to rewrite and take this book down. but, i've decided against that. i'm going to some editing, so when i do that, i'll let you guys know because i will highly recommend rereading. i do intend to continue this, but i want to mention ahead of time that it probably won't focus on the ted lasso plot a HUGE amount for two reasons;

1. i no longer have apple tv, so the episodes aren't as easily accessible to me and therefore not as easy to write bit by bit like golden was at times.

2. anwen does not work at richmond nor will she ever, so she'd probably only be at proper matches and get togethers. she gets a lot more of her own plot than connie did in golden basically lol.

but yes. i intend to get back to it. this is just to say hi, i love you, i haven't forgotten you. i'm very active on tumblr (also named of-apollo) at the minute so please do come check me out and say hi there in the meantime. talk about this, talk about golden, send a request, tell me about your day. anything :)

have a glorious weekend team
