So This is What Love Feels Like

Oh. My. God. Guys, it's been so long!! Okay, I'm sorry I know I was kind of the worst human being ever and I understand that I'll never earn your forgiveness (ever). Buttt, I hope this chapter makes up for it. School has been so annoying and I have a hundred assignments to do at least, but I love you guys and wanted to check in on my Wattpad (which I haven't updated in like, a century?), so please please take pity on my poor soul. :C

Rani was pacing, and it was really getting on Kion's nerves. Like, a lot.

"But what if I fail miserably at being queen?" Rani asked for the millionth time.

Kion sighed and said, "Rani, I know being queen is stressful and all, but could you please stop pacing and think for a second?"

Rani nodded and took a deep breath. Kion smiled gratefully at her and gestured for her to come and rest on his paws. She walked over to where Kion was lazing around (but still managing to look handsome as ever somehow) and laid down on his soft paws.

"You know, I love you."

"I do know that, actually."

Rani smiled, temporarily happy without all her responsibilities weighing her down - just content to lie there and laze around with the love of her life. Or actually, she would be content after a kiss. As if reading her mind, Kion leaned down and gently grazed his snout against hers - only to be assaulted with her tongue. She licked his cheek and grinned at him.

"You're so perfect."

"Well, not with that whole situation back there," Kion chuckled, gesturing to his back.

Rani gasped, "Oh my gosh Kion! I totally forgot about that! Does it feel better? Do you need me to lick it or something? I remember you liked that before."

Kion laughed at Rani's sudden fussing, "Yes, and yes." With a blush, he added, "I still like it."

Rani beamed and got up on her paws to face Kion's healing scar. *Warning, it might get weird for some of you guys here. It doesn't get that weird, but it's always better to be safe than sorry.* Kion looked away, unable to face her after his request.

"Tell me if it hurts, okay?" Rani said tenderly, still worried about him. She tentatively poked at his scar with her tongue and when Kion didn't say anything, she took that as permission to lick a stripe across the whole thing. Rani gently massaged the area with her tongue and paused only to lick him again. Kion shivered and grunted when Rani pressed a little too hard.

"You okay?"

A nod was her only response. Rani continued massaging him and stopped a little while later. She had jumped at the opportunity to help Kion because she was always freaking out about being queen, and Kion was over there with a ginormous injury. It felt like she was useless to him sometimes.

"Rani, you should do this more often. I feel so much better. Thanks." Kion smiled at her and Rani felt like the world faded around her as she focused solely on him. Suddenly, a foot of distance between their faces became too much. Rani closed it and pressed her seemingly talented tongue against Kion's snout.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too, but what's with the sudden affection?"

"Just felt like it."

Kion grinned and returned the kiss with much more vigor than her, temporarily surprising Rani. It didn't take long for her to come back though, as they kissed for a while before realizing that animals needed air.

It was sometime later - after a long afternoon well spent with Kion, that the reality of the world hit Rani with as much force as a truck. Her queenly responsibilities suddenly weighed down on her shoulders and she felt like she had so much to do. Rani groaned and sighed as the peaceful meadow became too quiet for her to bear.

Kion noticed this and said, "Rani, don't worry. You'll be an amazing queen."

Rani felt so full. Like she could burst. The happiness almost crushed her as she beamed (probably brighter than the Sun) at him. Kion's words of assurance cultivated her low self-confidence as she smiled before sauntering away.

"Hey Rani, if this was all it took I would've done it a long time ago! It would've saved me the pacing, at least," Kion called out before shaking his head and laughing.

He loved her so much.
