Chapter two: I could be wrong now, but I believe Honey-senpai is in love

Honey's P.O.V. continues.

Everyone was bursting with excitement as everyone told their guests about the party. It had been a week or so since Iji joined the host club as our erand boy and server. I couldn't help but stare at her cuteness from time to time and blush whenever  she caught me. Her uniform looked so cute on her, it's light airy yellow complimenting the blonde in her dirty blonde hair and the hints of  brown in it matched her nearly black, big, round eyes that made my heart seem to turn to liquid. "Honey...Honey?" I woke up from my day dream in a quick start  "O-oh. Hi Iji, what's up?" " Would you mind helping me eat this cake? I just can't finish it all and my break is gonna end soon" "O-of course I wouldn't mind!" I moved Usa-chan from the seat opposite of me and held out her chair after she set down the sweet with two silver forks " What a gentlemen, but that is to be expected from a first rate host" she said as she sat "Oh, your just trying to sweet talk me Iji" I gushed in reply and I sat down myself. I stuck a small bite of the half piece of cake onto my fork and put my free hand under it, moving it to Iji's mouth "Wh-what are you doing Honey?" I could see her gush in a suprised expression "Come on" I begged " It's gonna fall off the fork if you don't eat it soon" finally she leaned forward and cosumed the bit of sweet and she smiled "Now it's your turn" She copied my motions and I took no time copying hers, soon we had fed each other the entire half piece. I hadn't noticed the fangirls until that moment. They were staring intently as if waiting for something else to happen "Oh Honey, you have some frosting on your nose" She leaned over and licked my nose slowly,causing the other guests to squeal wildly " Oh It is too much, they are so cute!" "I know! Honey is Iji your girlfriend already?" My face felt hot as those words hit my ears and I stuttered nervously "S-She is not my girlfriend" It was then Takashi ruined the moment "Iji" "What up Mori-kun?" "Get back to work, your break is over" "Nonsense Takashi, she is fine" "Okay" Mori could not resist obeying Honey's orders.

"So Honey" Iji's face was in a soft, warm smile "Yeah Iji" "Well, you see" she rubbed the back of her neck, seeming to get nervous " I was wondering if you wanted to go shopping this weekend with me, since I couldn't join you when we first met" "I'd love to! how about on Saturday,say I pick you up about noon?" "Sounds perfect"

(Okay, so just to show what is going on with the rest of the host club i'm switching gears for a bit)

"Men, we have a serious mission now" Tamaki stated with a serious expression "It seems pretty obvious that Honey likes Iji!"

"Or they are friends and are going shopping together to hang out" Haruhi stated with her usual state of sense and logic. 

maniacle laughter filled the host's ears along with the sound of gears grinding and shifting around and none other than Renge, the host clubs otaku manager appeared from the rig she usually appeared on " Oh Haruhi, obviously you have no idea about love. And have you learned nothing about Honey's hidden motives? and it seems Iji is hiding some secrets of her own. the signs are obvious" and a powerpoint on a screen came down 

"Wait, since when can a music room have a projector screen?" Haruhi questioned while looking at the screen and renge began 

"Sign one: the two are very close and have gotten ver comfortable and even flirty in each others presence" she switched the slide "Sign two: the two are always around each other and have common interests" She switched the slide, going through all 5 steps and she disappeared with ninja-like stealth.

"Anyway, if we are done explaining that Renge. I want to help Honey-Senpai by helping him win that maiden's heart!" "It seems like that really isn't the problem Boss" The twins said in unison,pointing to Iji and Honey laughing and giggling as he was tickling her and the fangirls were gathered around them like vultures stalking a corpse and Tamaki stamped his foot trying to regain his troops focus "Men, this is serious! I want to help Mitsukuni tell how he feels. Now were gonna do it at the ball so we have two weeks to have a plan" "Looking at her records she already has dancing skills and skills in various other hobbies, but she struggles with her grades at times. That might be a problem" Kyoya contributed in Tamaki's antics as he usually did 

"I'm out" Mori stated in his regular monotone, emotionless way from a chair he was sitting in silently "WHAT?!" "Are you okay,Mori senpai?" "Yeah" "A-anyway " Tamaki stuttered at Mori's sudden irratic behavior "We must do it at the party! it is the perfect setting!" Tamaki enthused " The two dancing beneath the cherry blossoms. Laughing and giggling, seeming to speak a different language to each other " Tamaki fawned, imagining it and going on one of his lengthy "lessons" "Alright men, operation help Honey- senpai get his girl is in action!. Now please take these formations once the both of them are here. We are basically going to tell Honey senpai how to get her heart "Were out too boss" The twins stated "Yeah, count me out too Senpai" Haruhi said "WHAT?! not you guys too!" " Honey-Senpai seems to not need any help. Now we need to continue party planning or the party won't be ready until december" But Tamaki was not any help, he was in his depression corner,as they had named it , gorging on commoner's ramen. The other hosts waited until he came out of it to include him. It was then that a certain lolita boy joined the others, Iji not in tow to their suprise "H-hey guys" he whispered as if hiding something "Yeah Honey?" The others replied with slight intrigue " Do you think Iji could come to the a guest?" Tamaki fangirled everywhere "Of course she can! you two, dancing together" He went on until Haruhi stopped him, using her lawyer-like logic and Tamaki collected himself "Yes, but on one condition" He pulled a golden invitation from his blazer pocket and handed it to the much shorter blonde "You must ask her, and be her host for the whole night!" Mitsukuni shook as he took it, blushing like a little cherry Tomato and nodding as he slipped it into his own pocket Tamaki smiled at the boy, getting to his level on one knee "Mitsukuni, your a host. No need to be nervous, this is what we do! romancing ladies is the point of this club, Just do it!" "Look who is talking boss" the twins said in unison and perfect symetry " What I don't get" Hikaru started the sentence, allowing his brother to finish " Is why he would go for her I mean, she looks like one of snow white's seven dwarves" A loud thud went throughout the now almost emptied room, both the twins a victim to a small dose of Honey's martial art skills and he took the dopplegangers by their shirt collars, obviously angry as he muttered the words out clearly "Don't you ever talk about Iji in that way again or you will be sorry" And he went back over to Iji with a bright smile, escorting her out arm in arm.

"It has finally happened! looks like our little loli boy has found his true love!" Tamaki said, going back into one of his amazing daydreams and Haruhi snapped him out of it "We need to go senpai, we do have to go you know" "Y-yeah, sorry. " Tamaki stood up and followed the others out, closing the host club for the time being.

 ( My regular computer is down so sorry for the slow updating :( )
